
Tanchyon の最近のレビュー

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22件中 11-20 を表示
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Great game, although temper your expectations. If you go into it expecting it to live up to the hype it won't. The story is very nice and the gameplay elements are good. Imo they should have toned the grind down a little so that it doesn't lose it's momentum. The game grips you from the start but you lose that magic when you hit the grind.
投稿日 2021年5月9日.
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総プレイ時間:231.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:14.4時間)
Suffers from some lackluster optimization but turning off RTX and enabling DLSS solves that issue.

Apart from that, amazing game, possibly even surpasses the Witcher 3. I can't remember when I last played a game this good.
投稿日 2020年12月10日.
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総プレイ時間:592.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:468.9時間)
Good for a free game. Worth getting a DLC.
投稿日 2019年7月2日.
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総プレイ時間:4,416.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:3,329.7時間)
Deceitful devs, unoptimized game, and now screwing over the long term players. They use popular issues to justify cutting way back on expenditure even though the game only just released. For instance they used the "duping" and "cheating" issue to set all servers to Legacy basically meaning that they would soon be deleted.

Shortly after this, they said that they would be deleting servers with "no discernable human activity" and repurposing those to the new server cluster. Behold when the delete list came out there were many many servers that had high levels of activity (15+ players at all times). No problem right? I mean those players lose everything but their game but at least they have new servers coming up to start again on?

Well on PC alone they deleted around 423 servers. Then they added about 170 servers to replace those. So all the players from those deleted servers, the new players, and the Legacy servers who were now afraid their servers were going to disappear soon as well all started cramming onto those new servers. These 170 new servers were constantly maxxed out, lagfests with far far too much building and dinos on them. Soon they were at tame cap meaning no one could tame anymore and were laggy and difficult to play. No problem right, they must be still repurposing those old servers? Nope, they permanently downsized their server count at a point where player numbers were the highest (release).

And to top all that off cheating and duping is again rampant on the new servers.

This is just one example of how they are screwing over the official playerbase. Sure people can make their own servers but that is imo a far inferior way to play. No meaningful trade or community, servers dont last very long and very low population counts. Trying to find a good server in the unofficial community is harder than just hosting your own server. And if you host your own then be ready to play by yourself for most of the time unless Joe and Tom down the street can be convinced to play with you.
投稿日 2016年9月3日. 最終更新日 2017年12月7日
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総プレイ時間:107.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:51.8時間)
After nearly 30 hours of gameplay I feel that I'm sufficiently versed in the game to appraise it. Originally when I was playing the beta and then playing this on release I was quite entertained with it. Now twenty something hours later I still have exactly the same appreciation for it. It really is a good game and that's saying something coming from Ubisoft.

The PVE experience has an engaging storyline, and really solid game mechanics. Don't buy it expecting some kind of combat simulator, this is a RPG shooter first and foremost. That means if you are a lower level than your opponents you are going to be emptying clip after clip into them a la Borderlands style. Even when you are sufficently powerful enough to engage certain enemies, some of them will simply be of a higher standard and some will be bosses. That means extended gunfights where your tactics and use of your abilities will make the difference.

For a new release this game is very polished, performance is great, and no major bugs (although you may run into some minor ones that get patched out frequently.) I run the game on a 2560x1080 monitor with all settings maxed out on my GTX 970 and it really couldn't be any smoother for me, maxing out the Vsync framerates. The graphics and the environment are complicated and detailed and sure look pretty especially with changing times of the day and shifting weather effects.

I've played a fair bit of Destiny and I found it a bit meh, but as there aren't really many team rpg shooter games like that I stuck with it. Now I can confidentally say that there is no reason for me to ever fire up Xbone to play Destiny again. This game far exceeds it in nearly all categories.

Solo play is quite feasible in this game even though it is touted as a team based online game in the same way that the Borderlands series is always still soloable. There's plenty to do in the PVE areas, nothing that REALLY requires a team to accomplish so long as you are sufficiently levelled and are using the right skills and gear. Most of my time in game has been spent solo either in the PVE areas or in the PVP Dark Zones. That being said, grouping up brings you to another level of entertainment. If you don't know anyone that plays it, the matchmaking feature in game couldn't be simpler. Whether you are in PVE or in the Dark Zone its a simple matter of pressing a key in the map or at a matchmaking terminal and suddenly you have your group ready to go. You can also do one on one invites if you see someone in a safe house or in the dark zone that perhaps you don't want to turn your back on without them being in your group.

