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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 188.3 hrs on record (134.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 29 Feb, 2024 @ 5:54pm
Updated: 13 Sep, 2024 @ 12:35am

I will not be adding PSN to the things I have to think about the next time I have to talk to my bank about identity theft. If Sony's gonna poison, then Sony gonna poison.

Edit: Can't play anymore because it always crashes as I become actionable in game. It did not do this before. What a shameful display of incompetence. The developer and this game are a perfect example of pearls before swine. Helldivers 2 has been out for almost 6 months, and they can't seem to touch anything without making it less fun to use.

The failure in fun from balance is so complete, its almost hard to tell if the mistakes in priorities are a result of people who learned game design in a classroom, or played too much of them. Its one thing to have trouble balancing for PvP, but its seriously another to see unbalanced weapons, and unused weapons, and to go for the unbalanced ones first. They go after it like its their fiduciary responsibility to eliminate difficulty skips. DMC games from the golden era have consumable healing items and room clear times for you to buy with normal in game currency. You just buy them. They are not even expensive. They're not the problem, and never are. If your gameplay loop is fun and enjoyable, and its not head to head, they serve a completely different function.

Helldivers 1 was more than willing to go across the board, giving players access to healing that made players, but especially armor, extremely tough, but also BOLT ACTION RIFLES WITH BAYONETS and and other weapons designed to be fun, exciting, or fuel for fun overall, before even thinking about how they fell into the balance of the game, or how they might interact with enemy behavior. This meant there was a "right" way to play the game, but you absolutely wanted to violate 'the rules' and use some of the other stuff, like spammable fire, guns with powerful DoT, stuns, and more and the devs considered that a failure. There might be no 'right' way to play Helldivers 2, but who cares? It was more important that the railgun be balanced than a fun gun. That is a very fundamental mistake to make.

They just don't know what they're doing. Something vitally important got lost, they don't seem like they even noticed it was gone, and they haven't found a replacement yet.
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