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1,316.0 hrs on record (1,084.5 hrs at review time)
First person DMC with moar Gore
Posted 28 November, 2024.
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96.4 hrs on record
Buy the first game (Dark Arisen) on Steam instead.

It is a much better game despite being extremely unfinished (much like DD2). It’s ironic that despite DD2 efforts to include a lot of content that was cut from the first game, it actually feels far more unfinished than the base game of DD1 ever did. For one, DD1 actually had a proper endgame that didn’t have some arbitrary time limit haphazardly grafted onto it. DD1’s movement also felt MUCH better and felt far less clunky. Jumping was extremely useful for proper traversal of the map and, you know, actually covered some actual distance. Fast foward to DD2; you jump like an inebriated walking bathtub in DD2. It is so useless and utterly neutered that I am baffled that Capcom even bothered including a jump function.
The Pawn knowledge system is also overly streamlined and now only applies to most bosses, instead of every enemy type in the game like DD1. The enemy variety also leaves much to be desired. Base DD1 had around 55 enemy types whilst DD2 has only around 36. The problem is made much, much worse due to the map being overly bloated in size. Combine that with low enemy variety and it becomes an agonizing slog to traverse the map because you’ll be fighting the same goblins over and over. And wait; it gets worse: Your character gets staggered by almost every attack from every enemy in the game (unless you play as warrior, which to be fair, is much better in this game) so you’ll getting ragdolled around by trash mobs constantly. And it gets even worse; this game also fails to make proper use of the few enemy types it does have at its disposal. Several of the bosses and enemies in this game you can only fight once per playthrough, like the Sphinx.
The soundtrack is also a remarkable downgrade compared to DD1. The fact that Crapcom included the original game’s ost as a $10 DLC that replaces the music in DD2 really comes across as them being self-aware about vanilla DD2 OST being lackluster and admitting defeat outright. So you basically have to pay 70 dollary-doos to get an unfinished game and an additional 10 to get a proper OST which is just ported from the original game. Absolutely baffling.

Finally, the story is….extremely short and feels very rushed, far more so than even the first game. The first game’s story was rushed and fairly rough around the edges due to extreme time constraints during development. However, the first game’s story was infinitely more interesting and actually delved into complex and rather esoteric themes. It really came across as the game had plenty meaningful things to say (and to some extent, succeeded in that) but a rushed development prevented Itsuno and his team from fully realizing it. However, DD2 doesn’t make any sort of attempt to even try to address those themes and issues, let alone expand on them.

Overall, what a waste. See you all in 10 years when DD3 drops.
Posted 9 April, 2024.
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100.1 hrs on record (32.9 hrs at review time)
Arrowhead Studios? More like D**khead Studios AMIRITE?
Posted 17 February, 2024.
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60.3 hrs on record (55.7 hrs at review time)
Dork Souls with Guns?

More like Borked Souls with Guns.

I really want to love the game (and there is a lot to love), but there is so much broken bull**** in this game. And before the knuckle-dragging Miyazaki (AKA Todd Howard of the East) simp troglodytes come b***hing at me, I have beaten the game on every difficulty, including Hardcore Apocalypse and I also beat the first game on the hardest difficulty without 99% of the problems this game has. There are so many issues with this game and virtually no one seems to talking about them.

The game is beyond f***ed. Combine some bull**** game design with some of the worst game-breaking glitches I have ever seen in a modern game. Let me list some of them: Final Boss has a glitch in Co-Op where he just will not take damage, like his hitbox just disappears into the ether or something, effectively making him impossible to kill, Adventure Mode on Yaesha has a nasty glitch where you will get Blood Moons (which are very rare, they appear like once every two hours of REAL LIFE TIME), but no Blood Moon Essences will spawn and no hidden trap doors will open despite there obviously being a blood moon present (occasionally they do work in AM but it's very rare for it to work properly so please farm Blood Moons in Story Mode), severe latency in both multiplayer and single player which ends up getting you killed a lot, also framerate issues are a frequent issue in co-op, even if you have a god rig, the game frequently eats inputs in both single player and co-op, frequently getting you killed.

Let me reiterate: I really want to love this game but it is utterly plagued with game-breaking bugs and other bad design decisions. Please wait for a sale or until Gunfire Games fixes the actual game-breaking bugs instead of nerfing things that help players combat the bull****.

Finally, I LOVE how the Healer is an infinitely better tank class than the ACTUAL TANK CLASS (Challenger).

EDIT: The recent patches have fixed a lot of the issues that I mentioned in this review. It has been improved to the point where I can gladly recommend this game now. I'll edit this review with my updates thoughts sometime later.

Posted 8 August, 2023. Last edited 21 November, 2023.
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208.8 hrs on record (205.8 hrs at review time)
Hidetaki Miyazaki is the Todd Howard of the East. The guy cannot stop reselling us Dork Souls.

