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Posted: 18 Nov, 2024 @ 12:51pm

pretty fun game tbh reminds me some what of left 4 dead in terms of map changing with every play through. overall the game isnt bad but it could use some more polishing if one single dev remained i can somewhat let that slide.

the main bads about the game is overall clumsiness and really no direction of telling you what to do you really find this out on the first map where it just really thrusts you into the game and you have to figure out what your suppose to be doing it really doesnt tell you but looking at your phone ( the B key on keyboard) will let you know about objectives also anthor tip read the notepads left behind they will give clues or tell you what your suppose to be doing

( like first map again toward the end your suppose to be finding fuse rods to put into the break box after you unlock the door with the green keycard witch will start a horde event then after doing that have to run to the train) while this isnt the biggest issue you will have to play the first map repeatedly to figure out what to do after that the later parts of the campaign become easier overall but that first level is just oof.

also anthor thing its easier with friends to play with cause having more people to help with objectives is alot better than going though it solo especially with finding those fuse rods not saying you cant do it solo but it is easier with more people.

the starting pistol is well amazing its one of the best weapons in the game mostly cause zombies can go down with one head shot and the pistol ammo is surprisingly plentiful you can singlehandly take on hordes with enough pistol ammo and good aim the only real zombies you would struggle with are zombies that wear helmets and full body armor , police zombies will sometimes spawn with the helmets witch with enough shots will break i recommend using a higher caliber gun like a rifle, shotgun or acr the army zombies will full armor and helmets are pain.

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