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Análises recentes de Game Addiction

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54.7 hrs em registo (53.3 horas no momento da análise)
Normally I don't review games but this one deserves the grace of it because it's a great strategy game and the campaign is a brilliant journey and reminds me of the like of Battlefleet Gothic campaign maps.

The combat is challenging and rewarding in the sense that you have to turn a ship to the correct direction in order to have the weapons engage to full effect. There's more satisfying than turning off the flak on Battlestar's, after surviving a Cylon missile barrage and then turning about to have a full frontal barrage from the front artillery, wiping out everything in their path.

They you can set out fleets for specific roles as well has given me a lot of options when designing the make up of fleets to engage the enemy. And moving around the campaign is a challenge having to decide if you need to sacrifice resources to get somewhere quickly.

Overall I love the way this game operates and I highly recommend anyone to give it a try. :)
Publicado a 20 de Fevereiro.
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47.4 hrs em registo (21.6 horas no momento da análise)
To get this out of the way first thing, I actually really liked this game and I purchased it two updates ago so it wasn't a day one purchase. I'll go into detail in a minute but I will say that yes the game has problems both performance and gameplay for me but I think it comes down more to personal taste than anything else in some ways. Now onto the more detailed version and it's a long one guys.


The performance aspect of the game does have some issues and I encountered several issues like stuttering in complicated scenes or when there were several enemies in a group but that's being picky if I'm honest because the last update solved most of the issues for me and the stuttering actually relented until some of the end game scenes. I didn't have a single crash when playing myself and this was on a gaming laptop and not a top of the line one at that, playing on ultra and high settings. One thing I will still say is definitely still turn off the V-Sync for now as the frames for me still suffered at times.

Other than that I suffered no other technical difficulties but if you do encounter any of the ones mentioned above, there are things you can do like play in DX11 mode if you suffer in 12 which was a big one for me along with turning V-Sync off. Though a lot of people have already found ways of getting through the issues with a variety of fixes.


Now we get into the meaty part of the game and this is what caused me some conflict on my opinions. The overall gameplay is good and I actually enjoyed the blend of melee and firearm use, the dodging system could use some kind of indicator maybe for perfect dodges. When you're in dark environments especially it can be tricky to judge the right moment with enemies coming at you from all angles.

Another problem I found was the weapon switching mode, where you can switch back between the last two weapons you had selected with 1 or 2 on the keyboard which is great. However, for someone like me who likes to utilise all the weapons available on a first playthrough, it can be difficult to press 2 and then scroll through the weapons in a fight with multiple enemies or a boss.

On a positive note however, the weapons on choice and how they're used in different situations is actually really good and I liked all of them when using them. So the weapon modular system they use in game is cool and the upgrade system for them and the grip is easy to do and not over-complicated. Could use some more more credits though. :)

One thing I will as an ending point for this section is the save system is a little irritating with how you do have a save option but it doesn't even override the checkpoints at all. So prepare for a tough ride as the loot changes as well when you die so no crate or enemy will drop the same things on a checkpoint load.

Graphics and Audio

For me this is where the game comes into its own ground and does give me those Dead Space feels with the cramp corridors and open spaces filled with darkness and broken by some specs of light sources. I know people are making a lot of comments regarding Dead Space but for me it brings back great memories regarding the original. The audio for each environment and battle scenes is tense and brilliant to listen to as you're fighting for your life which I was more than once.

Also the character models where especially good, including the enemies which I do agree with the other reviews there needs to be much more variety. From the detailed facial expressions to how cool the suit looked with all the animations throughout the game. It was definitely one that had artistic merit as every moment looked really good and I didn't see any clipping as you climb through vents and ducts especially.

I would praise the game the most for it's visual and audio work, it makes the game great and if I was to pick a favourite, it would be the surface of Callisto itself and the chapter that follows it. Trying not to spoil anything.


I know people have a lot of opinions on the characters liability and the story but I enjoyed it and I can honestly say that. I admit there some marks where I thought it could be better but overall it was paced great and I genuinely wanted to know more about the lore and how it was going to end. It is one of those games where if you can get into a story or a book over and over again then you might come back again but if not then you might only play it once or twice to complete the hard mode.

As for the characters I liked Jacob and Dani and actually thought they played and transitioned well throughout the story. The Warden however I thought was a little weak in the fact you mainly saw him in holographic recordings or the bonus collectables which were quite short. He wasn't the be all and end all bad guy I would've wanted but mysterious and enigmatic all the same. As a small addition too, the bonus collectable recordings do offer a little to the story but not much unlike how other games have added so much more lore to a story through them. They lack but are still worth collecting.

