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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 229.6 hrs on record (123.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 6 Jul, 2016 @ 6:27pm
Updated: 2 Mar, 2020 @ 7:06pm

APB Reloaded? HELL YES !

Cheaters YES !

Lag YES !

Go work for a month so you can stay competitive YES !

Awesome customization YES !

You wanna lose your mind getting raged on and killed by hackers 24/7 YES!

Overall? Enjoyed the game. Rly did, called a few friends in, all gave up after 3-4 days cause the cheating got to a point of stupidity.
Will I play again? Probably yes, Im stupid that way.

Recommendation? Play while you're bronze, when you get to silver, just delete the game ! GL HF!

Hey what do you know! I came back to the game after a few years or so rly dono dont rly care.

Cheaters: Still active - Yes
Pay to win: Still pay to win - Yes
Worth the gametime? No.
If I'm gonna be serious for a minute I would say the following about this game:
Has a ton of potential.
Game developers dont give a s*** about balance or cheaters.
Except for an event here or there, some more pay to win guns, some more "customization" for your car / character ( payed for ofc ) nothing new / special / interesting about this game.
If this game had a cheat for EVERYONE it would still suck. It came to this point.
Bronze => Silver => Delete The Game
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