Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
After playing this game I had to go out and get a new weapon! Absolutley Bad Ass! The REAL DEAL...Steyr AUG A3

The computer setup :)
Alienware Area 51 ALX i7 980 processor six core
465 GB Samsung SSD
12GB Ram
GeForce GTX680 maxed out and 2560x1440 resolution
27in. Dell U2711 ULTRASHARP 2560 x 1440 LED HD MONITOR
RAT 7 mouse
Bose Companion 5 sound system
Hitman 12 Nov, 2012 @ 7:57pm 
I wonder if I can find anyone that can paint it in Berlin camo and have a HITMAN logo on it as well? Himmmm The Aug in the picture is the real deal...a Steyr Aug 5.56mm with an ACOG trijicon sight and light/green laser! Its something to play Call of Duty, its another to have Call of Duty!
Hitman 10 Nov, 2012 @ 1:07pm 
I like the Aug so much in the game I decided to buy one!
DWW 20 Oct, 2012 @ 6:58am 
Hey how are you doing? Been playing on the TOT server good bunch of guys join us sometime could use a real good player
Hitman 16 Jun, 2012 @ 7:49pm 
On my way to kick ass in the desert...again...Afghaistan...Doing Gods work!
Hitman 22 Mar, 2012 @ 12:14pm 
Back from Afghanistan...Again!
Hitman 27 Aug, 2011 @ 5:46pm 
Now in Korea...South Korea :( North maybe later :)