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Ulasan terkini oleh Celendrin

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Menampilkan1-10 dari 85 kiriman
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lol this game is Awesome (not sarcasm) because the guy was genius and combined the fun of twin-stick side-scrolling shooters (think " Shoot Many Robots " (the Xbox 360 version),

Rogue Stormers etc, and mixed with that survivor formula for powerups not only DURING your mission but also PERMANENT power-ups you can buy out of your missions,

Fantastic game this was the first 'unique' game I saw in eons on steam and it's funny I didn't think of it first (I think up 'wave' shooters all the time) but you have to hand it to this dev he simplified it to the most essential degree and kept exactly what you need for a FUN game and not all that over-worked agenda-pushing crp on steam nowadays,

Seriously THIS type of game here is exactly what redeems the trash-heap that steam is,

for literally every 2-5000 games released every year you get a game like this that shows you some dev somewhere is actually thinking up cool new unique actually 'fun' games and isn't backed by millions to push agendas and nonsense down your throat,

so the presentation is going to be 'rough' but the core gameplay and fun-factor are all there -

Kudos to the dev, amazing job !

(by the way my play time is low because I had to stop playing or else I would play a game like this all day every day until I max out my character and 'beat' it,

I just don't have the time now so for a game as addicting as this it's better just to uninstall and not think about or else you're always wanting to play it,

lol, seriously)

(Also the music is amazing !!! This type of game is exactly the type that pictures, screenshots and lame overly-picky nerdy reviews don't do justice to,

it's a freaking fantastic game if you want to challenge yourself, have fun, not be soaked full of agendas while playing,

listening to blasting retro-wave beats etc etc

There's no justice that games like this get overlooked while all the hype trash gets pushed on steam.

Don't expect this game to be a 'circus' on start-up, do expect this game to 'pull you in' like retro games used to do,

based on their skill-factor, fun factor and challenge factor, (and 'immersion' factor), and you'll 'get it' and have a blast playing this.

Could it have better presentation? Of course, when I first played it the first thing I thought of was all the ways I would do 3D models of the graphics etc,

but point is the dev did what he could do and it's a great thing, far better that he was actually able to 'make' it then try to fancy up the graphics etc and never have released it in the first place)

Seriously gamers use your brain and support games like this if you want to play anything else besides hyped steam trash..
Diposting pada 9 Agustus. Terakhir diedit pada 9 Agustus.
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Tercatat 5.1 jam (Telah dimainkan 4.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Classic Xbox 360 Gaming Goodness
Diposting pada 5 Agustus.
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Tercatat 43.7 jam (Telah dimainkan 11.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
slog from hell,

like many down-voters mention,

this game is tedious, confusing and annoying with it's level design.

It boggles the mind that 'shooters', a genre that is supposed to be full of 'fast action',

are so many times riddled and destroyed with constant 'secrets', keys and lever searching.

Can you really say you're playing a 'shooter' if 90% of the time you are simply looking for the 'exit' or a key you need to open some stupid door?

Not only that but this game is an asset-flip de-rigeur - regardless if the devs made their own assets or not you're looking at the same 5 models per stage for the next 10 hours per area.

Although the egyptian areas can be somewhat beautiful (and open, which is a rare thing in gaming nowadays),

the reality is it's all tedious beyond belief and you can really feel you are just thrown in an cut / paste asset dumpster fire with minimal thought of how things are laid out just, "throw it together, put it out there, sell it get rich"

I will remove this review at some point but I hope this acts as a warning for people not to be fooled into buying the 'deals' of serious sam bundles because honestly if you get stuck with this you will regret having to work for all the achieves etc, especially if you are a completionist type.
Diposting pada 17 Juli. Terakhir diedit pada 17 Juli.
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Tercatat 1.7 jam
A Really cool hidden-gem type game,

This is the type of game you rarely see anymore, where they took the time to work on everything (UI, music, gameplay, etc) equally and thoroughly

I love this (type of) game because it not only has Primal themes and artwork (Barbarians, Warriors, Pre-historic stages etc, in other words, no 'cyborg' agenda being pushed here..)

but it's only very well made and the game itself plays very well and smooth once you get the hang of it and make the necessary key-bind changes (changing the 'move screen' keys from the arrows to ASWD etc).

