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3 people found this review helpful
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1.6 hrs on record
Maiden cops is a nice game but feels incomplete at the moment.

The Good.
The pixel graphics are really nice, Character design is good, music is good, backgrounds are good. Loads of outfits for you to unlock for each character. Price is good.

A lot of the stages are homages to levels from past beat'em ups. Level 1 is practically level 1 from Final Fight 3 and the baseball stadium is from SOR2.

Attacks are based off characters from past games too which is cool.

The Bad.
Game only has remote play.
The heavy Hitter character cannot pick up knives or bats or swords.
Characters move very slow and sluggish.
Block button might as well just not be there.
Not enough Enemy variants.

You then have the different style of animation/drawing.
The game has lewd sections (mainly images) which feel a tad out of place. They are nice but it does seem abit odd getting a "continue" screen and seeing the MC showing off her panties with what looks like x2 McDonald's ham burgers pushed together hidden in there.

The dev also had to add in an "adults only" tag for the game yet is unsure why? They literally made things harder for themselves by making 1 of the characters a certain way and by the puffy vulvy Thing.

There's then the story scenes which look as if they've been created in Microsoft paint. The design and art style looks very very different to everything else.

Maiden cops feels like an unfinished Project that needs abit more work. It has potential but I'm not sure if the Dev will put the effort in to finish it off.
Posted 29 September.
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1.5 hrs on record
Night Slashers Remake is a remake which feels exceptionally cheap and quickly done.
For starters every time i see Forever Entertainment i just feel like i know i'm going to be disappointed.

So here's whats wrong with this game.
No Online CO-OP. I couldn't even find remote play for this. It just seems to be local co-op only (IE a friend has to be in the same room as you). So your left with a multiplayer game that doesn't seem to have a real online mode which you think would be rather important for a game like this.

The gore seems to be downgraded or censored when compared to the original.
The graphics look nice but seem to move like a 2001 flash game in most areas.
Game hands out extra lives 2-3 times in a single stage.
Controls can be clunky and janky.
Music is replaced. Its OK but it is not as good as the original.
You can complete the game easily within 35 minutes on your own.
No real replay value and nothing special to unlock.

I genuinely think that FE and ST gave up on this game when they realised they could not implement a proper online mode for gamers and just released this quietly with the low price of $10 or less.

It feels like a half arsed attempt at a remake with nice graphics but literally no soul or anything else which made the original as beloved as what it was.

Even if they do go back and add in a proper online mode i'm still not sure if this would be worth it. Especially when other games like SOR4 or TMNT are out.
Posted 26 September.
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8.5 hrs on record
Yars Rising is the spiritual successor to Revenge/Recharged.

I highly doubt most people will even know about the past previous Yars titles. So this 'reimagining' takes elements From past previous titles and incorporates them into this.

What you get with Yars Rising:
A fun 2.5D platformer With a good fmc.
Nice graphics that run well.
Its steam deck verified.
Lots of hacking challenges.
Lots of areas to go back to and explore once you gain more abilities.
FMC gets a sexy skin tight latex bug Suit to wear near the end (so NO Dei crap appears to be involved).

Minor complaints are:
Game length is about 9-13 hours depending on IF your going for everything.
Its double that lengh if you redo the game on Professional mode.

You get Emi's office outfit once you complete the game (which looks hideous) and I dont see why she didn't have this at the beginning of the game.

Boss battles - not many. After Spider Boss Girl I was expecting loads of sexy cool boss battles just like her. But that doesn't happen. After her you fight I think its 4-5 more Boss characters and none are as interesting as she was.

Wayforward have made a good and enjoyable game and have given a new lease on life to the YARS franchise if it continues with these characters.
I just wish the game was longer and that parts of it were fleshed out more because some parts are clearly either rushed or unfinished.

A full review can be seen here:
Posted 10 September.
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0.7 hrs on record
What is Taxi Rush? well its a cheap clone of Sega's Crazy Taxi.
Is it as fun or as good as Crazy Taxi? no it is not.
Is it Steam Deck Verified? if you want to lose you temper try it.

There's a lot wrong with this game. I struggled to get anything at all for this game because it states on the Steam store page 'Some Controller Support' what this actually translates to is ZERO support.
You open the game up only to find it has no controller configuration. It refused to accept 3 controllers I tried (XBOX360, PS3, SMX) and in the end I had to use Xpadder to configure the keyboard functions to my 360 pad. This took me 6 minutes to do yet the Developer couldn't do this and save that as a profile for the input in the game?

I then had issues getting the game to even run. I tried to run this on my Steam Deck and not only did it refuse to acknowledge my external controller but it caused random CTD.
I then tried this on my studio PC which has a HDD instead of an SSD. Yeah don't try this.
Next I tested this on my other Gaming PC and was finally able to get this short footage after having so much messing about.

Is the game even any good?
No not really. Its a mixed bag of what I assume is AI and Unity Assets flips put together to create a game which had promise but which fails on almost all counts. Simply just getting the game to run will cause most people to request a refund but even if you DO stick with it and try and enjoy the game for what it is, what your left with is a Crazy Taxi clone that doesn't even have half as the enjoyment.

