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Análises recentes de missiloon

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6.0 horas registradas
WHAT THE CAR? is a physics racing game with wacky car transformations. It has time challenges and finding secrets. No missable achievements, completion time highly depends on your skill level.

Approximate amount of time to 100%: I would guess around 15h or more but it highly depends on skill level
Estimated achievement difficulty: 6/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
Is there a good guide available: Not yet
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: No
Grinding Achievements: No
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: Yes, you have to get the gold crown in every level
Time-gated achievements: Yes, you have to do dailies and weeklies
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty setting
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

I'm amazed by how many different styles of levels and how they changed the car and the names of the levels. It has a lot of slapstick humor. You can already see this in the text on the Steam page or their website. I laughed very hard at the spoiler information on both sites.

Based on the theme of the level your car will change, and with that the controls will also slightly change. Sometimes the A button is to get more speed, sometimes you jump with A. And driving a car on 2 or 4 wheels will feel different than driving with 1 wheel. and what to think about no wheels but a bunch of spiral springs? A welcome addition to the game are the bears. I loved seeing them everywhere. Holding all kinds of signs and doing all kinds of activities. They are just so cute!

At first, I enjoyed WHAT THE CAR? a lot, but after a while, I noticed that I was playing too much in one sitting to really enjoy the humor and the content. So I recommend taking your time with the game and playing in short sittings instead of trying to complete everything as fast as possible.

The game offers some secrets to find, but most of it is just completing races to find the card in many levels, as well as getting the gold crown. Both of those will be a challenge, but the gold crown will be harder than finding all the cards. For most of the levels, it seems to be very doable to get the gold crown by practicing, but especially the skull levels will give you a challenge to reach the gold crown time.

For the achievements, you have to play each level and reach the gold crown score. You also have to find the cards in the levels that have them and find other secrets on the map. You also have to do daily challenges. Some achievements seems to unlock later than you would expect. For example, the achievements to have played every level in a chapter unlocks the next time you leave a level. So most of the time this unlocked for me when I finished the first level on the next chapter. This isn't bad, but something to remember if you're wondering why an achievement isn't unlocking.

I give WHAT THE CAR? 3,5 out of 5 stars.

Publicada em 9 de setembro.
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9 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
11.3 horas registradas
Ohh Paper Ghost Stories: Third Eye Open, what an amazing and emotional story. You kinda broke me but I loved the journey and was in awe with the artwork during the whole game.

Approximate amount of time to 100%: I would guess around 14h without a guide
Estimated achievement difficulty: 4/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1 + chapter selection
Is there a good guide available: Not yet when I write this
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: Hard to answer, there is chapter selection. See below for more info
Grinding Achievements: No
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: No
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty option
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

In Paper Ghost Stories: Third Eye Open you play as this young girl who just moved to a new neighborhood, and outside you will meet your first friend... One problem, it is the ghost of a girl a bit older than you, so everyone around you can't see her and think this is your imaginary friend. And while this spirit is friendly.. will all of them be so friendly? And how will the people close to you react when you keep saying you can see ghosts, even when you're getting older...

In this game, you'll follow Ting through her childhood. You'll see her schools, her friends, a short vacation.. just everyday situations, but it isn't everyday stuff when you can talk to a spirit that is with you a lot of the time.

Paper Ghost Stories: Third Eye Open is an awesome adventure game with some heavy subjects around being different and living in a family where there is some tension. The game gives you some dialog options and some mini-games but most of what you'll do is find objects while exploring areas. It took me a bit of time to get into the story. It always feels weird to play is this very young child, but the developers did a good job and it also gets easier later on as you know more of the story and are growing up.

I'm very impressed with the beautiful "paper theatre" style, inspired by the Joss-Papercraft of Southeast Asia. The game is just stunning. Another thing that I'm impressed about is how emotional the story gets. I have cried many times during this game. The game does such a good job of touching on emotional subjects and telling the story. There have been over 24 hours between finishing the game and writing this review, I did need a moment to progress the emotions that this game brought up in a beautiful way.

