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kayıtlarda 330.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 217.5 saat)
Yayınlanma 2 Nisan 2022.
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kayıtlarda 65.9 saat
The most compelling RPG of the recent years, one of the few games that genuinely made me struggle with the moral choices and dilemmas throughout the game.
Yayınlanma 3 Şubat 2022.
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kayıtlarda 990.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 650.0 saat)
One of the best games of all time, the possibilities are almost endless, enough said
Yayınlanma 3 Şubat 2022.
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kayıtlarda 103.8 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 93.9 saat)
I have become a true legend of the Night City, but at what cost...

Cyberpunk 2077 was a story unlike anything I have ever experienced before, simply breath-taking. I met so many unique characters, who evoked so many emotions in me. I often forgot that they were not real. The immersion is just as good as it was in Witcher 3 in my opinion.

The visuals and graphics of this game are on an entirely new level - this is one fact we can all agree on. If you were looking for a reason to upgrade your hardware, this is it!

The atmosphere and aesthetics of this game bring the world of cyberpunk to life - so much contrast between themes and cultures I never imagined I would see in one place, yet they blend together so well. And the sense of scale of the Night City is ever looming, I got lost looking up at the endless megabuildings stretching tall and wide.

The game-play of Cyberpunk 2077 is very solid in my opinion, not groundbreaking, but it has all the right RPG mechanics. You have your skills, perks, equipment and cyberware. And you will need to balance them all around your own playstyle. The skills and cyberware also play a huge role in non-combat situations, like your interactions with the environment and dialogue options. Depending on your build you will have entirely different paths to your objectives and V's personality will depend on your skill allocation. The replayability is great. But if you are looking for GTA-level Open World mechanics like the races, minigames, houses etc. Cyberpunk doesn't really have that beyond ability to buy really cool vehicles.

Bugs - aside from rare minor visual glitches and wonky physics at times, I only experienced two serious bugs, one time when an NPC didn't spawn correctly, the other was when a door did not open. Both were easily fixed by simply reloading an earlier autosave. The game never crashed for me and I found it to be very stable at maximum graphics and maximum fps. But keep in mind that I am playing on the top of the line hardware, so your experience may vary.

So in the end, Cyberpunk2077 is a 10/10 game for me. Do keep in mind that I am biased towards CD Project Red and I also specifically avoided any hype surrounding the game in order to avoid spoilers and not raise my expectations too high. I can totally see how so many people are angry at broken promises and false advertising. And how the release of this game on old consoles was a terrible decision by the publishers and is disrespectful to those customers. CD Project Red definitely failed the trust of many customers, I am not denying that.

But in my personal experience, going more or less blind into this game, I had a hell of a good time! Easily goes into my personal list of the best games of all time. And I am excited to see what the future holds for Cyberpunk!
Yayınlanma 21 Ocak 2021. Son düzenlenme 21 Ocak 2021.
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kayıtlarda 133.5 saat
The optimization of this game has gone backwards over the years.
After messing with settings config, adding performance fixing mods, trying different nvidia settings, vsync, multi-thread and multi-core fixes, resolutions, zoom...

Game still runs like a grandma with broken legs:
Low FPS for a 2D game
Game periodically mini-freezes
Inventory lags horribly
After some gameplay time those issues become much worse. like there is some kind of memory leak
NPCs lag around like they have latency issues (in singleplayer!)
Background particles freeze
Damage and hits don't properly register
Finally the FPS drops closer to being a PP presentation

I wish this was just PC issues...but if you go online you will quickly see exact same issues with no decent solutions.

Thing is, Starbound used to be playable and somewhat decent, albeit with plenty of mods to add to lackluster content. Now even Vanilla goes to performance hell after few minutes.
Yayınlanma 22 Temmuz 2020.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 338.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 81.0 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
Hands Down one of the best Roguelites of 2019, sitting right next to Noita.

Devil Slayer - Raksasi combines the two most popular action genres: Roguelike's procedual RNG runs and Soulslike's intense combat mechanics. All that packed with deep Eastern Asian mythology and a goregous Anime artstyle.

Even in its Early Access stage it feels like a complete and polished game, and with many new features added preiodically.


Think of all the best Roguelikes and Roguelites on the market, now take all their best mechanics and put them together to create a complex gameplay infrastructure that allows for amazing run variety.

