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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 334.1 hrs on record (165.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 30 Nov, 2017 @ 1:46pm
Updated: 10 Dec, 2020 @ 4:33am

Update: This game has been really well improved. 99% of the time I play as a survivor, so I can't say much from the killers POV. Rounds seem to be matched better, I haven't encountered a lot of bad manner survivors or killers lately and the timelimit as soon as one gate is open is a huge improvement.
Also, the sheer amount of killers, survivors, maps and perks will keep you on edge, it's not easy to get to know all of them.

Old review:Can't recommend. Only a small fraction of the rounds are any fun. Always having to expect to get yet another tunneling/camping killer or a try-hard-hillbilly with 3 max stalking perks and 2 ultra rare steering add-ons on coldwind farm is a major down on this game.

It's just pure luck, regardless of levels and played hours, wether you get matched with a fair killer or a dumb tunneler (one that only chases one survivor until he's dead, no matter the circumstances), camper (just staying at or near a hook, not caring for anything else that happens, often combined with tunneling) or whatsoever.
Works the other way as well, as a killer I got matched with survivors that hide endlessly without doing anything- almost impossible to find good hiders without advanced perks-, survivors that refused to run through the exit gates (after they juked me for what felt like hours bc they are already prestige 3 with 400+ played hours while I'm just learning to play killer) or with groups that stay together forever and abuse my not trying to tunnel by instantly unhooking and bodyblocking or similar.

There is just a much too high chance that the next round will be cancer again. There is even no use playing with 4 other friends because that option doesn't reward any bloodpoints.

Maybe a matchmaking possibility to match negatively marked players only with other negatively reported players would better it a bit.

Edit: still a chance to get bm survivor/killers, but if you play with 2-3 friends as a survivor team at least half of the rounds can be fun.
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Archimeðes 5 Dec, 2017 @ 6:45pm 
hillbilly shouldnt get chainsaw