It feels wrong to bring this up next, but I love achievement hunting, and Paper Ghost Stories: Third Eye Open has a lot of them. A bunch of them are for completing the story. Some are for secrets found or finishing a chase without getting caught. And there are achievements for choosing different options. I'm missing quite a lot of them when I write this. Most of them are for doing chases without getting caught, or in one go.. because most of the time I needed some time to figure out the mechanic, or was surprised by a prompt to evade something. Gladly there is a chapter selection option when you make a new save file, but some chapters are about an hour long. And there is no way to quickly skip the text, so you probably will still need around 40 minutes or so to get to a chase at the end of a chapter. I wish the game would have ways to start more in the middle of some chapters, for example, chapter 1 a and chapter 1 b, so you don't always have to start from the beginning of the chapter.

I give Paper Ghost Stories: Third Eye Open 4.5 out of 5 stars and I highly recommend it to experience this story fresh, without knowing too much about it when you start.

Publicada em 4 de setembro. Última edição em 6 de setembro.
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6 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
15.7 horas registradas
Islets is such an awesome 2d Metroidvania. Movement is smooth, the artwork and music in beautiful, and overall just a treat! Completion takes around 15h, the hardest achievements will be in boss rush mode which unlocks after completing the game.

Approximate amount of time to 100%: ~15h
Estimated achievement difficulty: 6/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1 playthrough of the main game and at least 2 times boss rush mode
Is there a good guide available: Yes, you can find one here
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: I don't think the 2 side quests are missable, but in case you see the following upgrades "Something happens in Forgotten Rots" or "Receive a strange letter in your post box"choose those to start the side quests.
Grinding Achievements: No
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: YNo
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: Yes, for one of the boss rush mode achievements you need to play through boss rush on the hardcore difficulty
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

After I finished and loved Crypt Custodian , I wanted to try out one of Kyle's earlier games, and a friend of mine has been telling me in the past I really should play Islets. However, I was scared.. scared of those boss rush mode achievements but I decided to give Islets a try because if it would only be half as good as Crypt custodian I would already be in for a treat! (Spoiler: Crypt Custodian is only a fraction better in my opinion, but they are very close. and both so so amazing!)

In Islets, you're trying to fix those islands that once became one but are not separated again. And it is on you to try and fix that... however, in the first few minutes you already lose your airship, so this might become a challenge. On your journey, you'll meet some nice (and less nice) npc's who will help you on your way. Will you be able to fix this land again?

What I love in Kyle's games is how the movement feels so smooth. Which is a very important part in a Metroidvania game. Also, the upgrades are not always the standard ones you expect there to be in a Metroidvania. It is just such a joy to jump around and get all the collectibles, finding all the hidden secrets.

And if that wasn't already such a huge selling point... Have you seen the screenshots? This game looks beautiful. I love the art style and the cute characters. Kyle's brother makes the music for his games and also does such an amazing job! The two of them are so talented and playing through their games is just a treat.

Most of the achievements in Islets are what you expect to be there in a Metroidvania. Collect everything, upgrade everything, find all the secrets. And to make those things easier, you can buy markers which will mark secrets on your map. so you will not have to walk around endlessly finding that ladt hidden items. You can play the main story on easy if you want to without missing out on the achievements.

The most challenging achievements are finishing boss rush mode on hardcore and finishing boss rush mode without dying. I don't recommend combining those 2. I did hardcore first so I got more experience with the bosses and that made them on easy so much easier. There are no tricks to get through hardcore mode except learning the bosses their patterns. This took me 3 hours or so, but I know some do it in an hour. And then there is a boss rush mode without dying. This can be done on easy and you can back up your save and/or if you are close to dying, report to a savepoint, and start that boss fight again.

I give Islets 4 out of 5 stars.

Publicada em 2 de setembro. Última edição em 2 de setembro.
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10 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
14.4 horas registradas (13.9 horas no momento da análise)
Crypt Custodian is such an awesome Metroidvania. One of the best I ever played. None of the achievements are missable, there are 3 very challenging achievements. I guess that completion takes around 14 hours.

Approximate amount of time to 100%: 14h+
Estimated achievement difficulty: 7/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
Is there a good guide available: You don't need a guide
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: No
Grinding Achievements: No
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: Yes, in "boss rush" mode the time in which you defeat each boss matters
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: Yes, but only for 1 achievement in "boss rush" mode
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

You're a cat and just died at the beginning of the game., You get sent to the afterlife where you first will be judged on your actions to determine if you go to the temple or are doomed to clean the afterlife forever. On your journey, you'll meet a lot of other ghosts and learn about their lives and how they have been doing down here.

