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1 person found this review helpful
29.6 hrs on record (28.5 hrs at review time)
Finally the game is fixed (mostly) from all the awful game-breaking issues it had upon release

Now the game works well i have to say im really enjoying the online mode but really wish that there were more choice for it battle wise. I know this is a vita port but i just wish that the game had more big boss monsters for the team to fight in online-mode. While what we have is good i just feel more could have been added.

Story mode is ok but honstly i find myself gettimg tired of this one for some reason (story mode i mean) im not sure if its just the silly plot or the fact im playing the game mostly on friday night around midnight as i work all week from 6am till around 4 in the afternoon and then just sleep what time i have off till friday comes..........actually yeah its probably that part

Its a good game but i recommend getting it off ebay and steam is (as always) asking to much even on there so-called sales
Posted 21 October, 2016. Last edited 25 November, 2016.
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89.6 hrs on record (87.7 hrs at review time)
I love the Neptunia series and this game is aperfect continuation of that. Its everything a sequal should be and more. The returning cast of characters with brand new ones to add to the series and love, 3 Seperate stories within the game which merge into one, brand new Super HDD forms, basically i dont wana spoil it for anyone who hasnt already played this.

Play this game its fantastic with characters that you will instantly grow to love. There havent been many games which made me laugh. smile or cry this year but THIS has been 1 of those games.....thinking about it i actually think this IS the only game that made me really happy this year, everything else either let me down like the BS over priced crap dlc for the big nosed money grabbers at EA for Star Wars Battlefronts to the even more disapointing VR crap which now seems to be invading steam like how mosks have invaded England soil.

THIS game - THIS game when it came out i purchased on day 1 for £40 with all the dlc - I never usually pay more than £12 for a game but this is a neptunia game and i KNEW it was going to make me happy - it didnt disapoint me one bit until i completed it over 70+ hours later and i knew that sadly the adventure was over

This is how the game made me feel in a Nutshell

1) How the Price Tag of £41+ made me feel



2) How the game makes me feel


that is all

Posted 6 July, 2016. Last edited 25 November, 2016.
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70.9 hrs on record (65.1 hrs at review time)
Like What Chappu used to say - Slamming your girl is good Ya? but slamming your dead brothers girl and having a kid with her is even better and not creepy at all ya?

Im doing this review from the perspective of a 36 year old man who originally played this game when it was released for the PS2. So basically i played the original and then went on to play this remaster many years later.

So lets start with whats called the TURD sandwich - We put out all the games GOOD and BAD points all in 1 go and then explain the details

1) Remastered faces - Congrates square enix - aside from Lulu and expressionless kimahri all the characters new faces suck balls! Tidus face now looks cartoon like with chubby cheeks and slope eyes, Auron looks as if he is wearing lipstick in some parts, Wakka looks as if he has had a mild stroke.....i know its a remaster but WHY did square-enix have to mess the faces up and remove model nodes so less expressions would show. Everything else they did was great so why ruin the face nodes and make it so less emotion comes through?

2) This is the LAST great game from SquareSOFT - not that r-tarded company square-Enix who havent produced a good game in over 10 years but squareSOFT! - ie the masters who gave us Chrono Cross/Trigger , tobal 1+2 , Xenogears, Parasite Eve , Front misson 3 and various others.

FFx-2 was by Square-Enix and NOT squareSOFT but that was in name only. Pretty much all the original guys left square at the end of FF and a load of new people came in which is why X-2 is so damn crap and boring.........like most square enix games to date

3) This is the international release - IE you get more stuff added to it and extra battle and bosses and items and various other bits and pieces. I never got to play this version as i had an original 1980's looking Brick PS2 with the crap DVD reader which broke after about 1 year. So for me this is the first time i get to play the international version

4) The story is really stupid - like im sure some japanese guy took a load of crystal meth, was given some paper and a pen and then just wrote this story down in about 2 hours. The main idea for the story is perfect..........until you actually read the story and are like errr....