The UI thoroughly captures the theme (Rocks, Cave-man accroutements etc, lol) and is one of the few games that have a solid artistic foundation throughout.

If people aren't sure what I mean is look at Monster Hunter World, such effort in the 3D models of the 'monsters', so much work in their animation, texturing etc,

but the UI is a HORRIFIC 'excel spreadsheet' mess which is nothing but white lines and tiny little icons you can barely see.

The lack of congruence between the 'game' visuals vs the 'UI' visuals are one of the critical factors killing the quality of gaming nowadays -

why bother having 500k resolution on your characters face if when you go to use the UI all you see is an excel spreadsheet from 1970.

This is an example of a game done 'right' and should be used as a reference and template for other games who want to give their players the 'immersive' experience. -

Where the game's UI and overall art design matches and supports the actual game art assets, a congruent gaming experience that's very refreshing and cathartic for a gamer.

The strategy aspect is very enjoyable (though I played somewhat little of the campaign) and is very fun for a solo player.

Obviously don't expect some hard-core 'Warcraft' level RTS, the beauty of this game is it isn't trying to be a top-tier RTS - it's trying to be a good, fun game that's very well designed and cohesive, which it accomplishes.

I haven't played mp yet or online.

I had problems starting the game and I'm not sure if it was because I had to be 'online' or not.

An 8 - 8.5 out of 10 game if you want to have an enjoyable experience and be immersed in a well designed game, especially if you're trying to get away from all the you're a 'Borg' in a post-apocalyptic setting type of games nowadays.

Great music too
Diposting pada 27 Mei. Terakhir diedit pada 27 Mei.
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Tercatat 0.9 jam
Ulasan Akses Dini
It's one of the closest games you'll find like EDF,

not saying it IS exactly like EDF, or that it's 'as fun', but that it's one of the few actually fully modeled, 3D third person open space fully traversable shooters,

It is fun, it has base-building, etc

It can be fun, but a terrible un-optimized release marred it's popularity,

I haven't played enough to say for sure it's 'amazing', but for what I played it's good, and look forward to having a lot more fun after I get past the early tutorial missions

Get this game if you're sick of the 2D low-effort cash-grabs on steam

Diposting pada 21 Januari.
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Tercatat 7.9 jam
Ulasan Akses Dini
There's a lot of layers to this game and it's developer,

it's a game made by someone who grew up playing the classics and wanted to make an honest effort at making a game that would pass on the magic that the 'golden age' gamers felt..

If the game succeeded in that some may debate,

but it was a game started when steam was still an 'honest' place for game development,

before it descended into trash shovel-ware specially designed to maximize profits with minimal effort..

I haven't even played it enough to honestly give it an up or down vote,

but I'll definitely leave it an up for the honest effort the dev put into it..

(He's also a good musician, really good, he's a great example of the well-rounded cool kinds of people the 90s produced..)

In the future I'll try to update this review about the actual game and gameplay..

(Also, check out the series 'Age of Barbarian' and the Criansoft developer, he's a guy that does 'Barbarian' type games,

the type that used ot be common in gaming, and now are almost extinct.. )

Diposting pada 21 Januari.
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Tercatat 68.5 jam
This game is great,

I played a lot of twin-sticks and top-down shooters etc and this one stands out as one of the most tight, simple-yet-deep and highly satisfying twin-sticks there is,

it's a lot more 'complex' than you'd expect in a twin-stick, but at the same time it's easy to pick up and accessible.

Probably one of the best twin-sticks ever made, it exceeds almost any other twin-stick in gun-play,

but it has it's own flaws (mainly repetitive looking stages and not too many guns etc) so it's not the best twin-stick of 'all time',

but one of the best ones for what it's trying to be.