Crypt Custodian is such a great Metroidvania with a lot of quality-of-life features. It is one of THE BEST Metroidvanias I have ever played. The movement feels so good, the abilities you unlock are fun and the system to choose which power-ups you want to have active and the amount you can choose between are just awesome. I'm very impressed with Kyle Thompson's work. The game feels so responsive and the combat/movement just feels good. Furthermore, the game looks so good as well.

I fell in love early on in the game already with the presentation and how the movement felt in the game, but my love for it only grew from that point on. You have a map on which you can mark with symbols things you saw but couldn't reach yet, but you even don't have to do that. There is a specific jukebox in the game that will sell you map markers and that way even if you didn't find them yourself it is very easy to clean up all the side objectives later on. Another amazing QoL feature is that you don't have to be at a warp spot to warp to somewhere else on the map. You can just open the map in your menu and warp to any warping spot. And it feels like there is always one close by. This helped during the game but also when cleaning up after beating the story.

The achievements in Crypt Custodian can be separated in 2 groups and none of the achievements are missable:
- 45 of them are for finishing the story and finding everything. As stated above, this is quite easy at the end of the game after finishing the story by buying map markers. That way you can easily see which items you haven't found and where to find them. There is one challenging puzzle on the NorthWest side of the map, but you might want to look around in your menus to maybe get a clue on how to solve it.
- The other 3 achievements are for boss rush mode. You have to beat boss rush mode for every boss on S+ on every difficulty. This is a real challenge and tbh.. I wasn't able to get S+ ranking on easy on the first boss, let alone later bosses and higher difficulties. However, I know I'm not good at games and normally don't even try stuff like this. So I'm not a good indicator of how hard this really is.

I give Crypt Custodian 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Publicada em 27 de agosto.
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11 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
17.7 horas registradas
What a beautiful and cozy sandbox-building/designing game. The like guys will interact with (almost?) every item, so cute! It has no missable achievements and unlocking them all takes around 15h.

Approximate amount of time to 100%: 1h active play + around 14h idling
Estimated achievement difficulty: 1/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
Is there a good guide available: You don't need a guide. However, this is a great guide.
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: No
Grinding Achievements: 1 achievement is quite time-consuming if you go only for the achievements
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: No
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty option
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

Gourdlets is an amazing decoration game. You can decorate the land but also the inside of the houses. You summon the little guys by requesting them through a train system and they will interact with almost all the items you place inside and outside. So if you build a swing, they will swing on it. Build a clothesline for laundry, they will hang up the laundry. Place down a crop, they will tend to it so it grows. Placing down a bed, and a Gourdlet will sleep in it.

The artwork in Gourdlets is so beautiful with so much detail. You can even change the colors of items and Gourdlets! What adds to the cozy feeling this game gives me is the day and night cycle and in the evenings all the lights that turn on. However, even during the day the game feels cozy with all the Gourdlets running around and doing stuff. This also contributed to your land not feeling empty. you can decide how many Gourdlets to let arrive in your game by just calling the train for more Gourdlets.

I was very surprised but happy to see that Gourldets got Steam Achievements. In so many sandbox-building games you don't have achievements. I'm not good at designing a beautiful area but it was so much fun to play this game. And with how good everything already looks on its own it is still possible to make a beautiful area even if you lack the real skills to design it.

If you want to play Gourdlets only for the achievements, then 90% of them can be unlocked in an hour or less. There is one achievement that takes long and that is to unlock everything. As for this, you need Gourdlets to mature, and this costs time. I kept my game running for around 14 hours before I got there. However, if you just enjoy designing the area, I can see how you get way more active gameplay time out of the game and it might not feel like a grind at all.

I give Gourdlets 4 out of 5 stars.

Publicada em 23 de agosto.
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27 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
3 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
2.2 horas registradas
Castaway is an awesome throwback to the SNES/Gameboy era. It has different difficulty options to make the game as easy or as hard as you want. However, the achievements are challenging. As you have to play with the unfair difficulty and have to get through the roguelike part of the game.