This is how i USED to think the story went when i was younger - sin appears and destroys zanarkand, Auron takes tidus to sin who is actually jecht, jecht teleports tidus to the future but in order for this to happen tidus has become a ghost the same as auron. They meet Yuna and go on the adventure and in the end defeat sin, stop Yevon who turn out to be bad guys, Tidus finds out he isnt alive anymore and passes on once sin is defeated.

Now THIS is how F-ing confusing it ACTUALLY is
Zanarkand ISNT real.........its DREAM zanarkand, tidus jecht and all the millons of people who live there are not real, Auron who died at the hands of Yunaleska died and then went to dream zanarkand to meet tidus, sin just APPEARS and destroys dream zanarkand without any explanation as to sins origins, Yunaleska whos meant to be all powerful just gets her A-hole handed to her in 1 fight, jecht isnt real but comes to spira.........and never mentions how his city worked? no trade with other countries or anything like that? Then Yevon turn out to be bad guys just ....because....and then everyone in Yevon turns out to be evil....because....and then the Al Bhed who have been seen as the bad guys for hundreads of years are suddenly not seen in this way half way through the game, Yuna through the entire game NOW just comes accross as if shes desperate for sausage - she flirts with tidus right away and makes it clear she want some. She hardly knows a thing about him yet flirts like mad with him in the first hour of the game. REAL zanarkand was destroyed 1000years ago, dream zanarkand wasnt because it was a dream.........so wtf is the start of the game about?

The rest of the story is more complicated but i wont even start with how stupid this story is when you combine it with x-2's which really makes absolute SOD-ALL sense considering sin was defeated and Yevon shouldnt be around anymore

5) BAD -
FORCED buy of FFx-2
Im saying forced because its clear square-enix just did this to make more sales and sell the games as a bundle rather than seperate and see X did amazingly well while x-2 sells badly. The price isnt bad........if your buying the game off ebay, steams price is a tad too high for a 10+ year old game

6) GOOD -
Original music - we have the proper music in this and a remix (which no one will use) so thankfully you wont have to mod the original music BACK into the game like what people had to do with FF8

7) GOOD -
The gameplay is a good now as it was then, its a great battle system ..............However you then play x-2 and see how crap its become........then slowly realise this was the start of all the other crap games square-enix would release like FF13 which was a 80hour tutorial. I say Play X and pretend X-2 doesnt happen

8) BAD -
x-2 in a nutshell 'I want to find tidus again - then spends 90% of game not looking for tidus' the story is bad, the battle system is bad, the world now seems dull with everyone split up and no sin, your rival is a pink woman with x2 idiot goons, bad comedy, CLONE tidus who isnt tidus......or is he? considering GHOST zanarkand wasnt real then do the ghosts just live the same lives over and over? coz clone tidus LOOKS like normal Tidus. The we have the idiot monster robot under yevons basement.................................sigh

9) BAD -
Emo Lesbain Femenist Paine
She is perhaps the WORST character added into a game in the entire history of the FF franchise. Not only was she clearly added in last minute (Which is plain as day considering almost zero characters have conversations with her aside from 1 guy with a walking stick........for 1 part.....and thats it....and then afew conversations with Yuna and Rikki were paines responce is either -yes,no, or a sentance which could have been slotted in anywere) but her character in general is just crap. She was made clearly for 1 target audience but just comes across as a fortgettable character who doesnt have 1 good thing about her. Some people have tried to defend her by claiming she is a female Squall from FF8..............im not sure what idiot pills these people are on but Squall wasnt an emo lesbian femenist with zero character growth and who sucked. Its like claiming having a tumor in your balls just means your balls look bigger to impress the ladies, no matter what you say its STILL a seriously bad thing.

X-2 im not sure if it was TRYING to be funny by just having 3 moody women going on a dull adventure were they face off against pink villian and fat camp man and thin camp man while looking for clone tidus.......but this game ISNT funny like CAMP funny like what the HyperDimensional Neptunia games are which ARE actually enjoyable..........this game.......this is just a choir to play and you get sick of Emo Paine, mental break down Yuna and MEGA cheer Rikki after about 2 hours.

