2 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 0.7 hrs on record
Posted: 28 Jan, 2023 @ 11:40am

This game has relatively few features, overly simplistic graphics that consist mostly of flat or slightly curved polygon with a basic texture applied, and a dizzying (literally) UI that left me both bored and headachy. Different sections of the game - editor, career screen, whatever - all have a separate load screen that takes a second or two, even on a fast PC.

As far as dizzying - take a look at, for example, the tech tree shown in their highlight screenshots. It'd 3d, angled, and can be hard to read. It's essentially a textbook example of bad UI design - a simple 2d menu would have been easier to use, more visible, and less headache-inducing.

There were essentially no sounds. I don't recall any auditory feedback at all, except for a bang or two when landing hard, or when exploding. I was driving around motorized vehicles on dirt - not exactly silent.

All in all, the game feels coarse and unfinished. If you're a veteran of these types of games, like me, you'll probably be disappointed.

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