
Nikolai Ludovik☦ 最近的評論

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目前顯示第 1-10 項,共 14 項
1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 18.1 小時 (評論時已進行 17.0 小時)
Good if you have people to play with and events to attend.
張貼於 2020 年 11 月 29 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
13 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 0.5 小時
For a free game, I didn't expect it to be this good.
Give it a try if you like unsettling games
張貼於 2020 年 10 月 31 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
40 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
10 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 25.5 小時 (評論時已進行 19.5 小時)
Made by Doomers, for Doomers
張貼於 2020 年 6 月 5 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 90.0 小時 (評論時已進行 50.0 小時)
This is an EVENT type game. You either join a squad of at least 5 people (with friends or join a clan), and play in events up to 80 people. This isn't a "jump in" game by yourself. If you understand that, you will have plenty of fun. If you don't communicate with your squad and try to lone wolf you are almost guaranteed to lose.

Otherwise, except some technical issues such as big loading times (on HDD at least) and the game just crashing once in a while after an update, the gameplay is fine. Make sure you check your files before an event, just for good measure.
張貼於 2020 年 6 月 3 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
3 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 3.0 小時 (評論時已進行 3.0 小時)
A game killed by greed and "mainstream" concepts.

Play Build and Shoot / OpenSpades if you want to experience the original stuff.
Maybe who knows, there will be other games like Ace of Spades such as "Teardown", but we have to see if it delivers.
張貼於 2019 年 11 月 20 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
134 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
3 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 11.4 小時 (評論時已進行 8.9 小時)
Alright, here is a summary of all of the reviews:

-Game's nice and all, although it should've been out from alpha and properly released already.

-The Fun Pimps is taking the game in too many directions and do not have a clear DEFINITIVE vision of the game.

-With every new alpha release, you will see people who praise the changes and say that they brought them back, and then the other side which is complaining about the changes and that the game isn't good anymore and they won't play it.

Basically you will always have a group of people ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about what changes are made because the developers have already changed the game so many times they will never be able to satisfy everyone. So that's that.
In case you are bothered, go to properties for 7 Days To Die in Library, and then the betas section and play what version you want.

Guys, I like your game, and the only thing I can say to you is that you need to finish this project so you can finally have a stable, polished product with plenty of features. You don't need to create the perfect zombie game to topple them all. You just need to create your OWN zombie game. Polish it to the core, let modders in with tools, and boom. Great Game.

Edit: Glad to see people liked my review
張貼於 2019 年 11 月 14 日。 最後編輯於 2020 年 1 月 19 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 2,387.2 小時 (評論時已進行 1,558.8 小時)
CS:GO 評論
Like playing with people that have lower trust factor than yours?
Like being matched with Russians and people who play like bots?
Oh boy we got the game for you
張貼於 2019 年 7 月 1 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
3 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
5 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 3.5 小時
yU dOn'T kNoW dA wEi
張貼於 2018 年 1 月 9 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 114.9 小時 (評論時已進行 75.0 小時)
I bought this game years ago. It became something 1000x times better than what it was when I got it. And I just got it for what it was back then, so I am shocked to see all the progress made now. Buy it.
張貼於 2017 年 2 月 11 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 3.4 小時 (評論時已進行 1.1 小時)
The game runs well (for me), the gameplay is nice, I like the melee system. Easy to learn, hard to master. Try it, you have nothing to lose.
張貼於 2017 年 2 月 9 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
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