It IS a brilliant game over all but the story does seem rather wacked out at times and X-2 really does show how bad square-enix becomes and the crap they end up giving us. I LOVED ffx when i first played it and would recommend X to any new people today and original gamers.

Review in short
battle system

x-2 being mini-games everywere
the ultime weapons are a nightmae to get
200 lightening dodges
You look just like my brother chappu - you see chappu, he looks F-all like you........wakka needs glasses

I will get around to a video review of X but for now heres a review of X2

Posted 4 June, 2016. Last edited 4 August, 2018.
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34.0 hrs on record (7.9 hrs at review time)
This is why your paying £14+ for this game




Dont lie to yourself and claim its anything else

1) Its a neptunia game
2) Is it saying being a pedo is ok or not? coz some of these girls are clearly underage yet there clothes...........thanks IF for making this wierder....
3) Yes it is that messed up and confusing
5) Its better than a LOT of so-called AAA-tiled games out there (looking at you sf5 and mgs5)
6) Its cheap and fun and will make you smile
7) Its a neptunia game

SOO....in a nutshell its this

Posted 24 March, 2016. Last edited 24 March, 2016.
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36.2 hrs on record (29.6 hrs at review time)
Ill start with this - this game made me feel THIS happy


Take notes CRAPCOM!

THIS GAME! - THIS is how you release/Make a good fighting game.

No ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ beta release with a £49.99 price tag CLAIMING its a full game
Online mode that works
A huge cast of characters
Great music
The game actually HAS a story which wasnt pieced together by people with autism (ZOMBIE charlie/Nash....are you F-ING kidding me crapcom!?)
Great animation
Beautiful character interactions
good english voice acting

This is an amazing game and continues the brilliant story from the past game. I jumped straight into story mode as soon as i got this and christ i even paid FULL PRICE for this game coz i loved the last one so much and as anyone will tell you im rather a tight fisted J.. when it comes to money and being robbed by steams R-tarded prices when everything else is cheaper on ebay or amazon or anywere else in fact.

The best explaination i can give this game is this - BUY THIS GAME

Give your money to companies like this who actually care about there fandom and what they create. we need more fighting games like this if fighting games are going to survive. The mix of visual Novel and fighting is BRILLIANT! if Fate Stay Night had done this imagine how brilliantly it would sell on steam! we need more brilliant stuff like this game rather than ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ like what Street Fighter is

now lets Celebrate!!!!

Posted 5 March, 2016. Last edited 5 March, 2016.
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65.8 hrs on record
Were do i begin......................

ok....sigh.....here we go.....

Be Chris Redfield............steriod fuiled chris redfield...........in africa..........shooting blacks..........


i...i...just....i..................seriously crapcom WTF...............I MEAN WTF! WTF CRAPCOM!???

Was someone on drugs when they come up with this plot? Coz thats basically IT in a nutshell. We get that and now for some reason R-tarded Wesker. A villan who was brilliant and a great bad guy who now is suddenly a terrible Bond villan. Whats your plan and reason for all this wesker? - to put Las Plagus spores in a volcano which will cover the earth - WAHHHHHHWAHHHHWAHHHHHH



and thats it - Brilliant crapcom just brilliant! someone give the writters and crapcom themselves the GOLDEN TURD award coz you guys F-d this up brilliantly

I find it hard to find ANY pros about this game aside from NoMercy mode

drug fueled chris
The co-op woman who follows chris and not once questions him killing loads of her people
wesker becoming a meme
the dlc - thanks crapcom! 6-7 years to late
the dlc - no discount for original owners who had to wait 6-7 years was it
the dlc - VERY short for the price

We got this game which upset most fans after RE4 upset most fans, then we got RE6 which made most people think re5 wasnt that bad. Roll on RE7 were crapcom will make it about time travelling with QTE after QTE in your struggle to stop the russian alien monsters invading iraq