- Polished Game
- Very solid and unique gameplay
- Pretty environments
- Character and loot progression
- Crafting
- Engaging Tom Clancy storyline
- Soloable
- Fantastic team fun
- PVP zone is unique and tense whilst still being very rewarding
- Devs look to the future and will be expanding the game further and further as time goes on

- Fairly generic ambient civilians
- Limited enemy types (around 4 major enemy factions each with about 4 different types of soldier plus bosses)
- some minor bugs

This is probably the first game where I've dismissed the negative criticism it gets on the forums and reviews and I'm glad I did. The trolls are out in force trying (and overall failing) to bring the game down. My advice is to watch a Twitch stream and make up your own mind. That being said, it's the kind of game that is actually a lot more fun to play than to watch so keep that in mind. If you like the combat mechanics and you have a soft spot for looting games like Borderlands or Diablo then you need this game. You won't be disappointed.
投稿日 2016年3月13日. 最終更新日 2016年3月16日
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総プレイ時間:75.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:72.0時間)
Just fantastic, I have read a few people complain about performance issues, but even on my 2560x1080 the game never seems to get below 60fps on my 970GTX so theres that.

Best fire/explosions/destruction I've ever seen in a game.

Surprisingly interesting backstory and missions (Was just expecting the usual "Kill this, collect that" missions but there is a huge variety to what you are doing. One day you will be stealthing your way through an enemy base causing "accidents" and the next you will be riding a ballistic missile trying to alter it's trajectory.

A lot has to be said about the physics in this game. I mean WOW. Everything seems to have weight and strength, and this combined with the tethering system and different types of explosives makes for some spectacularly realistic destruction. Never seen anything like it.

Hopefully the modding scene is well supported because with such a huge map and awesome engine running the destruction and vehicle combat there are endless possibilities for singleplayer and multiplayer gameplay in the future for Just Cause 3.

I'd recommend buying right now, if you have an nvidia card. If you have AMD (and you must be getting used to problems by now) then wait for the first patch to come out as that should be addressing your performance issues.

Review System Specifications:
i7 4790K 4.00 Ghz
16 Gb RAM
970GTX 4Gb
Windows 7
投稿日 2015年12月7日. 最終更新日 2015年12月7日
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総プレイ時間:192.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:22.2時間)
Been a big Fallout fan from way back when the original Fallout came out. Those were some good memories. An now we are yet again delving into the post apocoplyptic universe that has entertained us for thousands of hours.

I'm not going to make this long, but if you want Fallout 3, but better, this is it.
The entire system seems to been overhauled, much more efficient and user friendly but at the same time the scope of what you can do has exponentially grown. You can just run and gun your way through the game, or you can take your time, discover every mystery and rebuild the wasteland bit by bit.

In fact there is so much to do, I'm not sure I'm ever going to finish it. But after a couple of dozen hours the entertainment value is still right up there which is important for such big games.

I know this game got metabombed... in fact I'd ignore the trollish reviews... just go check it out on twitch for yourself.

If you like the Fallout universe, or even Skyrim, you have got to get this game. If you have never played those games then this is a fantastic introduction to a great Action/RPG.

Just go buy it. I promise you won't regret it.
投稿日 2015年11月13日. 最終更新日 2015年11月13日
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総プレイ時間:40.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:18.4時間)
I really want to write a top review for Pillars of Eternity, but mere words don't do it justice.

Well that's my excuse - I need to get back to Eora. So much to explore, so little time.
投稿日 2015年4月4日.
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総プレイ時間:28.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:19.6時間)
Successfully replaces Sim City as THE City Management Sim. Feels more advanced than anything before, yet feels more like the original Sim City games. With Steam Workshop this is the game you are going to keep coming back to. 10/10.
投稿日 2015年3月18日.
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総プレイ時間:3.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:3.3時間)
At the start, it takes a while to get used to the controls.
By the third level you start to get the hang of it.
Everything is kind of interesting when you are a piece of bread.
There is heaps of good physics and interactivity in the game.
You have to figure out what is the easiest way to toast yourself... there are usually more than one.

All in all a good game there is nothing like it. You know you want to buy it. You knead it!
投稿日 2014年12月5日.
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22件中 11-20 を表示