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682.0 timer totalt (665.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
EDIT number 2: Ok so little PSA/tips
-Autoloaders can be used to pick up ammo boxes or items from far away
-Advanced/Supreme autoloaders pick up ammo automatically only in outlined square
-You can man the first artillery gun and the second two barrel artillery gun. The triple barrel battleship guns you cannot man
-Awesome small details are here like every food and drink has their own model and animation. And on the small details it says nowhere but if you use the mechanical claw glove anywhere on a mech nothing happens BUT if you use it on the cockpit you'll instantly enter the mech.
-stairs transfer energy AND so does the small/large ramp
-don't sell all your valuables keep some for the annoyingly rare merchant that comes by and trades you for much better prices or nice gear
-Fae is the worst person you can run in regards to abilities. His specialty is you can not lose him permanent because of unique talent called plot armor
-you can destroy wrecks to get mats and can be a evil scumbug and destroy all the poor innocent trees for mats
-game has online play so you don't need to play solo

I recommend Outpost Infinity Siege
I quite like OIS. It is a quite fun game and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is it a sexy game. All the dakka dakka, the sleek sexy look of armor and weapons... oooo it is awesome. The incredibly fair asking price for what it is worth. :Fistofdosh: Takes a little time to get into the swing of things but it is very worth it. However! Now matter how awesome the game it matters not at all if it runs and/looks like ♥♥♥♥. The game settings while not the worst they are nevertheless ♥♥♥♥. Devs please resolve this.
A lot of people go into the gameplay more then well enough so I'll say the only reason I thumbed down and consider that I still should. There is no way to disable visual cancer like bloom and other effects. No settings go to low and it seems like it does nothing but change the distance it activates anyway. The game with proper settings could run very well on machines NOT packing high 3000s or 4000s series of GPUs. Certain ♥♥♥♥ is too damn bright. Certain locations play out and load in a fashion the reminds me of when I was playing Fallout 4 and used a mod the separated all entities on the map so the player could pick up all the trash. See normally in FO4 the ground floor and buildings and stuff are just grouped up singular entities so it loads faster. When everything is broken up the game loads a whole LOT more ♥♥♥♥ one by one. This game seems to me loads a lot of stuff individually just like that. Constantly loading elements at a set distance that result in pop ins and whatnot do not help performance. Most notable is less foliage loading around is FAR FAR better then exact same high setting amount just popping in few yards away

PS voice acting is freaking fine and gameplay is more important
Publisert 30. april 2024. Sist endret 19. desember 2024.
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27.2 timer totalt (7.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I actually like this game. I do. It is a simple fun game. It is well more then quite fair for the price and more so when on sale and the price even more fair when compared to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ garbage that costs 4 times as much as Monsters Domain AND runs like ass AND has macrotransactions

But Issues

⚠️ Combat is janky
⚠️ Quite hard to do parries or whatever
⚠️ Lot of powers are kinda worthless (or don't work like Curse of the slain does NOT make follows "immune to incoming attacks") unless you are close cause you just gonna miss otherwise
⚠️Worse yet on the abilities/powers is you can not respec the points
⚠️ You can't move buildings after putting them down
⚠️ No hotkeys or ways to quickly select the building you need
⚠️cant change difficulty
⚠️put in last stone and.... wtf? I am sure there is supposed to be more cutscene but the entire last level just out of nowhere and no given context to what... well... happened. It is easy to guess but point is the game don't say anything

Another reason I am also thumbing down is I have hit some minor? game breaking issues. Missing minions. Minion that I have never sent on any expedition missing on "expedition". Currently my character minions is... dead? missing? entirely invisible. Can NOT be repossessed. I think that one broke when I upgraded the main building you always need to interact with by being on it and having it build/upgrade over my posses minion.

Edit: So I legit hate the point where you can't return to Spirithelm and it is impossible to keep followers alive. The dragonish Torgor is just flat out ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Dunno if it is on purpose but most hits don't do anything... at all. Being able to pretty much instantly kill followers is rather beyond aggravating as it is a first out of nowhere. Worse is you can't carry ♥♥♥♥ with all the followers dead. Just the BS of Torgor alone... Also it seems impossible to reach level ten there just ain't enough in the game and enemies do not respawn and few times they do I am guessing it is not intentional. Quite annoying that at the end I can't go back to store my stuffs.
Publisert 12. april 2024. Sist endret 19. april 2024.
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En utvikler har svart 15. apr. 2024 kl. 12.06 (vis svar)
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4.8 timer totalt (2.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
For $3.39 Im pretty much obligated to only recommend. For less then a sandwhich it is extremely decent and even if anything that could be considered a fault was far far worse.... it would be better then ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ like skull and bones or Blackflag.

