Jorge JChaos   Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Please Read information and jchaos screenshot contest (see below)

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WIN AN AWARD: JCHAOS Screenshot game
Sometimes I put fragments of lyrics in my screenshots... The first person who spot it and respond the name of the song, the author and the year will be grant with a steam award from me.

Awards given and screenshots spoted by steam friends:
+1 award to Blackthug for Its raining men (Apex Legends)
+1 award to Z for The end (Apex Legends)
+1 award to RogerO.Thornhill for Straight to your heart (Apex Legends)
+1 award to nRapex for Lighthouse Keeper (Rust)
+1 award to RogerO.Thornill for KInd of Magic (Lego Marvel heroes 2)
+1 award to Zeroxel for Keeper of the Seven keys (ghouls and ghost)
+1 award to Girl in a Cafe for 99 Luftbaloons (TABS)
+1 award to Girl in a Cafe for Stripped (Left4dead2)
+1 award to Girl in a Cafe for Hallowed by the Name (Hellish quart)
+1 award to iSilverX for Zombie (Halo Combat Evolved)
+1 award to Jim Raynor for Welcome Home Sanituarium (Super Hexagon)
+1 award to iSilverX for We are the champions (Apex Legends)
+1 award to iSilverX for Over the Mountain (Mountian)
+1 award to Ya Boi and Rusty Brans for painkiller (Apex Legends)
+1 award to Traffikjam for Oops I did it again (Apex Legends)
+1 award to Crash for Wherever I may roam (Scum)
+1 award to Marianna for Annihilator kingh jumps the queen (Killing floor 2)
+ 1 award to Tiny Dreamer for Singing in the rain (DayZ)
+1 award to Knight for kind of magic (rustly lake hotel)
+1 award to kinght for Ace of spades (scum)
MOOD OF THE WEEK: Survivor of zombie apocalypse
Games played in 2025:
- DayZ: frostbite :otaznicek:
- Battlefield I
- Shadow Warrior

Games played in 2024:
- :RideCheck: Scum 0.95: Horde
- :RideCheck: Apex: Seasson 19. Conduit
- :RideCheck:Total War Warhammer III. Inmortal realms :WH3_bear:
- Generation Zero
- :RideCheck: Gears of War (xbox 360)
- Fallout
- Fallout 76 :VBOY:
- :RideCheck:Arkanoid online
- Arma III
- :RideCheck: Rusty lake hotel :Boarsandwich:
- :RideCheck: Space marine (xbox 360)
- Gears of war II (xbox 360)
- Rome Total War. Empire campaign rome
- :RideCheck: Enciclopedia de la ratoncita :lm_earthworm:
- Deadbeat heroes
- Endless ocean (Wii)
- :RideCheck: Bug Academy
- :RideCheck: Star Wars Battlefront II
- Ark Evolved The island... permadeth
- Warframe Dante
- :RideCheck: Doom 3 BFG :P10:
- Pax Dei
- :RideCheck: Necrovision
- Alien breed Impact
- :RideCheck: She sees red
- :RideCheck: Necrovision: lost company
- :RideCheck: Doom 3: Resurrection of evil
- :100percent: Please, touch the art 2
- Deadlock (tester)
- :RideCheck: Kingdom come deliverance
- :RideCheck: Mutazione
- :RideCheck: Frederic: Resurrection of music. Director's cut
- Ark Ascended
- :RideCheck: Samorost
- Super Mario Bro Wii (wii)
- :RideCheck: Doom 2016
- The crew 2
- :100percent: Distant space
- :RideCheck: Creepy Tales :creepykey:
- :RideCheck: Octodad Student edition
- :RideCheck: Doom Eternal :Pain_Elemental:
- :RideCheck: Castle break
- Banana
- Dollar
- Retrowave :cap80s:
- Leisure Suit Larry in the land of Lounge Lizards

