No information given.
Babababa 29 Sep @ 8:22am 
Prada : how can u be such an ape idk
UTB : ^^^
UTB : autistic ape
Prada : +
UTB : Apebiox : dont listen to me im just an ape
Prada : +
Apebiox : jokes on you i dont even have a pesonality
Prada : he aint wrong
*SPEC* DeAthmAn : ^^
Prada : i can tell..
UTB : deathmann joining in
Babababa 18 Sep @ 4:41pm 
(Infected) Apebiox : im an ape confirmed
Babababa 17 Sep @ 6:25pm 
*SPEC* Apebiox : USB is nab you should only know that
UTB : learn to type
UTB : ape
*SPEC* Apebiox : stfu
❣♪❤Koukou❤♪❣ : i m an ape
DeAthmAn : me too
TJ` 15 Sep @ 8:16pm 
Avishay, Avishay, Avi.. Avi, Avishay.
Avishay is so gay, doesn't know how to play.
Doesn't have a penny to pay.
Cray 6 Sep @ 9:04pm 
Baby corn, carrot, white root thing, broccoli, pea pods, squash:
* broccoli and squash take lead role, others come in as support units.
* slow steamed, then simmered with olive oil and lime juice.
* left to simmer at even lower temp

* murdered, frozen, thawed, sliced, high temp fried quick to seal surface
* steamed slightly in vegetable broth before;
* short low temp simmer with olive oil, black pepper, oregano-thyme sprinkle and finely chopped green peppers. Estragon, but hint only.

Chicken has now expelled most of its juices, vegetables are thrown in alongside their simmer broth.
Slight touch of soy sauce for umami boost, slight touch of [any milk like substance] for rounded broth taste.

Cooked to coagulation, simmered to freedom, salted to perfection.

If you EVER diss my food again I will send you through a skylight window 2 floors down to the factory basement concrete.
Mrs sNaiL 5 Aug @ 3:43pm 
brob 4 eva!