SnakeDoc/AntiStreSs ☣⛧
+†+VALARIS+†+   France
Welcome to my profile, please read before asking :

*Yes I have several Steam profiles, some older than Half Life 1 :steammocking:
*Yes I am the modder that hosted servers and made custom mods for Arma2/3
*No I don't care for Steam Level and XP (useless addict factory...)
*No I don't trade anything and don't have any involvement into virtual pictures or collectables

Please don't add me if :
- You don't like to use your brain
- You are a pacifist
- You like games based on unlocks (xp and progressive reward curve...)
- You hurt or kill animals for fun
- You don't know what is teamplay and "planned tactics/strategy"
- You are a religious person
- You don't have anything else to do
Currently Online
Gamers survey
Working on European survey/study on GAMERS: If I added you, consider answering a few questions that would would be nice !
You can unfriend me when it's done :tank:

The main aims are defining new game types and enhance game mechanics (new kind of games) I can't be more specific as all this will be published later
I am also working for French health program associations ... and of course a fellow gamer!

Thanks for your help :Keys:

SnakeDoc/AntiStreSs ☣⛧ 10 Oct, 2016 @ 7:37am 
ANY paid game with UNLOCK type of mechanism is a failure... unlocking (as any type of grinding) usually replaces real content and relies on addiction of players to make them stay in the game.
You players, just use what is left of your brains and stop accepting this as a standard !
Request real content ! Stop buying games that are full of "your work" to unlock and make you stay longer doing the same thing over and over !
Viva la revolucion !!!
SnakeDoc/AntiStreSs ☣⛧ 8 Mar, 2012 @ 6:20pm 
LOOKING FOR ARMA2 PLAYERS to test my mods and maps
SnakeDoc/AntiStreSs ☣⛧ 27 Jun, 2011 @ 10:24am 
Medaille d'or multi disciplines de mon club de tir ça se fête :)