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Mudtowner 25 Aug, 2020 @ 6:29am 
Q: What's worse than biting into an apple and seeing half a worm?
A: The amount of lives lost in the Civil War.
Irwell 15 Aug, 2015 @ 3:28pm 
2 guys walk into a bar. The bar was made from metal, and caused serious hemorrhaging to one, while the other guy got away with only bruises and the feeling of loss because of his friend.
§ † € √ € 25 Feb, 2013 @ 8:34am 
A guy and a giraffe walk into a bar, the giraffe lies down on the floor and the bartender asks the guy "oi, what's that lyin' down on the floor?" The guy replies: " That's not a lion, that's a giraffe!"