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3.8 horas registradas
The game is quite fun at first especially on easy.
But when you do medium the AI becomes extremely aggressive.

Doing the same race multiple times trying to perfect it is not my thing just too boring.
I loved and played Mario Kart 64, mastered and completed everything as a teen.
But this game just feels like a chore to me.

It's repetitive and not fun for me. It is a good game for those who like it but it's not my kind of game anymore, it doesn't have enough to offer for me to want to keep playing it.
Life is too short to keep playing something I am not enjoying and feel sick of already.
Publicada em 15 de março.
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106.8 horas registradas
I find it fun and enjoyable to play and I love the Egyptian theme and the world is beautiful and interesting to explore. I enjoyed playing the game mostly.

I love using the eagle Senu to scout.

It seems like they are trying to make the world more alive and vibrant,
however it's a Ubisoft game and it suffers from the usual boring repetitive map activities that ubisoft games are full of that don't have any depth.

Majority of the story is forgettable and it mostly feels about revenge.

It did feel quite dull and tedious at times.

The combat isn't the best, it is very clunky and can be frustrating.
Taming animals is almost useless and is a waste of points. As if they get a bit of fire damage they will no longer be tamed and attack you and they die very easily. Fast travel makes the animal disappear and going into a cave also untames them, they also disappear when there is a cut scene.

I'd rate it 7/10. It's mostly enjoyable but a bit too tedious.
Publicada em 14 de março.
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72.4 horas registradas
After playing Baldurs Gate 3 I've been spoilt.
This game is quite good and enjoyable to play. The gameplay is quite good, however the rest of it is severely lacking.
I like that the party is easy to control and you don't have to keep switching characters to use their skills and that inventory is endless as their is no carry amount limit or weight limit.

However there are things I hate such as respeccing is ridiculously expensive, the price increases in amount every time you want to respec even if it's a character you have not respecced yet and it goes up to a maximum of 3k and then it costs 3k anytime you want to respec It's terrible.
The story isn't interesting, not unique or creative at all and just using existing ideas from pop cultcha. It doesn't make you feel immersed or invested in anything. I just don't care about anything or anyone. Everything is too wierd but not in a good way, it's weird in a really silly cringe way.

Party members are nothing special, you create most of them and those you don't you can't really interact with, they feel like souless shells.
The world isn't very interesting or exciting to explore. The atmosphere is boring and dull just a white wasteland. I really hate traversing the world map and I don't bother trying to explore and just go where I am supposed to.
The graphics are just passable.

I like the combat I find that the most fun and it was all that kept me wanting to play and keep going.
No way I'd want to play it more than once though.

I mostly enjoyed playing it, but since I did not feel enthusiastic or want to explore, a lot of it is cringe worthy and I can't stand the thought of playing it again I only rate it 6/10.
Publicada em 20 de fevereiro.
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395.0 horas registradas (256.9 horas no momento da análise)
This is a really good enjoyable game. It is very well designed. It looks fantastic with really interesting areas that are exciting to explore with quests that never feel boring.
The writing is really fantastic and well done in this game with very good well written characters that aren't 1 dimensional. I absolutely love RPG games that have a lot of depth, choices and content. I can do many playthroughs.

This game helps to fill the hole of the deep narrative RPG that Bioware was once good for. As Biowares recent games after being acquired by EA lack the depth of a good RPG and instead have been average open world games with lacklustre meaningless fetch quests.
I just hope EA doesn't buy out Larian. As any studio they buy become soulless zombie shells of their former selves.

I absolutely love Raphael's Song. It's such a creative touch to the game.

There are things I dislike though.
Inventory management is terrible and annoying, every item has weight even gold, keys, paper and potions so you are limited to what you can carry. Most other games don't put weight on currency, keys and potions. I didn't realise at first why my character was encumbered as was hardly carrying anything until I checked that the 10k of gold I was carrying was what was encumbering me.
It is also a bit buggy. Long rest often doesn't work unless you have at least 40 camp supply in your inventory for it to work and doesn't seem to acknowledge camp supplies in the camp chest.

I did not have any crashing. But the game does have bugs. Such as was trying to destroy a crumbling wall and the character on a swing and hit ended up behind the wall stuck on the other side and the wall was not destroyed yet and was just stuck in blackness.