Games played in 2023:
- Nightmare Puppeteer
- :100percent: Through Abandoned: The Underground City
- :RideCheck:Spot Girl Differences
- Space hulk Deadwing enhanced edition
- :RideCheck: Press X to not die
- :RideCheck: Uranus
- Deiland
- :RideCheck: No more money
- :RideCheck: Painkiller black edition
- Hylics
- Mortadelo y Filemón: una aventura de cine
- Aegis
- :RideCheck: Jellyfish
- RisingStorm 2 Vietnam :Barrage:
- :100percent:Yi and the thousend moons
- :100percent: The Cat Games
- :100percent: Pineapple on pizza
- :RideCheck:Alan wake :Eye_tv:
- :RideCheck: Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice :redrune:
- :RideCheck: Dear Esther Landmarck edition
- :RideCheck: Gravitas
- :RideCheck: Neo Cab
- :RideCheck: Penumbra: Overture
- :RideCheck: Tokyo Cop
- :RideCheck: Penumbra: Black Plague
- :100percent: Search all - cats
- :RideCheck: Rage
- :RideCheck:Battelfield, Bad Company 2
- Rust
- Kholat :KholatFlashlight:
- Warframe, Dhuviri paradox
- Kingdom come Deliverance :kcdhead:
- DayZ
- Wolfestein: YoungBlood
- Apex Legends: Arsenal
- Apex Legends: Resurrection
- Desolate :sadchuraka:
- Undertale :sans:
- :RideCheck: I am Fish :I_Am_Fish_Puffer:
- :RideCheck: Octodad :sushidad:
- Alien breed: Impact
- DayZ Livonia
- :RideCheck: Scum: Hells kitchen
- Apex: ignite

Games played in 2022:
- Swords and souls :ssn_ruby:
- :RideCheck:Wolfstein II The New Colossus
- :RideCheck: Mirror's Edge :meflip:
- Stick fight: The game
- :RideCheck:Doom 64
- Easy red 2 :italy_1945: :poland_1945:
- :RideCheck: Twist of my life :Bacon_and_eggs:
- :RideCheck:Untiteled Goose Game
- :RideCheck: XIII
- Apex season 12: Resistence
- :RideCheck: Naked P Battle
- :RideCheck: The Beast Inside
- :100percent: H Zodiac Puzzle
- :RideCheck: Necromunda: Hired Gun :nhggun2:
- :100percent:The one who pulls out the sword will be crowned King
- :RideCheck: The good time garden
- :RideCheck: Colortone :blueballsmile:
- World Box
- My singing monster
- SoulCalibur VI
- Payday 2 :TheD:
- High school
- SuperMeat Boy :dealwithit:
- :100percent: Zombie Derby
- :RideCheck: Little Nightmares :chief_knife:
- The Forest
- :RideCheck: Lego: los increibles
- :RideCheck: sixtieth kilometer :Crazyman:
- :RideCheck: Half life 2 :headcrab:
- :RideCheck: Gnog :gnogmusic:
- :100percent: Project Mercury
- Warhammer 40k Gladius :Boyz:
- Total war warhammer III
- Serious Sam II
- :RideCheck: Intruder on the bridge :cullyrobot:
- Legends of keepers
- Saint Row IV :sr4eagle:
- Deathwing :DWdeathwing:
- :RideCheck: Conan Exile, Age of sorcery
- Dude Simulator 4
- :100percent:Path to Mnemosyne :ptm_3:
- :RideCheck:The Cat Games :thecatpaw:
- :100percent: Kawaii Rainbow Portal
- :RideCheck:Jellyfish
- Moon Hunters :camping:
- Akapulka
- Teardown
-:100percent: Dagon
- Killing floor 2 :Fleshpound:

