8 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 642.0 hrs on record (27.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 3 Feb, 2020 @ 11:14pm

I'm leaving a "do not recommend" on this simply because there's no middle option.

This game is legitimately fun, and the vast majority of the people are normal people who also like to have fun. Most folks - that is, normal people - are pretty understanding if you're new or just bad at the game.

The game balance is generally good between the classes, but there are a few that miss the mark. Fortunately, most of these are on the side of "too weak" rather than "too strong", so they don't really ruin the game; if you get one of the "weak" classes, you have to spend more time on the social (rather than strategic) part of the game. Also, the developers do go in and change things up to add/remove/fix things over time.

However, the community is meh. There are a few people who can and will ruin your experience if you play even slightly differently than the way that *they* think you should play, for any reason, and bizarrely the developers back those people up (when literally their best course of action would be to do nothing - raging guy gets to go sit by himself, and everybody else gets to move on with their lives). These toxic players drive away the "normal" players, and eventually all you're left with is, unsurprisingly, toxic players. Sometimes this is due to players just getting fed up with toxicity, but it's also sometimes due to the developers banning people for not playing "correctly". For example - you're not allowed to lie about your class if you're not neutral or mafia (cult/unseen). Why? Because the developer thinks that you shouldn't be able to play that way - not because it isn't occasionally useful (for example - because you think the king is evil, because you think that your allies won't protect you if you're a vulnerable class, because you don't want to make yourself an Assassin target, etc).

The developer is also fairly toxic and has some weird ego issue. All you have to do is look at the responses to the negative reviews for this game. The developer tries to "prove" that their game is good by arguing with negative reviewers.

I have no interest in being attacked by some random game developer simply because I don't enjoy being attacked by random game developers or told that I'll be banned if I don't play to whatever the "meta" is at a given time.
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