And annoyingly for some reason Lazael stopped following me even though she's chained but when I control her everyone follows her, it happens with various party members occasionally. Closing and restarting the game seems to fix it.

Another annoying thing is when I had Halsin in my party transformed to an owlbear after the shadowed spirit of the land fight he totally obliterates any cutscenes so all you see is this massive white blob of an owlbear taking up the entire screen and you can't see anything else in a cutscene or dialogue screen and you also end up inside the owlbear seeing these massive freaky golden orb eyes. So I don't have him in my party anymore. This probably happens with any druids in your party that are shapeshifted and it needs to be fixed.

I also dislike that you can't see the spells and skills of those in your camp and can only see them when they are in your party. It's annoying having to switch out just to be able to see those.

Romances are poorly done and forced onto you from just being friendly and nice.
Bioware did romances a lot better.

Act 1 is done very well, the pacing and exploring is spot on. Act 2 was suspenseful but a bit dull. Act 3 felt different, it is chaotic, overwhelming, too busy and all over the place. It feels like they tried to cram everything into act 3 and it would of been better if they had more acts and spaced things out more.

I thought the ending was good enough and I liked the epilogue.

It's still a good game, but no where as good or as amazing as people make out.

I try and explore every nook and cranny and my first playthrough took me over 200 hours as As I wasted so much time opening every crate and barrel I come across.

Because of chaotic act 3 and bugs I can't rate the game higher.
I'd rate this game 8/10
Publicada em 9 de janeiro.
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148.9 horas registradas
This game is easy to understand, it's simple fun. I love trying to destroy everything.
It's a bit like Red Faction Guerrilla which I also enjoyed.

I didn't experience any game breaking bugs, but did experience a bugged twin boss. I only saw one of them spawned on top of a railing next to water. One had already spawned on water and immediately drowned. The other was stuck and frozen in place and vibrating, I hit it once with a weapon and it fell in the water and disappeared. So didn't get to fight them, but not a problem.

Even though I did enjoy it at first and was obsessed about trying to destroy everything, there's only so much repetition I can take and I did feel sick of it. I spent 30 hours just trying to destroy everything before I started following the main story and upgrading everything and managed to stop being obsessed about destroying everything.

The world is way too large and lacks meaningful content. It's hard to know where you are supposed to go as in you find out you need a gas mask to progress but doesn't mention anything about where to go to find one. I was sick of feeling aimless so looked it up online where to get a gas mask, I should not have to do that.

I like that the story is a bit mysterious but also dislike that the plot isn't explained properly and the ending is lazy it just goes straight to credits and your game statistics.

It's the kind of game to play that is mindless and if you want to turn your brain off destroy things and just tick everything off on checklists.
I mostly like the game and recommend as I enjoyed it and had some fun , I only rate this game 6/10 and not higher as it's a bit too tedious and drawn out.
Publicada em 25 de novembro de 2023.
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93.3 horas registradas
I am surprised, I only bought this game as was not sure what to play and I am enjoying this game much more than I thought I would. The game reminds me a bit of Dragon Age Origins, Black Desert Online and Game of Thrones. I've seen people say it's like Fire Emblem, I've heard of that game but have never played it.

The combat is fun and the battle animations are great though too repetitive.

The story was a bit iffy at first but it gets a lot better and I like it mostly.

Sometimes I prefer games that are more simplistic as I don't like games that have too much strategy or are too complex.
I really like the characters and I enjoy chatting to them in camp. I like how the characters interact with each other. I find them all quite unique and interesting.

I like both the combat in the field as well as all the activities in camp and following the story.

It seems like a lot of the negative reviews are from people not knowing what the game is and expecting the game to be something it's not.

I watched reviews on Youtube as well as gameplay which helped me decide that I possibly might like this game so bought it even though I was not 100% sure I'd like this game. If you are interested in this game and aren't sure maybe watch some you tube videos.

Only things I dislike is that facial animations are just the mouth moving and eyes blinking and no other expressions, I understand it's not AAA and they have a budget but the voice acting makes up for it as it is very good at conveying the emotions and expressions the face lack.

I also dislike how outnumbered you are. You can only control 10 people at most and it's a bit disapointing that when using healing you have an animation of a massive army in the background cheering you on which aren't there in the actual game.