Games played in 2021:
- :RideCheck: Blood and Bacon ::milk:
- :100percent: Yogurt!
- Ultimate epic battle simulator
- Apex Legends Ascension season 7
- :RideCheck: Metro Last light :mllrsniperround::BeltedRounds::CurvedClip::Mstar:
- :RideCheck: Fetisch locator - week 1 :lydia:
- :100percent: Chuchel :chuchelcrazy::chuchelsmile::chuchelwow:
- :100percent: Apex Legends season 8 stragos :apex_bangalore:
- Saturday of piercing screams
- 10 second ninja X :time2:
- :RideCheck: Hotline Miami :Horse:
- Rust :stonehatchet:
- :RideCheck: Bright Memory :thumbalift:
- Verdun:germany::landsers::shot:
- Stone Rage
- :RideCheck: Titan Chaser :titan_calm:
- :100percent:Trap Arena
- :RideCheck: Blaz Blue: Calamity Trigger :Noel:
- Uni
- :RideCheck: Legends of keepers: Prologue
- :RideCheck: House of Fata Morgana:fatanellie:
- Memmoir '44
- :RideCheck: Half life 2 lost coast
- Chex Quest
- :100percent: Rescue mission
- Apotheon Arena
- :RideCheck:Vampire Masquerade: Cottaries from New York:cony_lasombra:
- Galaxium
- :RideCheck: The Search :Infinity1:
- :RideCheck: Lego Marvel Heroes 2
- Insurgency :insfist::oldschool:
- :RideCheck: Lego DC Super Villans
- :RideCheck: Simulacra
- Capcom Stadia, ghouls n ghost :CapSta_Ryu:
- Cathering classics :cathcorsage:
- Carmageddon 2, carpocalysis now :SkullCarma:
- Left for dead 2 :witch::health:
- :RideCheck:Pikuniku :nikustun::piku:
- :RideCheck:Warhammer: Vermintide2 :sealdeal:
- Chivalry, medieval warfare :catapult::meowric:
- :RideCheck: Bloody Spell:Monsterheart:
- :RideCheck:Dude simulator 3:redsodabottle:
- :RideCheck:Hellish Quart :FioreCrown:
- :RideCheck:Halo Reach:MCCSWORD: :MCCMONITOR:
- Totally Accurate Battleground
- Totally Accurate Battle Simulator
- :100percent: Apex Legend 9 season Legacy
- Yakuza Zero :Y0TigersBane:
- :RideCheck: Wo Yao Da :gladiatorhelmet:
- Nubarrón
- Lego World
- :RideCheck: Gladiator Manager: prologue
- Life is strange:LIS_PolaPhoto::LIS_pixel_heart:
- Total war warhammer:BallandChain:
- Total war warhammer II:WHII_Money:
- :RideCheck: Halo Combat Evolved
- Super Hexagon:superpoint:
- Endless TM Zone
- :RideCheck: One bot drop
- :100percent:Runner Dot
- :100percent: House of Detention:gymBOSS:
- Universe Sanbox
- Lost daughter
- Walking simulator
- :RideCheck:Urban justice
- :100percent:Apex Legends season 10 Eclosión
- Regions of ruins:dwarfcoins:
- Far Cry Primal:fcp_sabre:
- :RideCheck:Discovering colors: Animals
-:100percent:Cell to singularity - evolution never ends
- Russiaphobia :RoflanFace:
- Mountian :turd:
- :RideCheck: Halo 2
- :RideCheck:Halo 3
- Scum :scum_mushroom:
- Warhammer combat cards
- Crab dub
- :RideCheck: Halo 3 ODST campaing
- :RideCheck: Outlaws + Handlful of missions
- Gladiator Guild Manager
- Twilight struggle
- Spore :RedChirppy:
- Nosferatu, wraith of Malachi :stake:
- :100percent: The plan
- Wild life Demo
- :RideCheck: Halo 4
- :100percent:Merry Glade
- Between two Castles of KIng Ludwig
- :RideCheck: The Franz Kafka vid
Doom Artifacts
34 12 1
31 15 1

3月10日 に最後にプレイ
3月10日 に最後にプレイ
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幽默搞笑人屁话多不高冷好无聊啊 一起玩
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萝莉威信桐城扫码月抛 3月9日 3時11分 
御姐萝莉不高冷听话 听你指挥
鞠婧祎 3月9日 3時11分 
一起来聊聊天 做暖
美女威信桐城扫码月抛 3月9日 3時11分 
闺蜜无聊 有没有出来玩的
古见硝子 3月9日 3時11分 
老公不在家 找一个男朋友