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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 9.2 hrs on record
Posted: 4 Jan @ 1:42pm

A beautiful and interesting take on Metal Slug. Absolutely fun, but has a few things to watch out for:

I think it has to be put outright that this game is pretty tough, even for people who do a lot of tactics gaming. Once you get a real rhythm of how to play the game, some things get easier, but you still have to think each turn like it's your last. If that isn't your sort of gaming experience, this isn't the thing to try out.
I do have a feeling it was a bit of a mistake that even the lowest difficulty setting requires a lot of thought, but I will say once you learn how to play the game, it feels good to properly set yourself up for victory.

Learning and Balance:
Some of the synergies of moves and abilities are a bit harder to grasp than others, and it takes a while to learn what all the keywords are and how things properly trigger, leading to a bit of trial and error and disappointment. Likely this could have been streamlined a little better, but tutorials are the hardest thing.
There also seems to be some "types" of gameplay that is just always better than others, leading to certain characters and skills being far more valuable than others just for virtue that their movesets are plainly more powerful due to how the game mechanics work. This sort of stuff is near impossible to balance, but I felt it pretty hard the more I played. The game heavily rewards characters that move more on their turn and set themselves up in positions to attack the most enemies, meaning any movement and placement based mechanic far outweighs any ability that just does a little more damage. A lot of "Special moves" are either supremely situation based, or barely do any more damage than a basic attack, while other "Special moves" does twice the damage of a basic attack, so why ever not use it?
Lastly regarding balance, some things you would expect to be more useful, such as destroying crates that enemies are standing on. This is useful in terms of positioning, but you'd think managing to do some sort of environmental attack would be very powerful, but instead it's weaker than just shooting them outright. This is more just a "me" thing but I'd feel that if you manage any environmental damage, since it is somewhat rare, it should be powerful.

There were a few bugs, most notably music sometimes would keep playing from previous screens, or sometimes when "resetting a turn" the map would get jumbled and messed up, needing to restart the game in order to fix it. Reloading saves always seems to work, but it can be a hassle, because I've had some sort of bug that requires reset on each of my runs.

The runs themselves are pretty long. Despite how each map's battle is only 3-5 turns usually, it requires a lot of thinking and planning, and each "area" of maps usually has you playing 4 maps, meaning each time you want to complete a run you'll be sitting for about 3 hours. I think people are used to longer runs, and maybe I was spoiled with so many rogue-likes being balanced to 1-2 hour jaunts. This isn't necessarily bad, but just know what you're doing (saving mid-run works fine, but I'm someone who just hates leaving a run in the middle).

Generally speaking, I recommend this game. I love tactics games and this is scratching a good itch. With any luck some of these bugs will be patched out soon, and maybe there'll be some balancing, but even without the balancing the game has good fun.
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