Approximate amount of time to 100%: This is skill-based, but I would guess somewhere around 5 hours
Estimated achievement difficulty: 8/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 3x through the first part of the game (Normal mode, Speedrun mode (no time limit, just play with this setting on), unfair mode. And multiple times through the second part of the game until you reach tower level 51
Is there a good guide available: No, but you don't need a guide
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: No
Grinding Achievements: No
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: No, you have to play through speedrun mode but the time doesn't matter
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: Yes, you have an achievement for a playthrough on unfair mode (1 life, no save points)
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

Castaway is a lovely throwback to SNES/Gameboy era. You play as this guy who is stranded on this island after a crash and lost his gear and dog in the crash... (or to be more specific local wildlife stole your gear and dog). So it is up to you to get your gear, and most importantly, your dog, back!

The game has 2 different modes. the first one is the action-adventure mode in which you retrieve your gear from 3 different dungeons. This mode takes about an hour the first time you play it, just because you don't know the way and where to get what. It comes with a bunch of difficulty levels, from invisible, to easy, to normal and even unfair. Because of those difficulties, this can be played by everyone as it gets as easy or as hard as you like.

The second mode unlocks after finishing the action-adventure mode for the first time. It is a roguelike in which you fight through different levels of a tower that gets increasingly harder, but you also get experience to increase your stats. This mode is very challenging!

It was so nice to get a throwback to my early gaming days on the Gameboy. It reminded me so much of Mystic Quest (but I didn't play Zelda: A Link to the Past which it should people remind more of). It was so nice to move around with a hook shot again. I forgot how challenging the puzzles could be back in the day and it took my mind a little time to switch to those types of puzzles. I thought I was stuck in the beginning and even restarted on a new save file to choose a different route.. however, it turned out, that I wasn't stuck, just a little bit stupid :P but most of all, not in the right mindset yet. It didn't take long or I was grooving through the game without any problems.

Castaway has a lot of achievements that you'll unlock just through your first playthrough and going through the action-adventure mode. However, it also comes with a lot of very challenging achievements. Getting through the action-adventure mode with the "unfair" difficulty... is quite unfair :P You only have 1 life and no save points. And it has achievements to reach the end of the roguelike mode which should be around floor 51. Personally, my record was around floor level 25 or so. But keep in mind that I'm not a hardcore gamer and normally prefer to play games on the easy difficulty. The small spiders were the bane of my existence and were the ones who mostly killed me.

I give Castaway 4 out of 5 stars.

Publicada em 16 de agosto.
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51 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
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15.2 horas registradas
What an awesome game, playing as a crow to pester hoomans and help other creatures (sometimes hoomans) with tasks they are struggling with. Completion takes around 9h and it has no missable achievements.

Approximate amount of time to 100%: Around 9 hours
Estimated achievement difficulty: 4/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
Is there a good guide available: I wrote this achievement guide
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: No
Grinding Achievements: Yes, pooping 10k times it a lot. Poop for a bit every time you're in the main menu
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: Yes, there is an achievement for winning all the races with a gold medal. However, you can play the races on the easiest difficulty
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: No
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

In Just Magpie Things Just Crow Things you play as this little crow who got new sunglasses from their grandma. However, some bullies steal it from you because you're not cool enough! you'll show the world how cool you are in this incredibly funny and creative adventure game. However, I would recommend to the hoomans in this game that they have a good conversation with their car manufacturers.... I don't think the car manufacturers test their cars on safety. I have seen so many scary things happen with the cars in this game, it is crazy :P.

It took a minute or 2 to get used to the controls, especially the one that lets you fly faster takes some practice. (I highly recommend going to the settings and changing the fly button from holding it down to toggle. Holding down the right trigger for almost the whole game becomes very uncomfortable quickly.) After that initial time of getting used to the controls you're quickly on your way to help different people/animals in each level. The levels are very different from each other and I enjoyed them all so much. So many small stories and awesome environments to explore. I giggled when entering the Craft World and that only became louder the more I explored that specific level.

The previous game from this developer Rain on Your Parade showed already how good they are with making such creative choices with a simple promise. They do that all over again with Just Crow Thongs Just Crow Things. Here you can fly, you can poop and you can pick up things and interact with them. Such a simple promise but using a leaf blower will have very different effects than using a flashlight or a can of graffiti. Having them in different settings (A haunted mansion, a small city, a fantasy town) allows for so many different short stories and fun objectives. Each level has a few objectives. Showed as stars on the overworld map, so you can see how many of them you already did. You can also easily see if you finished the 4 races that are in each level.

