Anders   Sorland, Nordland, Norway
Currently Offline
andersrlarsen 16 Aug, 2018 @ 8:36pm 
as i said, i havent battled france in late 1940, so its difficult to say what you should do. not sure it will be good enough to try to speed run through belgium. moving light armor directly throgh belgium, bypassing belgium capital, and go for paris and orleans.
if that is possible, you can just encircle paris and then take the rest of france, which will mean that troops are cut of from their capital (still paris since you just encircle paris) and therefore will loose org and dont get new equipment.
andersrlarsen 16 Aug, 2018 @ 8:36pm 
taking east indies is most helpfull if you are able to take advantage of their manpower. but to get the troops from east indies to germany, is a more tricky part if uk is at war with you. this you can do by building german division, then transform them to east indies template. if you have stored equipment, you can do so by building german divisions with only 1 batalion. east indies manpower will then "magically" apear in the east indies template without having to transport them. they will however be green exp, but you can easily train them, if they got the equipment (low equipped divisions take a LONG time to train however)
andersrlarsen 16 Aug, 2018 @ 8:35pm 
i havent battled against france in late 40, so im not sure how that is. but i would think that they now are done with the disjointed gouverment, so you will probably have to take 80% of their victory points.
and you will need to defeat france...before soviet declare war on you. they will probably declare war on poland in late 41, then declare war on you if they go somewhat equal to one of my previus playthrough (going peacefull germany, which wasnt such a good idea. lol)
starting a new war with anyone new until you have defeated france isnt a good idea.
dasaard200 16 Aug, 2018 @ 6:26pm 
An ironman game gone wrong, screenshots "G [e] 01-13" are in my public library for you . Comments/critques ?