I end up skipping the battle animations as it takes so long and it's too repetitive seeing it many times.
I did hate the last few battles and felt they were way too hard so I turned it down to story difficulty as got so sick of fighting the boss numerous times.
I'd rate it 7/10 mostly fun and enjoyable.
Publicada em 29 de outubro de 2023.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
73.2 horas registradas
This game has a very slow quite boring start, it doesn't get good until like 4 hours in.

Sticking with it is worth it as this game is so charming, magical and unique.
Exploring, helping and restoring the land is so enjoyable it feels like medicine for the soul and is very satisfying to play.

But unfortunately that charm wears thin as the gameplay becomes repetitive.

It has some amusing humour in the game, though Issun's humour is creepy and I felt disgusted by his attitude towards females, it's very disrespectful and by todays standards he'd be charged with sexual harrassment. It may have been an attempt at humour but I don't like his attitude of only wanting to help someone if he considers them a hot babe, that isn't funny, it's dislikable and pathetic.

Even though I am a book worm and don't mind reading lots of text, especially if it's enjoyable, but I feel this game gets a bit out of hand. A lot of it is not needed. Such as I was trying to do a double jump on to a tower and if you don't get it right away Issun makes some snide comment and if you keep missing he just keeps repeating the same annoying thing to you. I saw it said once I don't need it repeated continuously, it's just annoying.
I feel they can waffle on too much and the things they say are too long winded and not interesting at all and Issun is very annoying. They talk to you like you are stupid, there's way too much of pointing out the obvious and Issun saying things like Ammy did you notice such and such like you aren't able to notice anything yourself or figure it out yourself, there is way too much hand holding. I'd prefer if you were left to figure it out and there was a help button if you get stuck then you can ask Issun what to do. It would be more fun that way.

It's like the game can't let you enjoy or experience it for yourself it has to tell you everything. Every step of the way it interrupts and stops you and tells you with boring massive text cutscenes that you can't speed up. Find an item you are immediately told what it is for which takes out the joy of the sense of exploration and discovery.

Also the camera can be terrible, it seems to get stuck and hard to see at times, especially in boss fights.

The brush controls can be frustrating, often not doing what you wanted it to do which can be annoying especially when trying to do a timed escort digging game and trying to use gale to blow the NPC over the spikes so you don't lose time, but instead it interprets it as the circle bloom which makes the NPC speed up and move faster.

The game length is a bit drawn out and I feel it goes on for too long to a point that I feel sick of it and just want it to end. I prefer quality over quantity.

The game has some charm and magical uniqueness but also repetitive gameplay with the game talking you through every step of the way instead of letting you discover it for yourself.

I tried to stick with it as long as possible and I was planning on trying to finish it even though my patience was wearing thin, it was the last straw when trying to catch the last fish I needed at the ice zone Kamui. Nearly 2 hours of fishing I finally get an Oarfish. The first time I real it in I use slash on the fish but it didn't work, it was a straight line not curved at all on the fish but it interpreted it as crescent for some reason and it changed the sky to night and the fish splashed back in, for the 2nd time the same thing happens again, I feel so fed up and my hands feel tired and my third attempt I just can't seem to real the fish in. So decided to quit for good. I think I stuck with it longer than I should of. I enjoyed the magical uniqueness of the game, but not much else.

This game has too many shortcomings and frustrations and is not as amazing as people make out. So I can't recommend this game and perhaps avoid it if your judgement is not clouded by nostalgia.
Publicada em 12 de outubro de 2023.
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27.1 horas registradas
I played Nexomon Extinction before Nexomon and of course is not as good as Extinction as Extinction has a lot of improvements which is how it should be.
Nexomon doesn't even have a quest or mission menu or listed controls for keyboard so I find it better to use a controller.
Nexomon is also very linear but still fine for this kind of game.
I found the dialogue not as annoying as in Extinction. The story and characters are still terrible, annoying and cringeworthy though.
The game only has one save slot and there is way too much of having to go back and forth to heal Nexomon.

It's fun if you like creature collecting and the animations and Nexomon designs look very good or if you've never played Extinction.
I did not have any technical issues.