There are many unqie playble characters with their own skills, which can be upgraded to amplyfy a specific play style.

On top of that you can choose a weapon with a unqie moveset that will further determine your play style.

Finally you can collect an abundance of power up items from a variety of pools (Treasure, Secret, Shop, Boss, Rare Deal). And on top of that some of the items combine into sets to provide a huge bonus.

This only the scrateches the surface of Devil Slayer's overarchng gameplay. As it's a Roguelite, you will not only be thinking about the strategy of your current run, but also how you can empower and set up a better start for your next run. It may be RNG, but with practice and planning you can tame it!

The Combat itself is very Soulslike.

Your weapons have unique movesets that require timing and stamina control. Not to mention the hitboxes are very realistic, meaning you have to hit the enemy with the blade and not the shaft. There are traditional weapons like Swords, Spears and Daggers, but also exotic weapons like Sickle&Chain, Flying Razor Shield, Mace made out of Bones and a Cannon that you can swing around like a club. It gets crazy.

Enemies themselves have many movesets, attack patterns, ranged capabilities and can even dodge your attacks. The bosses are the highlight of Devil Slayer, as they are incredibly epic and intense to fight!

You will have to study both the weapons you choose and enemies you fight. With time and practice you will become much stronger and skilled, to a point where the RNG elements won't hinder your ability to win.


Similar to Dark Souls, you will set foot into a crumbling land where Mythological became Real.

Devil Slayer takes palce in an Eastern Asian land. You will traverse a suffocating city that has gone mad, a Battlefield where the dead cannot rest, a besiged Great Wall, a forest of devils, a flooded marshlands and so on. It's all unique and athetically pleasing to explore.

You will start your journey putting down crazed citizens and bandits, battle desperate soldiers and undead, and from there it will be devils and demons straight from East Asian folklore. And I won't spoil the crazy things you will see in the later levels.

The lore is both incredible and amusing at times. You can collect books, scrolls and journals while exploring, and you player character will also share their opinion and knowledge by monologuing from time to time. The item and weapon descriptions will also give bits of lore.

And the deeper you go, the more you realize that things are not what they seem.


You were probably drawn in by the many Waifus you can play as...

But these Waifus are certified badasses with unique backstories and always a hint of something supernatural to them.

Each with a unique skill that uses mana, specializations that you can unlock that support the playstyle of their starting weapon.

A Goddess Swordsman, a Devil Assasin, a Pyromaniac Kitsune... yeah it gets wild.

They are all immortal...well they simply cannot truly die, Souls style.

But dying is very punishing as you will have to look at your Battle Waifu all hurt and bloodied on the failure screen. Hurts my soul, man.


Easily a 9.5/10 when it comes to Roguelites and 2D Soulslike games. All done by a small indie team who put their love and care into this passion project, and continue to do so.

Everytime they realise new content, no matter if its a huge update with many bosses and items, or a smaller update with just a weapon or two, I always hop on to check it out. Very excited to see what this game will evolve in the future.

Good Job, GlassesCat Games!
Yayınlanma 16 Nisan 2020.
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kayıtlarda 127.5 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 28.1 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
This game is insane

I was exploring coal mines for like 2 hours, couldn't find an exit. There was poisonous gas and toxic barrels everywhere, worst of all I got caught on fire and was desperatly looking for any water, couldn't find any so I had to use my last water bottle to put myself out. Fire did a number on me and I felt that even a single rat could finish me off at this point. Wasn't paying attention because of stress and fell into an oil pool, climbed out and slipped down further, landed in some pool surrounded by metal structures and explosives. Somebody in the shadows started shooting at me. Luckily I screamed that I am just lost and they stopped. Turns out I fell into a governmental underground testing site. They took me into custody and now I am at the hospital being treated to burns.

Anyway I think once I get out I will go straight to jail for tresspassing on government land. At least they gave me a laptop while I am recovering and it has Noita on it. Such a fun game, almost makes me forget about my life being ruined.
Yayınlanma 26 Kasım 2019.
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51 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
2 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 62.1 saat
This review is in both English and Russian, and aimed at both audiences.

-ENG- ATOM RPG is the Soviet version of Fallout 1 and 2 that so many fans of the genre asked for, pehaps a little bit too Soviet.

