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yhteensä 89.2 tuntia (76.3 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
It's a hard game that punishes you for slight mistakes and will constantly try to break you at any given time. That being said, you need firecrackers and the folding umbrella that rotates (as well as living force), and you are guaranteed set for the entire game. You will never need any other tool, or ninja art or buff. Umbrella and firecrackers. EZPZ. I feel I must also offer some slight advice too, death isn't the end, per se. You can come back, up to ~3 times (requiring you to fill up your "death" meter from shinobi executions) but straight dying will make the game actively punish you and if you're dumb or a speedrunner it may actually lock you out of some NPC paths since you lack the items to cure dragon rot. Talk to Emma, get the healing charm and dragon tears, you should be fine.

Also think of combat with bosses as a rhythm game. The rhythm for humanoid enemies (excluding animal bosses) should be for you as follows; hit hit PING parry hit hit PING parry repeat. Firecrackers to disrupt an enemy combo chain/big hit and use the time to heal. Umbrella to nullify most attacks and living force has natural 'POISE'. You still tank the hit, for a good amount of health, but you deal the damage you received back to your attacker (often times with your own projectile).

Hesitation is defeat.
Julkaistu 18. elokuuta 2019
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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yhteensä 88.3 tuntia (15.0 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
This isn't a review of the story, more of what kind of technical stuff I am experiencing right now. If I experience anything rediculous and gamebreaking, I will update this further.

My computer isn't the best and it isn't the worst. I don't know how the "Denuvo Frame Loss" problem is supposed to affect computers, but so far I am usually sitting at ~high 40 frames. My settings are more on the lower side, I do this during all releases anyway, but the visuals and overall performance are comparable to the PS4 version. (Heck, I owned this on the PS4 initially)

The only issues I have the bug me a lot are:

Lighting issues with hair, as the hair will randomly change color on all characters depending on what light is near them. I first saw this with Cindy as her hair (eyelashes and eyebrows too) changed from dirty blonde to a light grey when Sid appeared. Ever since then, depending on the lighting, Noctis' hair will change too, the lady at Gaulden Quay will look like a picture with negative settings, and Iris seems to have this issue as well. This will fix itself if the camera pans away, or just at random the hair will level out and go back to normal. Distracting, but makes it funny when Prompto takes pictures and Ignis' hair shines pure white for no reason.

Clothing and the models will occasionally jerk around randomly. Often enough, it is something I can ignore, but if you position the camera at certain angles while driving, the car and the occupants also seem to jitter around. This is more noticable on the wheels as they are either clipping or something. While buying things, Noctis and the vender tend to jitter around. Even during cutscenes/scripted scenes, the models occasionally jitter. To a much lesser extent, the clothing will jitter too. More like a ghost is tugging at their loose clothing. It tends to distract from the scripted sections a bit.

The biggest technical issue I've experienced is after you use a summon. I only did this once and haven't summoned in the wild yet (I will update if the issue is something that is done during any summon), during a story segment, you get the awesome scripted segment with one of the Gods. It does look cool. The issue is that once you are released from the God's hand, the frames die. Hard. Maybe it is my computer showing its age, but once you do the scripted summon, frames go from 48~58 to 11. Then it is chugging along from there. I'll try and test it again in the wild, maybe it was just the one time.

At the moment though, it is a stable enough game. Heck, I'm having fun reliving the road trip adventure.

Intel i5-4690k
8 gb of DDR3 ram
GeForce GTX 960
Julkaistu 7. maaliskuuta 2018
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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yhteensä 332.1 tuntia (77.0 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Dark Souls 3 is, in a way, the ultimate way to tie up the series. From a story perspective, we as the Ashen One, are a mass of ashes from sacrificed individuals sent to decide the final fate of the world. Whether it is to plunge it into darkness, or keep it in the current age only a while longer. From a story perspective, it is a bit of a retreading through Dark Souls 1 mixed with new areas and bosses.