All i can say about this game is this


Posted 1 February, 2016. Last edited 1 February, 2016.
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13.9 hrs on record (4.6 hrs at review time)
Imagine your wanting a gift from someone and you have been waiting about 2 years for this gift. Your excited and happy as hell your given it BUT when you open the wrapped up parcel what do you find

An over priced dog turd in a box followed by a gooky smile and then that someone who gave it to you asks for £12.99

You then find the game is just 1 level - yes 1 WHOLE level

Its not even a game its a bloody DEMO which can be completed within 5 minutes if you speed run. I found i didnt even have to TRY i could have just kept running past all the enemies to the end.

The game looks beautiful but THATS it! this....DEMO.....is a lot like dating a seriously large fat girl - yes she is funny - but thats it! everything else about her is repulsive like jabba the hut.

This should have just been an add-on for MSG5 at a price of £3.99 but instead were told its a full game? wtf steam!

Dont buy this on steam go look at other websites were its about £4 but even then your gona be left with an awful taste in your mouth when you realise just how short the game is. Worst if you have idiots defending this saying bs like 'i got 100+ hours out of it' which is great...........i can get 100+ hours out of watching my own s--t float in a toilet bowl and by not flushing the toilet for a whole week! doesnt mean its a good idea or that that time itself has been well spent. FFS you can spend 100+ hours playing bs on a mobile phone like Anal Crush Saga or bullcrap like that

Is what it is - an over priced demo
Posted 31 January, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
61.8 hrs on record (59.3 hrs at review time)
A good game with a good story. Only thing i didnt like was how short the game was and how silly the final battle was.

The graphics are nice and the animation is pretty. The gameplay itself is brilliantly done

I wished Valkyia 2 would come to pc but sadly they wont
Posted 30 January, 2016.
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21.7 hrs on record (18.8 hrs at review time)
Revelations 1 was a good game and PERHAPS the last decent resident evil game

Revelations 2...................im not surw wtf crapcom were thinking with this one. Its like they just went out to ruin everything that made 1 any good and completely took a huge dump on this version


1) Game THINKS its 'silent hill 4 the room' the game wants you to use melee weapons and makes the guns in the game very weak and difficult to use and almost makes you want to use the melee weapons as they stronger than the guns. Im meant to believe being hit by a pipe is stronger than being shot by a bullet?

2) Claire - WTF has happened to claire?? she went from looking good in the past games to now looking like a damn horse! she looks like that damn ugly pig girl from sex in the city. wtf crapcom!

3) The annoying child - perhaps one of the most annoying characters in a game i have come across in ages. She ends up being the bad guy in the end (weskers sister just now comes out of nowere??) and she does nothing but walk around with an annoying voice and cant do anything aside from look pig ugly and just piss you off

4) Moyra - You would think being Barry's daughter she would be cool................no instead she is a 'wont use guns - im a veggy loser' who uses a torch and is just used to carry items and light up dark areas

5) The DLC - its crap - its just just crap. The outfits are stupid (not funny stupid) but crap stupid and coz claire looks like a damn horse the outfits for her just look stupid. Moyra looks crap and looks even worse in her crap dlc outfit. The extra chapters...........awful.........just awful...........can be completed in like 8 minutes or less and the annoying child dlc could have just been avoided alltogether

Its a crap game which is a shame because Revelations 1 was fantastic..........then revelations 2 comes along and takea a dump on it
Posted 30 January, 2016.
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0.0 hrs on record
This DLC is Like watching your sister get slammed by her boyfriend - WRONG - AND WHY ARE YOU LOOKING?

Crapcom want £7.99 for this...............................................SERIOUSLY? which turd burger at crapcom HQ makes this bs and then sticks on these random price tags?

orginally these would have been INGAME and given after completeing the game, now its please pay £7.99 for garbage. We already had crap like - please pay for next level - with Revelations 2................whats next crapcom? please pay for each time you want to save or have to reload form dying?
Posted 29 January, 2016.
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