It feels pointless to play if you've played Nexomon Extinction already. As Nexomon is not as good, boring, tedious and way too easy with all the same regions that NE has but not as good or interesting enough.

I was going to catch them all and complete the game, but it's just too boring and annoying.
Not good enough to hold my interest.
I can't recommend 5/10.
Publicada em 29 de setembro de 2023.
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102.5 horas registradas
The graphics, world and gameplay are amazing.
The normal mode is quite challenging and seems a lot harder than normal mode is for most games and if you try easy thinking it will be more like normal, it's not. Easy is too easy for me.
I did not have any crashing, though I did experience really bad lag at some Cauldrons. But the rest of the game is fine.

The Keyboard mount controls are terrible, left shift to move forwards to sprint faster and left control to slow down and stop. I would prefer if the mounts had usual movement controls like how they are in Skyrim.
I don't like riding them at all. Besides it's very limited as you can only ride 3 the Strider horse like, charger horse/ram like and broadhead bull like. It would of been more fun and interesting to ride sawtooths.

Facial expressions and movements can look really strange at times with weird looking eye movement and rapid blinking. A NPC moved her face left and right jerkily kind of robotically in conversation with her, it happens with others as well.
And an NPC was talking about something tragic but also smiling at the same time, seemed out of place and the wrong emotion to convey. Also lip syncing is not very good at times.

I find the combat, hunting and destroying machines the most fun part of the game.
Even so I felt there was too many machines around, I was fighting so many along the way that I ended up over levelled at lvl 40 and was only up to a lvl 15 main mission. As I got towards the end I just ended up feeling sick of fighting endless machines everywhere so just ended up choosing story difficulty so I could get rid of them quickly.
Hitboxes can be really off, arrows often don't hit where you were aiming for. I tried for both auto aim and with it off.
And often after using a critical hit on a downed machine I can't immediately use any other attack and she just stands there a bit and I can't attack again until the machine stands back up if the critical attack isn't enough to fully kill it. It's annoying.

I loved the story even though it was predictable. But the way the story is told I did not find it immersive. Any dialogue choices you make don't seem to affect anything. You're just following the story, there are no branching paths or any decisions to make, you don't help make or shape the story or outcome as there is only one ending. It feels like I am watching a movie, it does not feel like Iam a part of the game world as it's not immersive or deep.
Interacting with characters is not interesting they seem as robotic as the machines.
Only a few characters were memorable, the majority are very forgettable.
A few things did emotionally affect me though.

Underneath the pretty graphics and fun combat it's just a standard open world game that doesn't break the mould. Simular to the formula Ubisoft uses with a lot to do that is enjoyable and fun to play but lacking any depth.
I'd rate it 7/10 it's an enjoyable game to play through, I just feel it has some missed potential to be epic.
Publicada em 22 de setembro de 2023.
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16 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
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20.8 horas registradas
This is a average borderline bad game. A bit like House Flipper but no where near as good. The controls aren't good especially when placing objects, the rotate is very fiddly. Toilet cubicle and parts are atrocious to place.
It is quite a relaxing game if you want to just clean and make things look better.
But not enough objects to be creative or make things more unique looking.
Decorations consist mostly of plants and christmas decorations.

Placing objects is boring and tedious so I just shove the requirements down in corners or along walls not even caring if it's facing the wrong way or if it looks orderly or nice.

I did not have any bugs or crashing so was able to complete all levels 100%.

The game is very linear you can only complete levels in order and even worse once you finish a level you can't go back and play it, and to be able to play it again you have to start a new game, which is terribly limiting as you can only get achievements in the campaign not sandbox.

I did get bored with the game quite quickly and rushed and tried to complete levels as quick as possible.
The game is not consistant enough with the tools you use. There are wood planks on the ground which say pick when you put the cursor over them and even though they look the same, some require you to use the crowbar on them, others require the axe, it happens with other objects as well.

I can't recommend the game as it's not enjoyable enough to play. Trying to get 100% for each level felt like a form of torture.
Even though I had not gotten all achievements, I could not stand to play it for another minute.
The game lacks quality and freedom to replay the level you want in the campaign. There are other simular but much better made games that have much more polish, depth and fun.
I'd rate it 5/10.
Publicada em 2 de setembro de 2023.
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