DarthEzor - Alfα Legion Ork
بليک لىه ايزور (Blake Lee Ezor)   Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Ole right, listen up you gitz! Dis ere iz Darth Ezor da Weird Boy, an wat ize sayz dozen madder, cuz ize dust uh Ork Weird Boy diskized az uh SPESS MAHREEN Liebearry Syker git diskized az uh Ork pertendin ta be uh humie Beakie dat kwotes DA KODEX ASS-TAR-TEZ furm time ta time! Oi iz da pertekter ov Squigz, Squiggoths, Orkeosaurouses, and ole tings squiggy (squigs, dogs, bear cubs, bears, puppies, and wolves basicly), so if ize ketch youze muckin about wit any ov doze tings dat ize dust sed, oi'll krump yuh inta da zoggin warp moi self!!! AZ DA KODEX ASS-TAR-TEZ SEZ: "DA ONLY GIT YOUZE SHOOD BE FIGHTIN FER IS DA EMPER OV DA EM-PAIR-UM! BUT DONT FIGHT WITH HIM, CUZ OLE HEAL DO IZ DUST SIT DERE ON DAT YELLOW CHAIR OV HIZ, CUZ DEM SPIKEY GITZ TURNED ON EM AN KRUMPED HIM GUD! DATZ WHYZ ANY AN OLE SPIKEY GITZ IZ BAD, CEPT MABE DAT ZEENCH..." (Tzeentch) "...GIT, CUZ HE'Z DA WUN DAT GIVEZ US WEIRD BOYY-OI MEAN SYKERZ OUR POWERZ!!! OH YEAH, GORK AN MORK IZ OK TO, BUT DATZ CUZ THEY'Z TOUGH!!! WAAAAAA--OI MEAN, FER DA EM-PAIR-UM!!!"

You have caused us great discomfort, little flea... And I feel inclined to scratch.
+++ Grimspyre, Daemon of Khorne to Inquisitor Hand +++

"Today in Biology we learned about mutations and mutants and how we shouldn't judge them - so I burned the Textbooks and then burned the Teacher for being a Heretic."

"I came, I saw, I waaaagh!"

All is Dust.
+++ Thousand Sons +++

Travellin' through space is boring. Well, boring unless da hulk yer on is full of dem gene-sneakers, or a base fer da chaos lads wiv da spikes, or already has Boyz on it. Or if humie lootas come callin', that's always good fer a bit a sport. Or unless yer have a mutiny or two to pass da time, or unless strange fings start happenin', which dey usually do when yer out in da warp. One time we had some bloody great ugly fing come straight out of Weird Lugwort's 'ed! It butchered half da lads, that was pretty entertainin'. Come ter fink of it, space is a pretty good larf. And that's before yer find yerself a nice world ta crush!
+++ Bigmaw, Ork Runtherd +++

I dunno wot you been told,
Stormboy mobs is mighty bold,
We're da hardest of da lot,
We make you lot look like Grots.
+++ Stormboy drill-chant +++

The Orks are the pinnacle of creation. For them, the great struggle is won. They have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst. Who are we to judge them? We Eldar who have failed, or the Humans, on the road to ruin in their turn? And why? Because we sought answers to questions that an Ork wouldn't even bother to ask! We see a culture that is strong and despise it as crude.
+++ From Culture vs. Kultur: Thoughts on Orkish Society by Uthan the Perverse, a controversial Eldar philosopher +++
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DarthEzor - Alfα Legion Ork 2 Jan, 2022 @ 6:38pm 
lol Ill never get any achievements in Stellaris because i use mods
DarthEzor - Alfα Legion Ork 27 Dec, 2017 @ 10:51pm 
Youze uh weak humie!
Asdrubael Vect 24 Dec, 2017 @ 9:56pm 
Time has passed I like the imperial guard more now
DarthEzor - Alfα Legion Ork 24 Dec, 2017 @ 5:56pm 
An da strongest!!!!
Asdrubael Vect 1 Oct, 2015 @ 10:08pm 
Orks iz the biggest!!!
Viper 12 Jun, 2015 @ 3:04am 
"I have to much friends" -10/10 IGN