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Senaste recensioner av Pulsar

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Visar 31–40 av 41 poster
1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
14.4 timmar totalt (4.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Lets get all the negative stuff out of the way first.

- Always online
- Random FPS drops
- Episodic model is dumb
- Various bugs and glitches. No crashes so far, but they definitely break immersion.
- Large crowds should talk loud. There barely is any noise which feels really unrealistic

- Graphics are nice
- Controls and camera movement feel very similar to Blood Money
- Lots and lots of possibilites to complete a mission
- Gameplay is challenging and feels just right at the normal setting
- Guards act more natural than in previous games
- Goofy physics, which is actually a Pro item in a Hitman game

If you loved Blood Money and hated Absolution like me, you'll be glad to know that this game is less focused on story and more on actual contracts, just like Blood Money was back then.
Overall, I would rate it positive. Once they iron out the performance issues and release some additional contracts, this game could be really good.
Upplagd 11 mars 2016.
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33.4 timmar totalt (11.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
FTL is a good game, but has a lot of wasted potential. Your only goal is to flee from a chasing fleet and fight a boss in the end, that's it. While it has a lot of cool random encounters and very challenging gameplay, it would be even better if the developers had added a Free Roam option where you could maybe play as a trader or mercenary and explore the galaxy at your own pace.
Upplagd 12 januari 2016.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
13.7 timmar totalt (12.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
This game physically hurts my brain, but it feels kinda good.

10/10 would get brain cancer from trying to solve TIS-100 Puzzles again.
Upplagd 27 december 2015. Senast ändrad 24 februari 2016.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
146.1 timmar totalt (101.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
The final installment of Geralt's adventures brings his story to a satisfying and respectful conclusion. The plot and narration are of outstanding quality, gameplay and graphics are excellent. CD Projekt RED takes the player on one epic ride from start to finish that even dwarves Mass Effect 2 in comparison. With a total playtime of easily 100 hours just for the base game, not counting the first and soon-to-be-released second expansion, this game is a bargain in itself.

Easily the best RPG and one of the best games I've ever played.
Upplagd 10 november 2015. Senast ändrad 13 november 2015.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
9.0 timmar totalt (6.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
Bear Grylls Simulator 2015

Upplagd 16 juni 2015. Senast ändrad 17 juni 2015.
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17.8 timmar totalt (14.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
This is actually one of the few Early Access Games worth buying. It is fully playable (with new content being added constantly) and feels very polished.

The game is separated in small levels. In each level, you have to reach a certain goal, like kill all the knights or destroy a building. How you do that is up to you, and this is where the fun starts. You can build the most sophisticated war machines to bring death and destruction, or just put put a bomb on a car and blow up your target. Doesn't matter as long as you fulfill your goal!

The graphics are minimalistic, but beautiful and a real pleasure to look at. Overall, you get a great sandbox experience for a good price.
Upplagd 11 maj 2015.
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95.2 timmar totalt (63.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
The only Early Access Game worth buying.
Upplagd 30 mars 2015.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
24.5 timmar totalt (12.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
A wonderful example of how the video game adaption of a popular tv series can be done right. Playing this game feels like being in the middle of a very good episode. If you are a fan of South Park, this game is for you.
Upplagd 14 mars 2015.
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75 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
9 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
10.3 timmar totalt
Don't be fooled by my hours, I played the Non-Steam version quite a while.

A lot of people seem to be confused by this game. They probably expected some epic story mode or intense multiplayer battles, and end up disappointed because CC doesn't have these features. But it has something different: An incredible sandbox experience.

Do you want to know how I play it? I load up a map of Skirmish Defense, enable unlimited gold and that my brain can be placed anywhere, then build an unbreachable subterranean bunker and start the game. Now the real fun begins. Wave after wave of enemies will try to tunnel a way to my brain, but this task is a bit complicated by the fact that I constantly drop crates filled with pineapple grenades and molotov cocktails on their heads and watch their bodies explode into gore.
Soon, the whole battlefield is covered in body parts and debris. The never ending waves of enemies have to crawl trough a horrible mess of blood and flesh from their fallen brethren, only to be ripped apart by the next crate bomb. If this gets boring, I set up a Sniper with a high powered Anti-Vehicle rifle on a hilltop. It is just too damn entertaining to shoot out a drop ship's engines and then finish the remaining crew with a single, multiple-body-penetrating shot.

The completely desctructible environment is just so awesome to mess with. When you fire bullets at the ground, you can see them traveling through the dirt and coming to a halt. The game even takes into account what weapon was used - bullets of rifles will bury much deeper than the ones of pistols.
This also introduces some interesting mechanics in terms of bunker design. Depending on the angle from where the shot was fired, a bullet will either bounce off a wall or penetrate it.
Exploding grenades produce shrapnel that rips apart even the toughest enemy. There is even a Chainsaw Gun. Guess what it does. Yes, it fires Chainsaws.

The only problem with Cortex Command are the lazy developers. This game has been in development forever, and nothing significant has changed. The devlog is updated twice a year max, and it's been ages since the last release. This makes the 20$ pricetag feel like a rip-off, since you're buying an unfinished product that probably will never be finished.

If you can pick it up at sale, though... go for it!
Upplagd 8 januari 2015. Senast ändrad 22 november 2015.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
11.4 timmar totalt (11.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
This game is for you if you like:

- Star Wars
- Epic Space Battles
- Purging the Galaxy from Rebel Scum
Upplagd 2 januari 2015.
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