This game comes with so many cosmetics. There are 45 hats, 8 skins, and 11 scarf colors to change the looks of your little dude. Most of them you unlock as a reward for doing all the races and objectives in the levels but a whole lot of them are also hidden all over the game. Some are just laying around, for others you have to do certain things to unlock them.

None of the achievements are missable and it is just a joy to try and unlock them all. For most of them you just have to do everything. Finish all races, all objectives, find the collectibles, and Pester hoomans in a few different ways. The achievement that takes quite a bit is pooping 10k, I recommend doing this in the main menu. I expect that unlocking them all might take around 9 hours or less. A little unsure because I took the time to write notes for the guide linked above.

I give Just Crow Things 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Publicada em 15 de agosto. Última edição em 16 de agosto.
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31 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
6.6 horas registradas
Love, Ghostie is a game that oozes humor and love. So many details and so well done. Be a ghostie matchmaker for the residents in your house. Completion takes around 5,5 hours, it has missable achievements.

Approximate amount of time to 100%: Around 5,5 hours
Estimated achievement difficulty: 1/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1,1 as at least one entry of Deaddit happens around the beginning of New Game+
Is there a good guide available: I wrote this achievement guide
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: Yes, you have to buy all the upgrades in one playthrough. I also recommend discovering all the tags before moving residents out.
Grinding Achievements: No
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: No
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty setting
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

Love, Ghostie is a game full of humor and cuteness. You play as Ghostie (Who gave you that name? Did you already have it while you were still alive? And if so did they know you would become a ghost?) who recently died. You have the task of being the matchmaker in a (not yet so big) manor where different people will move in.

The residents in your house cannot know you're there, so how does this matchmaking works? There is a chore board in the kitchen where you can sign up who goes on a date, who takes time for themself, and who does the daily house chore. going on a date increases the friendship/love between the 2 people on that date while taking time for yourself increases your happiness. The chore tasks will increase the friendship with everybody in the house by a little. All those tasks have different tags and this will determine how successful/fun the activity for the people will be. Not only do you sign people up for chores, but you can also steal items from the house and gift them to the residents while ♥♥♥♥♥♥ it is from one of the other residents. You will also unlock mini-games later on, one of them is to scam scammers to earn money that way.

I'm not a person who enjoys visual novels in general, however Love, Ghostie is just so funny. It already starts with the tutorial and the witty mentor who teaches you the ropes of matchmaking. You can also always go to the Deaddit forum to read back on how something works. The reactions on this forum, the quests asks and just everything.... it is so so funny, including the person who sees a conspiracy in everything, the fan girl, and the banned people/messages. The moderators on Deaddit are very strict and don't joke around!

What I also thought was amazing is how the rooms and the house changes with how happy the people in the house are. At first, when they move in the rooms are quite empty, but they will fill it up and the gifts you give them will also be shown in their room for as long as they stay. Another awesome thing is how well-rounded and designed the characters are, they have so much personality. they don't only lean on their most typical stereotypical personality, but have so many things they like and don't like or do not care for. This makes it also possible to matchmake with everyone, or at least almost everyone as they always will have some overlap in interest with the other characters.

The achievements in Love, Ghostie are very nice and chill. It has a missable achievement as your upgrades get lost in New Game+. If you want to go for 100% I highly recommend not moving out people the moment you get that chance, as you kinda want to keep them around to build their friendship/love with the other people to be able to buy all the upgrades in one playthrough. There is also an achievement for discovering all their tags (likes and dislikes), so I would also only recommend moving them out if you discovered all of their tags (through dates, chores, and gifts). However their tags will carry over to New Game+, so missing out on those isn't the worst, but will mean you have to play through all of their love stories again. In the guide linked above I have more tips and an explanation for each achievement.

I give Love, Ghostie 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Publicada em 14 de agosto.
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16 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
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3.9 horas registradas
A relaxing "Where is Waldo?" type of puzzle game with the unique mechanic that you can open up buildings to look inside, as well as having the option to change the time of day in later levels. It has no missable achievements and takes around 4h to unlock all them all.