Taxi Rush could be a good game if the Developer took more time with it and fixed all the issues that the game has such as the controller function, Deck compatibility, graphical glitches, crash to desktop problems.
I just don't think this will happen sadly.
IF you want a good Crazy Taxi game then just buy the original Crazy Taxi on steam itself because at present Taxi Rush is not the product it should and could be if given more time and attention
Posted 9 September.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
A simplistic easy to access game for all members of the family.

Play as Mika who wants to become a witch but is cast aside and has to become a delivery girl in order to achieve her goals to return to the top of the mountain to prove herself to her new master.

Island is very big with lots of areas to explore even in EA mode.
Lots of collectables for you to find around the island
Various characters to meet.
Welcoming to gamers of all ages.

Art looks abit tumblr-ish.
The fetch quest side of things becomes old very quickly.
Music is limited and repetitive.

It's a nice easy going game but it could use alot more to improve it.
Here's hoping the game just gets better with each update.
Posted 22 August.
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4 people found this review helpful
1.0 hrs on record
MT Alien Force Uprising is a gun n run style game with heavy influences from past titles such as Contra and Metal Slug.

However unlike those games this one feels like an unfinished project with little excitement or enjoyment to it.

Character controls feel limited and clunky, The music is not great, The stages dont go together very well, enemies seem almost random at times (Your fighting people in the beginning then suddenly zombies by chapter 3), it feels like various stuff you'd expect to be here isn't here.

I could go on but the short very is that the game does not feel like a finished product and needs a lot of work to make it into something good.
Posted 12 August.
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0.9 hrs on record
Sadly I cannot recommend this Ninja game at all.
It's an 8-Bit style retro game which is heavily based of the old classics from the Nes/Master System era.
Whilst the comic sections are nice I found the rest of the game very lacking in style, polish, substance or fun.

It's an OK game but in all honesty I could recommend so many other better ninja games than this one.

A full review can be seen here :
Posted 8 August.
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4.4 hrs on record
If you loved the alliance alive then you'll love this too.

Another 3DS port that's got beautifully enhanced graphics, nice music, a great cast of characters and combat which will keep you on your toes.

It's a tad grindy which can be overbearing at times.

A more detailed review can be seen here:

Posted 22 March.
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3.8 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
If you grew up as a child of the late 80/90s and you ventured into the Arcades then chances are you played a game known as Sunset Riders by Komani.

This game is like a homage/parody/Love Letter to that game but instead of it being set in the wild west they jumped forward a few hundred years to the mean streets of San Francisco during the 70s.

Filled with organized crime its upto our Police heroes to take back the streets several bullets at a time.

It's a fantastic homage that captures everything the original game had and can be played in 4 player mode which is great.....however this is only possible with remote play which sucks. I understand it would cost more for servers but having to do everything manually with remote play really does suck.

A more detailed review can be seen here:

Posted 18 February.
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42.7 hrs on record
To begin with I do recommend this game however I'm left feeling that disappointed with it after the true ending that I honestly question alot of it and wonder if this game IS actually good or if alot of it is just coasting off 2Bs ass.

When you first play this game it's fantastic and you go through Route A.
Not everything is explained at first and your expecting that because you know Routes B and C are coming.
You complete (A) and then begin (B) and slowly start to realise the games making you play the exact same game you just played and completed....but again...only this time with uninteresting 9S.

It promises to tell you more of the story but what it actually does is give you maybe 20% different scenes that could easily have been put into 2Bs (A) route. It feels like a cheap trick to force you to play as 9S and clock up more play time for what is essentially just 30 minutes of different scenes/content.

My playtime was 45hours. Without doing 9Ss (B) route that probably would only have been 32 hours since the game forces you to redo everything.

You then get A2 (C) route...only it's not just A2 because the game forces you to play as 9S for half of her story.


This then boils down to an ending were the twins die, Yorha is destroyed, the machine life form splits personality and fights itself (never explains this or which side actually won the argument) then that the final fight is between A2 and 9S were both die, the machine network launches a shuttle into space to find a new world (WHY!? they literally say they want to be/know what humans are/were and yet leave), it never states if all the machines left on Earth switch off after this or stay alive to form a new separate network or to be disconnected like what Pascal was.

The final part is a battle were you have to fight the credits as a hacking shuttle. Then a 3 minute scene just showing the pods getting parts to rebuild the 3 androids (Where are these specialists parts coming from and when did the Pods become engineers/mechanics) and.....that's it.....

No explanation on alot of stuff and other things left open ended without any conclusion.
It just feels like an empty ending which had an opportunity to be incredible but just flat without any bang.

Combat is fun.
Characters are interesting.
Story is captivating.
World is pretty.
Lots of missions.
2Bs ass is hypnotic.

Lots of running around.
Lots of back tracking.
Lots of questions never answered.
Twins die needlessly.
Game makes you replay route A but as 9S.
A2 could have been fleshed out more.
Story makes no sense at times.
Posted 10 January.
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