Korea, Republic of
เล่นไปแล้ว 53 ชั่วโมง
Update failed: Disc Write Error

Even doing all of the workarounds to try to get this broken product running in WINDOWED MODE (because it crashes in fullscreen or Borderless Windowed) the game still finds a NEW way to become completely unplayable.

No it's not my computer; it happened to both my brother and I who are using very different machines and only with this game.

(The fix is to restart your computer and then update the game.)

It's simply wrong to sell a game in this state. This should be Early Access.

(Old Reviews below)

Update: No it is NOT fixed

The game still takes forever to start if you aren't running EPIC (it's looking for EPIC) and then you still get the same error message.

If you try closing this message with the mouse or doing anything besides pressing ENTER when this happens, the game freezes on this screen and can only be closed via task manager.

IF you push enter when you see this, you can play the game (instead of it closing automatically like before the update) but the game still boots up slowly doe to this and it can get stuck if you don't respond properly.

Also, I literally can't get the game to run in the later missions without crashing before I have a chance to finish unless I run it in windowed mode (borderless windowed still crashes.)

Even then, you still won't be able to play online unless you have EPIC running in the background.

Save your money until such time as they ACTUALLY fix it (which could be never.)

A terrible ending that turns you into the bad guy... Now I'm angry...

Without going into spoilers, I'll just say that this game has a worse ending than Mass Effect 3.

Seriously just play EDF 5 or EDF: Iron Rain. I played 146 missions and liked the game (aside from the technical issues) but the non-self aware face-heel turn in mission 147 makes me hate the whole game now.

Like I literally just bought the DLC two days ago in the expectation of playing it after I finished this and now I don't even want to because that is a prequel that doesn't change the fact that you are now no better than the primers... or at least fighting on behalf of people who are.

I hope whoever is responsible for wiping away years of loving this series gets smacked with a wet fish for this atrocity.

This ending harmed my childhood.

Old review:

Won't run offline...

This game has the worst DRM ever. Namely, it won't even start EVEN IN SINGLE PLAYER unless you have EPIC Game Launcher running in the background.

This obviously means it won't run offline and unless they patch it, that also means that the game will become bricked if and when they kill the servers.

(On a related note, here is a video about how you can prevent decent games like this one from being killed in the future.)

This makes me sad because it's a really good game. It's cheesy, enjoyable (when I play with my brother, he always chooses this as the game he wants to play out of literally dozens of options) and it doesn't waste your time with in-game currency and upgrade system.

In this game, you simply unlock weapons and upgrade by playing the game and while you choose the equipment, you don't have to spend time choosing upgrades because upgrades are automatically applied when you pick them up.

It's a very good system for ensuring that you spend time PLAYING the game rather than using menus.

I would love to recommend it but I can't in good conscience do so unless they remove the always-online DRM.

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