The only downsides are that From has screwed over Convenants with auto-summons. Being a mound maker is fun and hectic as you can attack anyone and everyone. However, being an Aldrich Faithful, a Blue Sentinel/Darkmoon, or a Farron Guard is annoying as you wait in invisible lines to maybe, probably be summoned to a gank fest. The game has lost a significant amount of the community as playing past level 100 sees very little amounts of players and making it very hard to "farm" Covenant items. If you are planning on continuing to NG+ or NG++ and up, it's mostly going to be a solo battle.

As well, From deciced to port over the combat from Bloodborne as precise stabs are much less likely to help you win as spanking enemies with the fast sweeps of the straight sword stun locking any in its low stamina swings. This is only a minor gripe as it becomes kinda unfair when you just do 'R1 to win' with the straight swords.

I love Souls, all of them. All the flaws, all the weird enemy placements, all the dumb traps, all the pitfalls, everything. In a way, these show true determination. Once you start from nothing, stomp through hours upon hours of slicing and hacking your way through enemy mobs and invaders. Die from traps, swarming, or just getting bugged/stunlocked. You reach the final leg of your journey, the last boss, and you can look back at everything you've done and realize that "through sheer determination, force of will, and self-induced hair loss, I did it. I made it here. And now, I'm gonna finish it, after I die about 3-4 times to figure out the boss' pattern!"
Julkaistu 24. marraskuuta 2016
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
3 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 50.1 tuntia (34.6 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
I bought this product expecting, like Human Revolution, a fine wine that gets better with age. Well, with this game, someone uncorked the bottle and we got maggots. I don't know what's going on at Eidos, but the way they pump out "patches" seem to either make the game slightly more playable, or break it again. Is it because I'm a rare case that continued with New Game +? Is it because I play this game with a controller? Is it because I had a small sliver of hope that one day this game would actually not stutter to all hell?

To all the people who can actually play the game past the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ logos, I envy you. To the people who are able to play the DLC today, I wish you all the best.

I give up. After spending a good portion of the morning/afternoon doing every concievable thing I could and resorting to Google to look for someone, anyone who had my same problem, I'm done. From what I can gather, it seems a small minority, myself included can't seem to play past the logos with the recent patch. I'm finally done trying to make any sort of progress with this game. Screw it, I'll play it next year when all the DLC is released and Eidos maybe stops breaking the game some more. Was a fun ride going through Prague at the speed of a powerpoint slideshow. Was pretty cool going through Golem City and crashing a few times because the game couldn't make heads or tails of why it was crashing. Eidos can be as forgiving as they want for somehow breaking the game for a select few in a very specific way, and leaving a large majority seemingly untouched.

Edit: I was able to finish the game some time ago. I wanted to add the way the story progresses, you believe there will be some grand finish. Heck, even something similar to Human Revolution. As it turns out, you fight a single boss, and the game ends in a "I'm gonna finish the fight". So, eventually, Adam will finish the fight. Check back in a few years.
Julkaistu 22. syyskuuta 2016 Viimeksi muokattu 16. joulukuuta 2017.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 4.6 tuntia (3.0 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Let me preface this by saying that the price is an issue. ~$30 for the entire package seems a bit much, however what you can do with that package is quite a lot. Think of it as a similar debacle with 'Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes' and the negativity it spawned.

So, SUPERHOT is essentially a one-of-a-kind murder puzzle. Or, a 'John Wick Simulator' as the puzzles of the game are that you kill red dudes and do it as stylish as possible. Doing 3-hit combos, throwing a bottle at someone and taking his gun after he tosses it, leaping into the air and punching someone, or cutting bullets with a katana. All while time moves at an incredibly slow rate, and only increases the faster you move. So, it looks cool as you can literally assess the situation for what is irl a few minutes, however in game, it makes it "normal", so your replay would be about 4-5 seconds long. Watching you literally take out the entire room of red dudes all without as much as skipping a beat. That is pretty cool, the whole idea itself is pretty cool. This is one of few, if not the only, game where you feel like a complete badass as you move across the room and murder red dudes as stylish as possible.