The game is set in its own Parrellel Universe that is still closer to our own than that of Fallout Universe. It is more realistic in a way, as the divergance happens during 1985, when their Cold War goes Hot. The technologies are more grounded, most of the equipment you will find has real life equivalents and even the irradiated sci-fi elements seem tame in comparison to Fallout Universe. However it definatly has the black humour and goofy nature of Fallout in it, which sets it apart from the more serious Stalker and Metro series. But if Fallout focused on the juxtaposition between the vibrant Americana style and grim cynicical reality of USA, ATOM breathes the depressing meloncoly that is familiar to all Post-Soviet Countries. As a matter of fact sometimes I forgot that I am walking through a Nuclear Wasteland and not some backwater region of my homeland, it is that similiar. And that is why I fear the foreign audience won't be able to immerse themselves in this gem. Fallout had Americana, which was already popular worldwide and was easy to adapt to, while to truly understand ATOM's theme you have to be born into it.

And now about gameplay. It is pleasantly difficult and faithfully recreates the feeling of older games. It doesn't hold your hand, it will actually constantly pull you into making wrong desicions. And these decisions will absoluty lock you out of completing major and minor quests, or even put you situations where you can't progress anymore. It is not unfair though, just realistic. My advice - slow down and actually read and think before you do anything. Many encounters and converstations give you pleantly of logical warnnings before you can doom yourself.

The game is full of different attributes and skills. Attributes cannot be increased through leveling, there are only a few permenanet ways of gaining attribute points, but there are pleanty of consumables that can be increase/decrease your attributes temporarly, and they can be double-stacked! So make sure you allocate your attributes carefully at the start. Skills on the other hand can go beyond 100, so heavy specialization is possible and recommended. Both attributes and skills are used almost in every action and dialgoue. Skill checks are often nessesary to prgoress, but some skill checks will worsen the situation, so again -think about the context and if the use of a skill would be approriate or not.

The combat is turn based and tactical, where every action uses action point resource that is dependant on your DEX attribute. Melee combat doesn't use any ammo, but puts you in harms way and also the enemies can dodge easier. Ranged weapons can miss and use precious ammo, they can also jam which is equivelent of wasting your entire turn since you have to reload to fix it. There are also granades, which deal AOE and can stun the oppenents reliably, but they are also very dangerous and without high throwing skill you are more likely to blow yourself up.

Overall the gameplay cycle will have you start as a hobo with a brick, who can't even defeat a rat. In the midgame you will start learning how to reliable aquire money and exp to turn yourself into quite of a powerhouse if you play smart, and in the late game you will have to use all of your tactical genious to come out of high-caliber encounters with your head on your shoulders. There will be many opportunities to exploit the game, but the NPCs are not dumb and will notice your cheesy tactics and punish you for it. So play smart and prepeare to reload your saves a lot.

The story is solid, with multiple endings and moral dialemmas. There is also a slideshow of your impact on the world at the end. A game of small scale but huge heart.

-РУС- АТОМ РПГ это Советская версия первого и второго Fallout о которой давно мечтали многие фанаты жанра, но она возможно даже слишком Советская.

Игра происходит внутри Параллельной Вселенной которая очень близка к нашей, особенно по сравнению с Вселенной Fallout. Также она намного реалистичная, ибо расход вселенных произошел намного раньше в 1985, когда Холодная Война стала Горячей. Технологии в основном не выдуманные , практически всё снаряжение которое вы найдете имеет реальные версии, и даже "излучённые элементы" жанра кажутся очень спокойными по сравнению с Fallout. Но всё-же чёрный юмор и нелепое само-отношение как в Fallout тут навалом, что в принципе отличает АТОМ от более серьёзных серий Сталкера и Метро. Но большая разница в тематике двух игр; Fallout фокусируется на противопоставлении Американы пятидесятых, а АТОМ дышит депрессивной меланхолией которая знакома только Странам бывшего Союза. Во время прохождения игры я часто забывал что брожу по Ядерной Пустоши, а не в глухих регионах моей Родины, так уж все похоже. И по этому боюсь что иностранные игроки не смогут полностью погрузиться в этот шедевр. Американа из Fallout была всегда популярна в большинстве мира и поэтому игрокам было очень легко погрузиться в тот мир, но чтобы вправду понять тематику АТОМа - нужно в ней родиться.

