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Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 0.7 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 6 Jul, 2018 @ 11:42am

This version is SO buggy,flawed, and not an improvement over, the best version of the game ( the original very 1st non steam release of Red Faction Guerrilla) imo is still the Very BEST version of the game, It runs flawless and has none of the MANY glitches and flaws this version is LOADed full of atm.
It's funny to me , they released these 2 steam versions of Red Faction Guerrilla, because gamers were having trouble with GFWL games and DX10 games. But there is a VERY EASY fix for pc gamers to enjoy all the awesome dx10 and/or games for windows live games they "can't run"
= Just "downgrade" internet explorer to ie9 and NEVER EVER EVER install update KB2670838 which is automatically installed with ie10 and ie11 . So in short Just revert internet explorer to ie9 and use google chrome for your web browsing , and you can then run ANY dx10 game & ANY GFWL game flawlessly , and there is now no need to suffer through HORRIBLE remakes of great games like RFG , I strongly recommend this for gamers who want to play amazing games, like red faction,Lost planet colonies,LP2, dark void , RE5 (with nice dx10 instead of crap dx9 steam version) and all the amazing titles that have either GFWL or DX10 like red faction Guerrilla ! So revert to ie9 and start playing these great games instead of suffering through the horrible remakes of these great games. They are all flawed or dx9 only.
I do NOT recommend Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered , but i STRONGLY recommend the original Red Faction Guerrilla it is a true Gem. and Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered is loaded with bugs and flaws and is a HUGE waste of space on your HD. Stay Away, play the original !
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