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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
42.1 horas registradas (37.8 horas no momento da análise)
Cute hat game with fun platforming and collecting of things. Only complaint is that it's too short without DLC.
Publicada em 1 de julho de 2019.
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7.5 horas registradas
I don't usually make impulse buys. This was most definitely worth the impulse buy.

I have to say I enjoy a lot about the game, the combat, the magic system, the writing, the CATS. The only real flaw I can think of is in how you upgrade your gear; by finding the same item in chests strewn about, or chests bought from the blacksmith. I found myself gravitating towards the Squire set of equipment, which boosts armor and magic to a slightly lesser degree than just investing in one of the two normally, with the axe providing damage + magic, perfect for someone toying with the systems. The helmet and armor are working well enough, keeping up with most of my gear at around level 25 as of the time of writing, being decently common in the chests, but the Squire Axe, which I acquired early on, is still level TWO. The RNG on upgrading seems a bit silly, especially as i've left the Ranger set untouched but it's probably some of my highest leveled gear at this point.

Named gear also seems a bit... underwhelming, for the point i'm at. I got a Skull Helmet that was mildly outclassed by my Squire Helmet decently early on, and the Family Jewels sword was mostly outclassed by similar gear, just looking cool but being not very worthwhile. This problem became a bit more relevant when I got the Golden Key at around level 35, with most of the gear from the Golden Chests in early dungeons seeming roughly on par, if not somewhat below, most of my generic gear.

I guess another issue would be leveling, mostly following quests. I was level 20 or so, and did about 3-4 level 20 quests, and before I knew it, I was roughly level 27 and still had a handful more regular level 20 quests to go. Doing a batch of quests in just the southern half of the continent will easily bump you to around level 30 in just a few hours, with plenty more quests to spare.

Besides that, this game is most certainly worth your time. The combat and spells are fun to play with, and I found myself greatly enjoying my time so far. I'll probably start playing again soon and see how things pan out from there.
Publicada em 26 de dezembro de 2017. Última edição em 26 de dezembro de 2017.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
1,830.9 horas registradas (1,260.3 horas no momento da análise)
Extremely addicting. I always come back to Terraria. Sometimes I take a several month break, sometimes I play 3 different characters from start to endgame in a row, but I always come back. Mods are rad, too!
Publicada em 24 de novembro de 2016. Última edição em 21 de novembro de 2018.
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2,146.1 horas registradas (656.4 horas no momento da análise)
Extremely addicting, especially once you get over the difficulty curve and enter the grind for stat pots.
Publicada em 27 de julho de 2016. Última edição em 17 de novembro de 2016.
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4 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
453.5 horas registradas (311.1 horas no momento da análise)
Upon booting up this once perfectly fine game, I noticed that my FPS was significantly lower than it was in beta. Once I realized the tutorial was a lengthy experience because of this, I deleted the character who was trapped in there and decided to skip it to see if my ship would provide a better framerate. No such luck. After I managed to stumble my way through the dialogue and navigate my ship (a good 5 minutes for what was once maybe 30 seconds), I managed to beam down to the surface of the planet I was in the orbit of. My frames shot up to about 20-30, which was actually playable, but shortly afterwards dropped to back to 5-15, with frequent dips to sub 3. Combat and NPC interaction would also hurt the framerate, and whenever I opened some kind of menu, the game would hang for half a minute. Building a basic wooden shack was a 15 minute long ordeal of slowly watching trees fall and lagging through the pickup notifications (because those count as menus), slowly navigating the crafting menu to make planks, navigating another menu to make a door, and then finally giving up when I was unable to fight back against the 4 or so hopping dudes who got in before I could place the door. Wait for optimization updates if you don't have a gaming rig. Otherwise, from my experience in beta, it should be very enjoyable.

UPDATE: Almost a full year and still no optimization. Why not?
Publicada em 25 de julho de 2016. Última edição em 25 de março de 2017.
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862.1 horas registradas (361.7 horas no momento da análise)
A long, long, time ago, back in the ancient times of late 2015, I wrote a review for this game that became semi-decently popular in the light of recent events. Namely, the weapon skins and microtransactions. This was a long time ago. Since then, OVERKILL has since fixed many of the issues that I had stated in the guide, and given some recent playtime, I can safely say I reccomend this game again.

Fun Fact: This review was updated almost a year after it was first posted! Time flies.
Publicada em 12 de novembro de 2015. Última edição em 24 de novembro de 2016.
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3,882.1 horas registradas (3,578.1 horas no momento da análise)
Casual servers are better than okay now, but still absolute trash compared to quickplay.
Current record for rolls in a row while on either team: 27, not counting rematches (thanks balanced teams!)
Total games joined that are over or nearly over: 273 (thanks game coordinator!)
Total games joined with seven plus snipers/spies who can't read and don't have voice chat enabled: Oh my god. (thanks skill-based matchmaking!)
Publicada em 2 de junho de 2013. Última edição em 18 de maio de 2017.
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