2 people found this review helpful
0.4 hrs last two weeks / 1,680.1 hrs on record (818.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 28 Nov, 2013 @ 2:10am
Updated: 27 Nov, 2018 @ 4:49am

This has to be one of the best "zombie" shooter games ever made. The storyline may not be the best or the most original, but it's funny and keeps you going and entertained during the singleplayer. Now, coop and multiplayer modes are where it's at. Playing with a friend (using voicechat), or even LOCAL SPLITSCREEN***, is just incredibly awesome. I can't describe the amount of fun you have when blasting through infected with (or even against) your buddy. It's on sale right now, so be sure to buy it. I do recommend getting both Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, even though 2 contains all the missions of 1. That way, you'll be more prepared when you start playing L4D2 if you finish L4D 1 first, and you'll appreciate the added weapons and infected a lot more. But that's just a personal thing though, at least get L4D2!

***NOTE: Officially not supported, but with ~10 mins - 2 hours of your time you could get it to work, depending on how good you can follow instructions and how much patience you have. I do recommend having 2 controllers, since that is by far the easiest way to get it to work. Then you can either both use controller, or one controller and one keyboard+mouse (the controller for the kb+mouse player must be connected though, but you just dont use it).
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EllaS 10 Oct, 2024 @ 3:38pm 
Wow,your review is on point! So much info and thought put into it. I'm seriously impressed. Keep it up! 💖👏