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0.0 hrs on record

not a up or down. Still my favorite ships tho. Kinda weird tho that seemingly all real life navies sail the seas incorrectly as sailors don't need to shower. This is news to me LuL as I am a NAVY veteran and we had showers and racks, food poisoning and ♥♥♥♥♥♥ sleep... good stuff... Anyhow It ain't important at all whatsoever and is of no consequence but the DLC makes it very obvious the contracts are just random ♥♥♥♥ with just a random image among the few the game has.

Going by that sexy as ♥♥♥♥ Fuso... oof I would not recommend the other likely much bigger DLCs as it crashes enough with the Fuso battleship and some parts are a big hassle like one of the guns you can't quite reach the side bars that you need to burn off with the blowtorch. It is kinda mildly amusing that the hull parts don't come down until you use the wench otherwise the parts just float in the air.

The most disappointing thing easily about this DLC however is radiation kills you but sadly putting explosives on the gunpowder and on the shells does not fade the screen to black D': SGS2 does not let you play astronaut simulator with what is OR SHOULD be left of the player character

Lastly as a PS I want that secret super indian magic tech that fits an entire damn battleship IN ONE TRUCK yo like DAAAAMN XD Though you'd likely be super totally ♥♥♥♥♥♥ if you wanted something specific.... under 40 tons of stuff KeK let alone something small like just several boxes and a couch like in a normal move to a new house
Posted 13 February. Last edited 13 February.
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46.3 hrs on record (13.6 hrs at review time)
Liked demo enough to buy it. Casual easy going game with some big major faults. Big enough to not in good conscious recommend

-Too many bluetooth connections
-way to much of if there is just one or two walls... those damn things will hold the entire ship top up
-tools and everything are so slow the game is an unplayable chore without forcing it to run at 2x speed
-no constant grabbing when holding down button option
-amount you can carry is offensively tiny making half the game constantly turning and tossing stuff into the truck. Shouldn't have to be forced to edit the weight capacity so I can do more dismantling and less painfully tedious grab toss grab toss grab toss nonsense
Posted 11 February.
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A developer has responded on 13 Feb @ 1:25am (view response)
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116.8 hrs on record (104.2 hrs at review time)
Important tips/facts

Warstone types
-Eagle +50% range (quite notable and best stone)
-Tiger + 40% damage (second best to eagle and best towards back for if something gets through)
Toad -25% cost and 100% recall
Owl +1 mana per kill made by unit on stone (worthless)

-Treasurer->Potion Master is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ worthless does not work on potions from market or from the shop node next to it
-Sorcerer->Lighting/Fireball does not work on Lighting/Fireball Scrolls only the slotted spell

More then fair for the price. Not the best but sure not the worst either. Cute TD game made by four people.
The most massive notable con is you can't speed it the ♥♥♥♥ up. You can speed it up some but nowhere near enough IMO
Posted 2 February. Last edited 3 February.
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7.5 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
FFS it crashes on intro cutscene.
Even if I get it to work it will be negative for that alone. I shouldn't have to go out of my way so hard to play this. Over an hour (at time of this post) of no actual "playtime" and omfg reloading shaders+resources when I relaunch it... are you effing kidding me?
Posted 28 January.
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A developer has responded on 7 Feb @ 7:31pm (view response)
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6.6 hrs on record
As a game it is fine mechanically and plot is enough to carry the reason of why you are running around. It is alright to get on sale. However as a actual real fan with brain cells of Warhammer this is trash. The two worst of the worst factions and one of them the slop that is over 70% of all the damn everything done under 40k this is awful. The eventual chaos appearing is cliche for 40k. As a 40k game this is just flat out terrible. Could do necrons, Tau, w/e could play as imperuim or a battle sister but no... space marines. That aside I'd thumb down for no way to get health other then using your ult otherwise your forced into ugh... melee like some gross plebian and do executions to regain health. Don't seem to be a way to skip cut scenes either.
Got this game as part of a bundle.
Posted 28 January. Last edited 28 January.
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7 people found this review helpful
0.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
All the negative reviews are true. S2 is just a large FU to all old Smite players and now many ex supporters
Posted 15 January.
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0.1 hrs on record
I can't see any reason to not recommend. Simple and straightforward to get exactly what you see and for free at that
Posted 12 January.
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8.4 hrs on record (8.2 hrs at review time)
I was all for and was totally gonna recommend until I got to this one stupid level that is needlessly impossible and can't get past. Infested City is friggin stupid and the enemies are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ nonstop in the way of moving or doing anything with the damn eggs. Wouldn't have mattered still as using tornado got one enemy glitched and unkillable and stuck. Pretty salty to just come to this point for nothing
Posted 11 January.
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0.0 hrs on record
Only one really huge negative is some armors are better stat wise and it is the ugly undeserving ones. The best armor and only one worthwhile here is Xena's the warrior princess armor.
PS you can't upgrade the easily best looking duel blade weapon in the game D:
Posted 11 January. Last edited 11 January.
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29.2 hrs on record
Far far to many comparisons/statements about slay the spire. The game Neoverse is worth playing unlike sts. It is like STS but if it was actually worth more then the toilet paper I wipe my ass with.
Posted 9 January.
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