The only very strong negative here is
the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ blur at the edges
the part of the background... soundtrack? that has the annoying plane taking off sound constantly
parts or the art that get a little smudgey in the 2d animation
Publisert 30. mars 2024.
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14.9 timer totalt (5.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Total ♥♥♥♥ yeah for 5 bucks. Simple straightfoward TD. This one is among the few where participation is mandatory otherwise you'll just lose. If there was one thing I would have changed it would be a save option. I hate having to restart to keep the run flawless

EDIT: ♥♥♥♥ really needs saves especially when you don't actually pick up where you last were at
Publisert 23. februar 2024. Sist endret 23. februar 2024.
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En utvikler har svart 24. feb. 2024 kl. 5.40 (vis svar)
1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
52.2 timer totalt (0.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Helldivers 2
Now that the game actually works I can change up my review... a little bit. Game is now playable but runs worse... cause of course it does

Overall I do not recommend the game unless you can without fail always play with people. Gotta give a mandatory thumbs down regardless for
1: the mandatory malware you need to run this game which has no good solid reasoning or any excuse to be there in the first place. The core game has no technical reason to require always being online. It should have offline play. You should be able to play multiplayer if the cash shop or galactic war servers are down. This isn't incompetence or accident. This action is deliberate - done as DRM. It's nothing new, unfortunately. But it is quite unnecessary.
2: never acceptable MTX ever under any circumstance for anything that costs more then 1 yen/penny/pence of which this game is much higher then. Granted some of the best MTX ever here almost for how entirely pointless it is and how little impact there is..... but that is beside the point
3: A lot is just flat out impossible solo. Game was never meant to be played solo. Getting overwhelmed is too easy and dying is waaaay to damn easy. Can't get hit too much or at all depending from what. Like you can get KOed by a rocket from a low level common bot from a direction you were not looking at. So you always gotta be running. The very low health pool is less fun and more just annoying as ♥♥♥♥. This makes the game less fun and more damn tedious
Publisert 18. februar 2024. Sist endret 1. mars 2024.
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18.1 timer totalt (12.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
One can say what they will about this but end of the day everything possible aside this game actually ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ delivers. That it ain't no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ scam that gives nothing and does not have scam dailies that are straight up 'spend money'. Actually has writing and other stuff.... It is a strong thumbs up cause this is a saint compared to alternatives and even better that it is on steam which is offensively lacking for sexual content games, especially free ones
Publisert 30. januar 2024.
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0.2 timer totalt
This itself is fine. The only problem with wallpaper alive are all the POS scumbags in the community uploading trash and putting it into EVERY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ CATEGORY. This makes finding any sexual wallpaper to hard to look for
Publisert 15. januar 2024.
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26.9 timer totalt (7.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Good TD with few notable cons having to do with the notion of what the ♥♥♥♥ does this do?
Bunch of stuff is given no indication for what it does.
Publisert 14. januar 2024.
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63.9 timer totalt (4.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
At first glace and at a watch the game is fun and has some mildly humorous at best highly inane moments. But once the game actually starts it becomes extremely easy to see why anyone should never under any circumstances not acquire this game elsewhere.
Asset flips and scams are deserving of more money then this. Heck Greedyvision or ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ deserve more money. Scams just try to scam you and call it a day. This shoves feces right down your throat at the start with Males and more thin Males being the only playable options. The scum behind the game whom are worse then necrophiliac pedophiles. Doing the worst crime then anything else possible for video games by putting an empty headed brainless imbecilic... not even politics just flagrant sexism and the epitome of ret*rdation into the game. The writing and characters are likely from the exact same people that raped Scooby Doo and took a massive diarrhea crap all over it. It is painfully jarring to have constant fourth wall breaks at every point in the game and even worse defaming dnd with such swill.

This game feels like it was made by combining the ret*ardation from TLOU Part 2 and with the cringe of the Saint's Row reboot. It's just gross.

[h]Guns and loot[/h] have always been bad in BL mostly. As you can't upgrade the guns and they are set to whatever your level is when you get them / pick em up. What this means that with every level-up, your guns start to suck. In this you level up and pick up so much junk it legitimately hurts to get rid of a great gun with what you want on it.

This is a very important note as usable guns are seemingly illegal to possess. Too many weapons take up to much screen space and too many damn scopes. I've picked up more scoped anything in this then any other BL game I've ever played

[h]Enemies[/h] Though while I don't care for this much some might. Enemies are very extremely samey. All the fights play out the same. Somehow all the other BL feel more different. Some waves, then a badass (or just the exact same thing except without badass moniker it is still same enemy with just higher numbers). Skeletons/goblins/crabs and then just reskins of them.

DLC is just flagrant money grabbing. Lazy slapping in a arena battle and leaving it at that

EDIT: about 15 hours are afk. As for those that play this and other BL games if you use a save editor you can just sync all your favorite stuff to your level so you don't have to get rid of your favorite stuff
Publisert 1. januar 2024. Sist endret 6. januar 2024.
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31.9 timer totalt
Great TD game. More then worth $7 and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ way more then it's worth at half off
A notable thing I must say is that it seems most of the perks are entirely usless. Some only good for endless at best. A lot of bonus objectives some entirely unachieveable without the perk that lets you get more funds from killing enemies otherwise you can't afford to build X amount of a certain something and have enough for your primary defense
Publisert 28. desember 2023. Sist endret 28. desember 2023.
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