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10.3 hrs on record (9.9 hrs at review time)
A classical tower defense game with involved resource management and a wide variety of units and building paths. Visually and aurally pleasing (those arc lasers, phew).
Posted 4 February, 2020.
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35.0 hrs on record
Very enjoyable combination of RPG and Town Management. While you certainly can play through the game with an active play style or try to speed run it and what not, I usually did some AFK grinding. While not as effective as active play, it's a nice way of circumventing the mindless grinds in other RPGs. I also went on and put together a little calculator for potential damage to make better item choices when upgrading/enchanting etc. Something I wanted to do for a long time. Started out with a simple Python script and then went on to learn some Java GUI programming just for the hell of it. I dont usually enjoy programming very much, but this game helped me set a goal so thanks I guess :D

Bit of a tangent but since this is meant to be a game review: If it's on sale I can definitely recommend!
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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128.3 hrs on record (77.6 hrs at review time)
It took me about 30h and a full restart (deleted a big chest challenge the first playthrough) to platinum the game. After that it was just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ around seeing what other stupid things I could do or how fast I could reach the end game.
At first I just enjoyed it for what it was. A cute little game with an easy to understand progression and puzzles that even my stupid ass could solve without looking up guides on the internet. A nice change from playing competitive games such as League or Dota where you are simply just trash if you didn't at least put in 5000 hours. Or if you are into modded Minecraft where you might as well get a physics and computer science degree to be able to play it to the end.

No, this is a game you can simply start up and have a few fun hours. The gameplay and progression is not heavily optimized, it's not very difficult and it's not a triple A title with 100s of hours of content. But especially after looking at the first Tab under Extras I realized that it's a game that was created by a single man and that it was created with love and passion. It made me connect on a different level with the game, like I was a little boy again I was just excited to see what's next. So all I really want to say is thank you to the creator and his supporters. And to the players: Maybe slow down a little and take your time playing through it by your own means. I'm happy to return, once the first few content updates are released.
Posted 7 May, 2019.
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75.4 hrs on record
To me the first sandboy-, simulation-, strategy-type game to still tell amazing stories.
Posted 22 November, 2018.
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4.4 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
I never spent so little money and got so much for it. For a mere 0.74 euros in summersale there is not much explanation needed. Just buy it and see for yourselves. Awesome game!
Posted 24 June, 2014.
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