Katz Chambers
I wish you hadn't done that.
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Echo Valley 28 Mar, 2016 @ 11:45am 
Wow ur really cute >//u//< *blushes* *gasps and blushes* I-I live near there too. M-Maybe we could h-hang out some time. >//n//< Kik?!? *blushes bright red and shudders* I-I was just trying to get your attention. Im not popular enough to have kik. *bows* >/////< *runs on all fourd Uwaaa!!? *blushes beet red* Onii-chan how could you call me that??!! >//~//< *winds arm back to slap you* *stops* *blushes crying and hugs you* Onii-chan Im sorry we fought *kisses your cheek* >//////< O-Onii-Chan I never knew.... O/////O When you were cold, you were actually trying to protect me. *blushes and looks away*
Katz Chambers 16 Aug, 2014 @ 8:04pm 
wow I have this
Echo Valley 27 Jan, 2012 @ 2:32pm 