Approximate amount of time to 100%: Around 4 hours
Estimated achievement difficulty: 1/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
Is there a good guide available: You don't need a guide, but if you're looking for one Knoef Trophy Guides [knoef.info] made a great one.
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: No
Grinding Achievements: No
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: No
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: No
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

Hidden Through Time 2: Discovery is another great "Where is Waldo?" kinda puzzle game made by Rogueside. They already made 2 earlier games with the same style, but you don't need to play them to enjoy this game. The stories don't seem to be connected.

In Hidden Through Time 2: Discovery you get to play through 3 different campaigns. With a story that goes through multiple different puzzles within that campaign. The stories didn't interest me that much, they didn't feel like a story and just something that was added to explain why the next puzzle was there.

What I did enjoy were all the details in each level. and what makes this series special is that it allows you to look inside buildings as well as the outside of the buildings. The later levels in each campaign also have different times of day to search for different things. They also did a great job with the hints they added to the items. If I couldn't find an item without checking the hint, the hint helped me narrow down the areas to look for it.

I'm so glad the achievements in Hidden Through Time 2: Discovery didn't go overboard. You have to find all the items in the 3 campaigns as well as finishing and liking 5 online maps (made by other players). There are maps online that only have 1 item to find and you can replay the same map if you unlike and like the map at the end of each map. None of the achievements are missable and it is just a relaxing game to play through.

I give Hidden Through Time 2: Discovery 4 out of 5 stars.

Publicada em 13 de agosto.
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35 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
1 pessoa achou esta análise engraçada
10.6 horas registradas
What another awesome installment. you can play this without playing any of the prequels. Keep an eye out for the point of no return and finish everything before entering that door. ~10 hours to completion.

Approximate amount of time to 100%: Around 10 hours
Estimated achievement difficulty: 3/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
Is there a good guide available: This guide [www.neoseeker.com]will help you find missing gear, but for the most part you don't need a guide at all.
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: Kinda, if you go through the ending you can't go back, but the game will warn you about that.
Grinding Achievements: No
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: No
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: No, you can play on the story difficulty and still unlock all the achievements
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

I love the Cat Quest series so much and this third installment is so awesome! I loved moving around with my ship, shooting canon balls at enemies, and finding all the hidden secrets. One thing The Gentlebros (the developers) do so well within this series is that everything is there for a reason... A specific text blob when doing an action, mist, patterns with shells, it all is there for a good reason!

In Cat Quest III you are on an adventure to find the Northern Star. You start on a small island and will do your first dungeon over there, but then the world of Cat Quest 3 is all yours. And you might not be able to fight every enemy just yet, there is always a save point around the corner, so trying out and seeing how far you can come doesn't hurt at all.

The most amazing thing are all the (little) secrets, there are just so many. You will constantly have the feeling you explored something special, or you have an idea of what to do next. However, the second best thing by far is that your cat will change looks by what you decide to wear. The gear has special abilities so you don't want to choose them all by looks, but it is just nice to see the armor change. By the end, my cat was wearing a very ugly head, but it had such nice stats.

Of course, we can't furrrget all the cat puns. How have they already filled 3 games full with cat puns without boring us? That is just a skill on its own!

I only have 2 small complaints. the first one is that I would have loved to see a quest log. You can kinda see the quests on the map, but I would have loved just a short list to remind me what I'm working on. And the second thing is the white screen. Sometimes when loading ( for example at the start of the game) the screen turns totally white. This kinda hurt my eyes. I wish it was a black screen instead of a white screen. Both things are quite minor.

The achievements in Cat Quest 3 are for completing just everything. Get every bounty reward, find every item in the game, and complete a lot of side quests. After you finish the game you can't go back into your save file, so finish everything before entering that specific chamber... the game will give you one warning about this, so make sure you don't skip text so you don't miss this. For the rest... just keep exploring and be curious about why something is there! I missed a few items when I thought had explored everything. Gladly there is a guide where you can see all the items listed and then click on it to find out how to get it.

I give Cat Quest III 4.5 out of 5 stars and I hope we will see many more Cat Quest sequels!

Publicada em 9 de agosto. Última edição em 9 de agosto.
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