The story of the game is pretty basic, however, the journey is by far the funnest part! Replaying the levels alone with your new found knowledge allow you to throw weapons across the room at someone as you switch to the guy and catch it allowing you to then kill someone, throw the weapon again, catch, repeat! It makes for some hella awesome replays!

In the end; SUPERHOT is the most innovative shooter I've played in years.
Julkaistu 3. maaliskuuta 2016
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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yhteensä 2.8 tuntia (2.4 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
I've finally figured out RE4's game pattern. Limited ammo, and an overwhelming number of enemies placed in such a way that you need to spend your limited ammo in the most effective way possible. The game isn't so much as scary as Dead Space is. Leon has legs of steel and can behead stunned enemies, suplex enemies, etc. On top of the over-the-top action and lack of enough ammo that would make this game an action game, Leon has to escort someone most of the time. So, the game also becomes a bit of time-management, as you gotta kill the enemies fast enough so they don't find and take Ashley, as well you gotta try and plan your movements so you don't have to spend a long time just to make sure she's safe. Also, no more cramped areas, night, zombies, or demolished cities. Now it's in the day time, in "not Spain", in the countryside, facing off against mind-controlled farmers, and a little person who has a form of super worm that he found as a fossil.

So, the original mystery that Umbrella had in making their viruses and experiments is now gone as a new virus worm can be found anywhere.

Look, I won't deny that I like this game, but when you look at what people praise it for, the whole thing really shouldn't work. It should have fell apart as soon as you met Ashley. Even then, the fact that a benevolent infected person is willing to give you ammo to slaughter all the people that I assume he knows is equally puzzeling. When you look at the mysterious stranger's eyes, he is infected. So, that should mean he's trying to kill us. But, he's not. Why? I understand that without him, we would have to find guns and upgrades ourselves, natural progression, etc etc. But, he shouldn't even be a character in this game if he's infected. At least Leon and Ashley have a reason, they have a few days before they become mind-controlled, but this mysterious stranger should be trying to dig into our brains with a hatchet.

Also, Hunnigan. She is, for the most part, in constant contact with Leon throughout the entire game on his "not CODEC". But, if the president's daughter was kidnapped in what can only be guessed as an act of terrorism and bio-terrorism, is sending one rookie (Leon) on a rescue mission by himself a good idea? For all we know, Leon could have survived Raccoon City by luck, and as soon as he trespassed in the man's house (first 15 minutes), he'd have a hatchet right in his head. I understand that sending in an entire battallion of troops is an invasion, but what, can't spare 5-10 more CIA agents to rescue and stop a huge act of potential bio-terrorism?

Okay, look, before this gets nit-picky, I do like the game. For the fact that the story can be unraveled easily is the game's biggest flaw. But, the action and atmosphere of hopelesssness is what this game gets right. Also, the traditional lack of ammo is what an RE game needs to have (lookin' at you RE6) until you get to the boss fight when you need a large amount of ammo (lookin' again at you RE6).
Julkaistu 28. helmikuuta 2015
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
2 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 31.9 tuntia (13.0 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
I recommend this game solely for single-player story and Raid mode. Outside of those two things, the glaring issues are the lack of co-op. I mean lack, like no split screen and no online play. As far as I know, the online will be released soon, possibly because Capcom is setting up servers or a feeling of obligation to not have a riot on their hands. I have no idea, but Capcom had no intention of giving local split-screen to the PC. Capcom isn't saying why, but I guess it is something involving the engine and handling keyboard/mouse with a controller, I don't know, I'm spitballing things at this point.

Something to remember is this, Capcom makes good games. But, you always need to wait and say "Ok, now what'll happen when I do get this/what'll the wait time be until this game is optimal?" I bought this game with the promise of local split-screen and online play, but the latter will be a free update soon. So, already I was dooped out of $40 for the "all encompassing" version of this game. Wesker and HUNK are good DLC characters, but that doesn't justify the serious lack of features at the moment.