Also, the game is still optimized like ♥♥♥♥ and because of the positive review-bombing by FromSoftware C**-drinkers, the horrendous optimization will likely never be fixed. And before the corporate slaves spam "YOUR COMPUTER SUX. GIT GUD HUR DUR.", I have a 3080 Ti with 12 GB of VRAM, a 12th Generation I7 CPU along with 32 GB of RAM, so get bent. There is no excuse for such horrible optimization.
Posted 23 November, 2022. Last edited 23 November, 2022.
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21.1 hrs on record (16.3 hrs at review time)
I like the game. Excellent heavy metal soundtrack and fun strategic mech combat where the mechs actually feel like they weigh 15 tons. However the game seems to break every other update and the in-game economy is borked to utter hell. Overall recommend...if you can get the game to work after an update.
Posted 26 November, 2021.
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1,782.0 hrs on record (477.6 hrs at review time)
Halo MCC really struggled to get off the ground at first, once back in 2014 with its disastrous launch on Xbox One and again in 2019/2020 when there weren't enough games on PC to keep the playlist populations up. However, since at least the Halo 3 update, 343 have finally nailed it. Firstly, they overhauled the ranking and rewards system, allowing players to unlock things they want in a more non-linear fashion. Secondly, 343 introduced challenges, which can give you XP or season points directly, in addition to XP, which gives everyone an incentive to hop on once or twice a week.
Posted 25 November, 2020.
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2,059.2 hrs on record (745.4 hrs at review time)
Decided to post a positive review due to recent increased rate of updates and bug-fixes. Will update this to include a full review outlining both the positives and negatives soon.

We can all admit that Monster Hunter World had a rough launch. A lot of the graphical options didn't work right, the game would crash when alt-tabbing, low-res textures would appear regardless of your settings, constant disconnections, etc. After a few months of bugfixing and update releases, this game has gotten MUCH better.

A lot of the bugs have been stomped out plus they are finally, actually doing the "accelerated release schedule of DLC" now. Steam just got Lunastra on November 22nd, quickly followed by the Winter Festival update on the 30th, and now Steam is FINALLY getting Behemoth on the 21st of December. All that is left is the last 4 archtempered monsters and then PC is caught up with the Paystation 4 and the Xboner. That means whatever Capcom is announcing in a few days on the 10th of December, 2018, (Expansion PLEASE) will probably be released after PC catches up to the Dude Bro Consoles.

Mechanically speaking, this is EASILY the most polished and refined Monster Hunter yet. Movement is still a little clunky, but it's miles better than the utter jank that was moving in the older Monster Hunter games. Animations ranging from running to attacking with any of many, many types of weapons have all been improved and look much more immersive, believable and have far more of a satisfying punch to them than in previous entries. The Slinger is also an excellent addition to the franchise. It allows you to bascally swing around certain parts of the environment like Spoderman giving that there is a Wedge Beetle to latch onto. Hit-boxes are still wildly inconsistent, but thankfully, none of them never reach the absurdity of the Plesioth 'Hip-check' of the older games.

EDIT: I'll update this review once Iceborne is out for PC
Posted 21 November, 2018. Last edited 26 November, 2019.
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0.2 hrs on record
Why is there no Active Reload in this? Where are the chainsaw guns? Why do you have to reload your energy weapon in a sequel to a game in which you didn't have to reload, EVER? Why is this game considered an RPG when it has little to no RPG elements to speak of? It has: choices that don't matter, the most dumbed-down skills-system in the history of gaming (other than the Glitcher 3, FIVE SLOTS FOR PERKS CD!), a leveling mechanic that is utterly pointless (you literally take down a miniboss that is reused constantly later in the game, AT LEVEL 2), no inventory system, and one of the worst shop systems in gaming history?

I ask this, because calling Mass Effect 2 an RPG is an abhorrent insult to RPG's. It's not even a bad RPG because IT SIMPLY ISN'T ONE. "Then what genre is it?", you ask? My answer: GENERIC SHOOTER. Mass Effect 2 is definitely one of the MOST SHALLOW GAMES I have ever played. The only game in existence that is triple A and can possbibly more shallow than ME2 is 2015's The Cancelled Pre-order: 1886. Congratulations, Sony! You have published a game even MORE shallow than EA's Mass Effect 2. Maybe someday your army of moronic fanboys will finally realize that.

The reason I have low playtime on the Steam Version is because I played the game several times on 360 back at launch back in 2010 and so I essentially know ME2 like the back of my hand.
Posted 11 February, 2018.
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123.9 hrs on record (114.7 hrs at review time)
Torchlight II is one of the better games to have originally come out in 2012 on the PC . It improves on just every single aspect of the last game. It is now an open world game while in the original it was restricted to one town and its multi-floor dungeons underneath. While, the combat is still very straightforward and simplistic, it is still very fun given all the nice abilities and spells you can obtain for you and your pet to unleash upon hordes of enemies. The only problems i have with this game it that it has sharp difficulty spikes in certain areas in the game and that the vanilla game is a little too easy. Final Verdict: 9.5/10 I recommend this heavily to anyone that likes to play games, especially dungeon crawlers.
Posted 26 May, 2014. Last edited 22 November, 2017.
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