Теперь о самой игре. Игра - довольно приятно сложна, честно следуя игры старых времён. За руку не держит и даже активно тянет вас к неправильным решениям. И эти решения абсолютно откажут вам завершение больших и малых квестов, и даже оставят вас в безвыигрышных ситуациях. Но игра не нечестная, просто реалистичная в таком духе. Мой совет - остановитесь, внимательно всё прочитайте и задумайтесь перед любыми действиями. В большинстве ситуаций и диалогов есть логические предупреждения о том что следуюший выбор скорее всего всё испортит.

В игре полным полно характеристик и умений. Характеристику нельзя повысить через уровни, есть лишь несколько способов навсегда поднять характеристки, но для временогова повышения/снижения существует куча всяких одно-разовых предметов котрые можно активировать дважды. Поэтому советую хорошо подумать как обустроить характеристику вначале. Умения с другой стороны можно увеличить через уровни и могут быть выше 100 поэтому специализация возможна и рекомендована. Характеристики и умения используются во время "скилл чеков" и отвечают за удачу этих попыток. Попытки умений часто нужны для прогресса через квесты но также многие проверки могут значитеьно ухудшить ситуацию. Контекст всегда важен, советую думать как бы такие попытки сработали в реальных ситуациях.

Сражения ходовая и тактические, и каждое действие использует очки действия как ресурс (зависит от Ловкости). Ближний бой не использует патроны, но придется стоят рядом с опасностью и к тому же враги могут увернуться от ударов. Дальнобойное оружие может промазать и использует дорогие патроны, к тому же оружие может заклинить в котором случае нужно перезарядиться чтобы исправить проблему, таким образом пропуская весть ход. Также можно бросать гранаты которые пробивают урон в большом радиусе и также могут оглушить, но они очень опасные ибо без навыка на метатльное оружие можно нахрен взорваться.

В начале игры вы будете бегать как бомж с кирпичем который не может забить даже крысу. В середине вы разучите способы постоянной добычи денег и опыта и потихоньку станете вполне мощным. И в конечной стадии игры вам придется использовать всю доступную вам тактику чтобы выйти из высоко-калиберных перестрелок живым. Будут возможности обдурить меканику игры но NPC также хитры и надерут вам за это жопу. Играйте хитро и готовьтесь к частым перезагрузкам.

История солидная с разными концовками и моральными дилеммами. Также в конце будет показаны все ваши действия которые повлияли на мир. Это игра скромного размаха но с настоящим сердцем.
Yayınlanma 14 Şubat 2019.
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kayıtlarda 91.5 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 64.5 saat)
WIth The NEXT update, I decided to revisit the game again, since I haven't refunded it back then.

The Good Impressions: Freighters and fleets actually feel amazing, you can build inside them, up to 50 fleet ships. Definatly an incentive to grind credits into late game. Ways of earning cash seem intresting too, you can do missions to earn expesnive items, socialize with aliens to gain knowledge of points of intrest like ancient ruins which will lead to you to tresure, send fleets to do operations, mod the scanner to earn massive rewards just for scanning, or just scavange for trade goods. Getting powerful equipment and ships is also improved - you can find expensive but broken multi-tools and ships and trade them in for equially powerful but prectine equipment with little cost, especially when it comes to ships since you can store multiple ones on the freighter. The modular upgrades are also easy to buy for nanites and offer huge bonuses. Finally the planets and animals are better now. But thats about it.

The Bad Impressions: It's grindy as ever. Resources and crafting recepies are not flexible enough, you will be cosntantly running around looking for inferior resources, becasue you crafted the best ones. Travelling is slow as always. Now I like grindy games if the gameplay is amaizing. Gameplay here sucks, its tedious, boring and frustrating. Combat is also horrendus, be it in space or on foot. In space you fight like 2 or 3 ships, by slowly turning your ship around and firing an aresnal or identically unimpressive guns. On foot the sentinels are bullet sponges that will aggro on you for stepping on a rock too hard. And they don't even drop anything good anymore. It doesn't help that multi-tool offesnive modifications suck and don't feel like weapons. Accuracy and hitboxes are detirmined by RNG gods. Also your camara doesn't turn too well. And finally the entire base building system is mediocre and the tools they give you are useless, like the autonomus mining drill that mines 10 copper in 10 minutes and consumes 100 carbon. Also if you don't place an expensive beacon next to it you will forget where it was, also you can't pick it up. What a joke.

