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0.2 hrs last two weeks / 573.3 hrs on record (224.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 4 Feb, 2023 @ 11:48am

I honestly don't know what to say other than this is by far the most fun I've ever had with a Borderlands game, or any looter shooter for that matter. It has a fun, immature sense of humor which is right up my alley, there's so many fun, and cool guns, mods, and skills to experiment with, and you can farm for higher level loot after you complete the game with "True Vault Hunter Mode", and even raise the caliber of loot and challenge with the Mayhem system which really increases the replayability of this game. It can have the looter shooter grind that for once doesn't feel too grindy......looking at you Destiny 2. It's fun, funny, and looks great. 2 things I would note: I would recommend playing it on DX12 with a modern rig. Older rigs will, and do struggle with this game performance wise. Secondly, is look for a deal with the Ultimate version that includes all DLC, worth it.
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