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3.7 hrs on record
I totally would support this being a mandatory to play and own game.... after episode 2 that is because the ending will give you blue balls of annoyance with the to be continued until episode 2 gets released
Posted 26 February, 2017.
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0.0 hrs on record
This is my new lowest bar for awful DLC
Posted 25 January, 2017.
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46.4 hrs on record (41.3 hrs at review time)
Game is great and near flawless. Great story and atmosphere and all that... but runs like $hit. HR on my PC runs max yet I barely can get 30 fps with everything on low with this game and it's not just me. Game is poorly optimized.

Buy when half off. Not worth 60$ until it (if ever) gets optimized.

*Edit not entirely optimization but awful options as well without ability to turn off completely useless things. That I can only play this on my rig and not on the go with my 2.5k gaming laptop that can run HR on max is stupid. That my laptop that ♥♥♥♥♥ on consoles somehow runs it worse then a console is laughably absurd.
Posted 25 January, 2017. Last edited 7 June, 2017.
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0.6 hrs on record
Mirror's Edge meet Portal (no portals though just the buttons)

Very much worth what you pay for. Only bad and completely awful thing about it is it ends to quickly. I'd love to see a longer version several hours long. 15 out of 10 for 3$
Posted 19 January, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
56.7 hrs on record (9.5 hrs at review time)
This game can be fun but the campaign is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ awful. Quite hard to do by yourself really unless you play it real safe and slow. I got the game for 7$ and oh lulz start it up to the lowest resolution with everything blurry. Go past the advert for the season pass (really!?) and terms and con. to change res to max. Get annoyed as heck that the awfully animated startup cut scene can NOT be skipped. Music is garbage in the cut scene. Once the game started… it BARELY runs. I was getting less than 30 FPS and barely 30 when I put EVERYTHING to low. Also there is occasional stuttering it’s literally barely even playable.
I was hoping for this to work cause the multiplayer looked quite fun and I looked up a lot about it. Game barely hits the PC yet runs so poorly. I can tell why the playerbase died outside all the marketing and comparison to overwatch…. The game just by itself
-Locked characters I knew they had them but not that much.
-Optimization? What’s that? Been months and this is still a thing?
-The main menu area and buy button…. I’ve played F2P games and Battleborn looks more F2P then for example Paladins. Paladins runs quite smoothly however. Hi-rez patch Paladins quite well (nerf/buff aside).
-Marketplace.... buy this buy that so much crap stuff to buy!
-The characters are all quite ugly and I’ve literally seen highschool projects done better. Heck I can literally draw better character drunk.
-So much stuff to buy… game is dead why bother selling to the dying playerbase?
-Story mode no health regen? At least have there be enough health orbs for when playing solo.
-Borderlands was less bright and easier on the eyes to look at. Battleborn’s competition is also.
-Practically speaking no playerbase makes it hard to even try to appreciate the unique multiplayer

I got this for 7 bucks (from g2a) so it's quite sad that at that price I'm not annoyed and feel as if I payed what it's worth. Certain alpha's run better. I knew about some of the downsides but sadly I underestimated them a rare thing to me. I'll try to put a few hours on it and try to enjoy it... but it won't be easy. I thought that after a few months and them getting desperate... well... I thought they'd well.. you know, try to maintain it at least. Dammit gearbox get yourself together!
Posted 5 October, 2016. Last edited 5 October, 2016.
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0.1 hrs on record
First important thing to note is I have more hours that for some reason are not shown

You can read huge well done reviews on this in plenty of places. I'm just put my one cent/pence here.
Major fan would totally bang Faerûn if I could. I came in knowing that this is LITERALLY a slower diablo and classes barely change anything. Came here to see the Sword Coast once again and to know it's splendor.... totally dissappointed. Story is ok and predictable... kill the big bad demon. R. A. Salvatore's Drizzt makes a awful and short appearance as well. No interesting characters or anything outstanding. Even characters like Drizzt aren't even remotely noteworthy in this game. All in all worth the meager ten bucks I paid (barely).
Posted 27 July, 2016. Last edited 22 November, 2017.
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12.1 hrs on record (12.1 hrs at review time)
Real great game if you wish for a challenge this can give it to you. Point of Thief is in the title alone... you steal stuff not run around like some moron killing everything and you can't thankfully even if you wish to. Objects taken are your currancy that in turn buys upgrades for your person and your possesions, plus extra tools of the trade that should be bought first before anything else! Comparable to the older Thief games I'd say Garret was done just as good as he was.

DON"T BUY MASTER THIEF EDITION!! DO NOT!! [Unless sale making it same or cheaper price as normal one]
-It is the most POS extra edition there is. The free comic can only be read on your account the you have to make before getting your YOUR ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ comic and you cant even download it..... ♥♥♥♥ you I say! I want my ♥♥♥♥ on my HDD :/ "Do I own the digital comic I purchased?

You do not. As with Amazon, Nook, and other e-book companies, you don’t own the book you buy. You are licensing the right to read the book on supported and authorized devices."

-Soundtrack... torrent or download that...
-Booster pack... arrow capacity increase is great, everything else meh.
-Artbook I like I think it's alright... you can find somewhere to download that to I'm sure.
Posted 1 March, 2014. Last edited 1 March, 2014.
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1.9 hrs on record
Complete ♥♥♥♥! DON"T ever get this shoddy thing for the PC! I've never played something so obvoiusly ported from the 3shitty to PC this bad since Lost Planet.
If you want to play Dead Space go get it for the PS3.
Posted 21 January, 2011.
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342.0 hrs on record (149.7 hrs at review time)
A surprisingly greater game then I expected it to be. For those more inclined to have a challenge hardcore mode may be for you. HC mode though is not for me as I don't care for the feeding, drinking and sleeping when I could be doing other things such as running for my life from deathclaws or wasting time making my hotel room look nice, all the while looking dumb and silly in metal armor... while wearing a cowboy hat.

In this game unlike Fallout 3 you can actually aim down the sites and that itself is way better then FO3. Still has some typical one may expect but do not let that discourage you. The characters here I would say are also far more empathizable then the characters in FO3 and Oblivion. I recommend this game for those who like exploring mainly.

I d however highly recommend NOT to play this game until you download some fixes and here is a damn good start
the better menu alone is a godsend.
Posted 2 January, 2011.
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