But I could tolarate all that, and the reason why I unistalled yet again is the following.
The Ugly Impressions: GAME.BREAKING.BUGS - the game. It's impossible to go 5 minutes without running into a bug. You took a mission? Well let's change the original mission giver, change the requirement or just bug it out so the marker is in the blackhole. Oh you got an amazing mission from a freighter which will give you a super expensive item and all you need to do is scan like 14 animals? Well go ahead and scan them all becasue we just gonna delete the mission from your log, you can still retake it, but too bad you already scanned all the animals. A fleet ship came back for repairs? Go ahead land on it and repair the modules manually - Modules that need repair: 0. That's right you can neither repair nor use that fleet ship, your best bet is to warp around in your freighter wasting warp cells untill the counter changes. Wanna build something inside the freighter, like rooms and storage, well its gonna bug the entire wall behind it so don't come to close or you will fall into the void. Speaking of building, Wanna go through building menu looking for the right constructible? Too bad as soon as you select anything it will be immediatly built wasting your resources beacasue ♥♥♥♥ you. Pulse jumping somewhere, you better keep your eyes on it for the entire 2 minutes becasue if you look away its going to crash into whatever you were flying towards and glitch inside it. Wanna fly between the station and the freighter? Well the game will roll the dice in which direction its going to spin you while you attempt to pulse jump. And the sentinels? Don't even mess with them, you cannot defeat them becasue they will summon more and more and more and more, and will burrow through solid rock to detect you and fly into a blackhole after you, just beraly outside of their weapons range, but close enough to block your pulse jump. Also why does half of the ♥♥♥♥ in the game simply doesn't work. Like there is rocket boots upgrade, quite expensive in the early game, but it bugged and has been bugged since begining, just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ remove it from the game.

And the game breaking bug that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ pissed me off so much is that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ weapon research mission with sentinels. The Vy'cuck ♥♥♥♥♥♥ summons two sentienls to fight you near your base, you need to kill 8. It ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sucks becasue you have to run back and forth between caves and buildings to avoid big sentinels, killing like 1 sentinel while its unarmored and repeating the process 8 times. When you fianlly wasted half and hour of your life, the game decides to swtich your active quests, so that quest just resets the counter back to zero. Well ♥♥♥♥ you then, I am never finishing that quest. But hey ♥♥♥♥ me too, because everytime now that you exit your ship on any planet in any universe, two sentinels will spawn and aggro on you RUINING THE WHOLE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ GAME. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ BROKEN PIECE OF ♥♥♥♥. SEAN MURRAY YOU ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ STOP BUILDING BUGS UPON BUGS, STOP ADDING UNFISISHED CONTENT, STOP MAKING GAMEPLAY CYCLE MORE TEDIOUS. MAKE THE GAME AT LEAST MEDIOCRE FIRST, AT LEAST PLAYABLE.

All in all. No Man's Sky is still dissapointing and you shouldn't buy it ever. The only reason I have it, is because I am retarded and didn't refund it. Well until the NEXT NEXT update, if its any good I will review its bugs too. ♥♥♥♥ Off.
Yayınlanma 1 Ağustos 2018. Son düzenlenme 2 Ağustos 2018.
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6 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
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kayıtlarda 14.0 saat
This game is absolutley lovely.

The Good:
- X-com like gameplay (Defend against aliens, time is not on your side, protect allies, macromanagement, etc.)
- FTL like features (Random encounters, officers and crew members provide extra solutions etc)
- Final Fantasy like combat with an added depth of status effects that can be comboed for extra damage
- Interesting and Hilarious other races (With plenty of referenses to sci-fi media)
- More relaxed game flow and more control (However you will lose if you don't maximize your gains)

The Bad:
- Only 3 Officer/Ship classes
- Only 5 Tiers of Ships
- Ground Combat is underdeveloped and tideous
- Foundary room is lackluster
- Not much gained from having high relationship with other races

Luckily the game is getting updates and new features constantly. I am hoping to see new classes, ability to use other races' tech through diplomacy, at least five more tiers of ships (for New Game + pehaps?), better foundary items and upgrades, ability to find legendary variants of ships.

But yeah, game's worth the money.
Yayınlanma 14 Nisan 2017.
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