Note one of the complexities of this game is that you actually can and should use 'cover',

it's not a gimmick like in most twin-stick shooters here it actually works, works good and needs to be used.

It's on the opposite spectrum of something like Robotron or Nex Machina,

it has twin-stick shooting action but requires thinking and even darey say, 'planning' to succeed.

Not only that but it has multiplayer (quite fun, I played co-op so far), upgradable guns and weapons etc.

It's a solid 25 dollar game easily, for less than 10 bucks it's practically a steal,

one of the best value games on steam for sure (!)
Diposting pada 20 Januari.
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Tercatat 6.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 6.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out !!!!1111
Diposting pada 20 Januari.
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Tercatat 59.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 27.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Are you kidding ?

Pretty much wipes the floor with 99.9% of all games ever released,

100X better than 4.1 and 4.1 is an amazing game in itself,

this review will be miles long if every little thing is pointed out about what makes it so good,

just save yourself the trouble of debating and buy it,

and yes, it goes on sale for 20 bucks once in a while.

Even at 60 dollars it's worth 10000X more than almost any other game made in the last 20 years.

(Also, the 'dumb story' people think is a joke and don't take seriously - is actually a highly profound metaphor of real life and an exact snapshot of Earth now as we know it,

it's one of the best written most profound symbolic representations of what 'humanity faces' ever put in a game,

cause it does it 'real time' with guns blazing - and still gets the point across.)

If you don't know who the 'monsters' are - read some Dante,

if you don't know who the 'Aliens' are - read some Shakespeare

(and yes, the ''Aliens" are so good at their job and 'controlling' "monsters" that they've already made sure their tracks are covered, they're great at blending in and appearing 'human'.. lol.. )

that's the point - the game's giving deep truths in a way that nobody can censor,

but are deep truths and relevant facts.. )

(Please note I have nothing against 'Aliens' or otherwise, just pointing out how great the game is in how it gets it's point across)
Diposting pada 30 Desember 2023. Terakhir diedit pada 31 Desember 2023.
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Tercatat 46.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 4.2 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
For those looking for that 'Crackdown' type of game -

this is one of the closest things you'll get, and overall it's quite good,

Intro tutorial is quite easy but don't be fooled when the game actually starts you'll have the option to select the difficulties you want (including 'extreme' variations right away),

so the fast fluid gameplay, ease of horizontal and vertical traversal (part of what made Crackdown great), variety of 'Agents' (basically a way to change guns + playstyles with their own personalities) all makes for better than average gameplay,

if you compare it to today's mind-numbing dumbed-down trash it's exceedingly good,

Some down-sides though are weapons and weapon hit-feedback is kinda lacking,

and some may find having '3' agents together at all times is a bit convoluted, but at the same time it gives the game a bit of fresh air with their own witty banter and chemistry.

Note it's a very lively game with intermission cartoons (very well done though, not anime or kiddy), many lines of dialogue but (so far) not overly excessive and none of it comes across preachy and annoying.

This game was kinda like a hidden treasure hiding out in my library,

what made me finally play it and give it a thumbs up?

I got a good enough computer to run it (3050 mobile gpu) and I'm actually able to appreciate it,

this game looks, plays and feels a lot better when it can be played in the 1900x1280 res smoothly than trying to run it sub-par with choppy and laggy graphics,

the smooth fast fluid playstyle requires a decent computer and you won't enjoy it as much as you could if you are using a system not strong enough to run it.

Also, when I first tried it it didn't seem to have as much ambient sound, music and atmospheric effects, I dont know if they updated it or something but now it has all kinds of cool sounds, ambient music and cool techno music in general (and different types of music in cars),

it adds a lot to the game and some of it is actually really good (the music and sounds).

Definite thumbs Up - Definitely a (the?) game to play if you're looking for a Crackdown 'sequel'
Diposting pada 30 September 2023.
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Menampilkan1-10 dari 85 kiriman