The story is engaging, for the most part, and will conclude in about a month. So, I dunno what to tell you. Wait until then to see if this nonsense is settled such as the stuttering animations (seriously? what's going on with that?), or buy it now but prepare to play Raid mode alone for a bit.
Julkaistu 26. helmikuuta 2015
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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yhteensä 13.6 tuntia (8.6 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Literally the only game where you feel like you can both take on the whole world, and feel powerless while facing hundreds of enemies at the same time. I loved every second of it.
Julkaistu 21. helmikuuta 2015
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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yhteensä 7.0 tuntia
I loved the first Prototype, I even bought Prototype 2's collector's edition for Xbox 360. It's sitting on a shelf above my head right now. This is a fun game, no doubt about that. Once you actually gain all your powers, you start to feel like a god, but the game has a natural progression. You start with your fists, gain a power, gain more power, until you can stand up to your maker. My only gripe is where Alex Mercer from the first game felt like a depressed teen with super powers, Heller feels so angry that I expect him to turn into the Hulk so I can play Ultimate Destruction. Literally every line from him is "..♥♥♥♥..." "♥♥♥♥♥" "♥♥♥♥" "swear word". I understand his family was taken from him, and that is one of the most traggic things in a person's life is when your family is killed. But, seriously? Almost every line? I can't fault the game in its gameplay as the devs really took care of what they worked on, but Heller felt overly angry at everything. A character who is a part of Mercer's "evolved" *spoilers I guess* is helping Heller from inside Gentek to try and bring down Mercer as she's in it for herself. All Heller does is say "you got me intel that could get you turned into goop or experimented like a lab rat? ♥♥♥♥♥, get more!" At least try and be a bit more friendly to the only Evolved who seems to be on your side, is in a very advantageous position and in a way you could spot for miles away betray you at the end to get into Mercer's good graces.

The soundtrack is great, offering some very emotional and slow melodies or fast paced tracks that really feel like this is something to be hyped over. The voice acting is also very good, hitting the right marks as you do feel for these characters, but Heller sounds like he's Bruce Banner from "The Avengers" where he reveals that he's always angry, but he shows it all the time.

In closing, I'd say if you weren't a fan of the previous one, then this is a pass, but if you're like me and loved the first one, then this is a buy. Just remember though, Heller does tend to swear in almost every sentence, I think Prototype 2 beat "♥♥♥♥- a documentary on the word" for amount of times he said "♥♥♥♥."
Julkaistu 19. helmikuuta 2015
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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yhteensä 10.0 tuntia (7.5 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
I'll say this right now, I love games like Ryse. I love the Roman history and artwork, it reminds me of Gladiator, The Eagle, Spartacus. This game is in similar fashion to Gladiator and Sparticus as it is a story of revenge. Sorry if anyone is bumbed out, but did you expect anything less from a time period of rampant sex and murder? I won't go into too much detail, but one thing needs to be said about this game, it suffers heavily from looking so pretty that I could possibly cook an egg on my computer. I don't think I have bad specs by any means, but there's a problem when Dead Rising 3 on launch gave me less of a headache and didn't turn my room into a hotbox than this game. I completely respect Crytek as one of the few companies that make games that look truly "next gen" instead of saying it with pre-rendered cutscenes. But my only complaint is the fact that 2 times throughout this game, my computer almost melted itself, in the 'Nottingham Woods' and 'The Arena'. The woods are obvious, mostly because of the floral textures as there are lots of trees in this one level, as far as the eye could see. The Arena as well because of the sheer number of npcs and random confetti. One thing you will notice is that this game has some weird quirks as well, for me it required me to open Google Chrome in order to get the game to not stutter so much. Then, there was the 'Crysis 3 Nvidia forced v-sync' guide that fixed most of my stuttering bugs. I don't know what the deal is with this game, but it seems like a very good port and poorly optimized at the same time, which is something I never thought I'd say about a game before. Where it runs good, but poor at the same time. I'd recommend this game as a true benchmark for your computer, but outside of that, it is a headache to run and unless you can stand 90 degrees in your room from just looking at trees, I'd pass.
Julkaistu 14. helmikuuta 2015
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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