Final Opinion

I do recommend this game for anyone who does enjoy a survival horror experience and I do that because it does deliver it well. A few things that could be improved like the save system and the above mentioned gameplay mechanics but overall it is a good game. The combat is fun and challenging while also being fun to try out all the different weapons and environmental solutions to large groups of enemies. So as a final note, I'd say buy the game for yourself and see what you think to it, I bought and don't regret it personally.
Publicado a 17 de Dezembro de 2022.
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3.1 hrs em registo
I was optimistic when I first got the game as I was really excited by the great concept the developers came up with as it's something I myself haven't seen before in the simulation genre.

The pro's I can honestly say about this game are that the concept is brilliant and running my own medieval forge is a great idea and fun once you get into the process of forging the blades from melted ingots to smashing away with your hammer to shape it into what you need it to be. Also it has great potential to become a great game and this is unfortunately where my good points must end...

The game has a serious lack of execution for the great idea they came up, I found the animations on the NPC's jerking around all over the place, I even had horses going by in a stop motion routine while phasing through the floor textures or jumping over city benches. The issues continued when I entered the city mines and began phasing through the floor and running through a river where there was meant to be a bridge or stone flooring. Also in terms of the forging itself, I had several glitches where ingots would reappear after making nails or something or when making a sword I wasn't able to smash the hammer in the correct place no matter how exact the mouse click was which then made the heated blade unusable.

All in all, I can't recommend this game in its current state as it needs a hell of a polish and upgrade to textures so that it's actually usable and enjoyable for the player to traverse through. Also as a point that really bothered me, there was a hideous moment of voice over when you do the inn keepers quest in the city where it sounds like the actor is speaking through megaphone mixed with something grinding, very unpleasant. If the issues are fixed and the game polished I might change my mind but for now, I'd stay away...
Publicado a 10 de Março de 2022.
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366.4 hrs em registo (279.8 horas no momento da análise)
Been playing this game for a long time now and haven't reviewed it as of yet so here we go!


- This game offers a unique experience into one of the most traumatic parts of human history, with the recent updates, you can get some really interesting alternative history where America has a second civil war or even Russia going into another one. It's certainly a real treat and worth playing.

- The AI can be flexible but also challenging at the same time and also you can set the experience to how you like with the great set of options for customising the experience.

- You have a great selection of countries to choose from and each one offers a different set of battles, diplomatic chaos and fighting for resources.


- Have suffered a few crashes at times but nothing that was ever a game breaker.

- At the height of the games, sometimes you might suffer a few frame drops with so many troops on the screen at once fighting it out, though as updates have come out, these have gone down more and more.

In total, this game may have the odd moment but all in all, it offers so much to the player. A challenging and unforgiving experience where you will feel like your fighting to survive and win the war at any and all costs. You'll need to plan carefully though, even the slightest mistake can cost you badly in the long run and you'll love every moment of it.
Publicado a 30 de Setembro de 2020.
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186.5 hrs em registo (128.7 horas no momento da análise)
There's a lot to say about this game and how it operates with complete craziness for the sciences behind space travel and the ability to sacrifice your kerbals at a moments notice all makes fascinating and entertaining at the same time. My opinion is that it offers a great outlet for those who love the idea of exploring what's beyond our world and feeds the fascination for science. The game delivers it in a fun way and has amazing visuals to back it up, can't wait for number 2!


Amazing Visuals
Great Grasp of Science
A Detailed Rocket and Plane Building System
Very Realistic
Can Plat for Hours


Can be Difficult to Master
A Learning Curve for Newcomers

My own stream series for those who want to learn more about it: https://youtu.be/DePlhcfORhg
Publicado a 26 de Maio de 2020.
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133.0 hrs em registo (121.0 horas no momento da análise)
This game has a lot to offer in terms of enjoyment and good old fashioned management simulation, the developers have shown this game a lot of care since it's come out and love it to bits. The art of taking your own team to glory in the crucible of motorsport is brilliant fun.

I'll sum up the game in pros and cons but my opinion of the game is that it's well worth a play and works great in terms of gameplay. I'd recommend it to anyone who loves racing and management all in one.


Great Gameplay
Good for Management Simulation Fans
Awesome Visuals both 2D and 3D Mode
Can Keep You Entertained for Hours


Race Management can be Stressful
Would Love to Watch a Race from Drivers Perspective!

Even loved the game enough to run my own stream with it!: https://youtu.be/xPOKH1Wj5Fg
Publicado a 26 de Maio de 2020.
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86.8 hrs em registo (39.1 horas no momento da análise)
Now I'll be honest,

I don't write reviews often but this game needs it, this is by far one of the best Total Wars thus far and there are plenty of good things to say about it. The battles are fast paced, challenging and above all fun to play. The campaign is entertaining on a beautiful landscape with intrigue and drama, plus I've always loved a good sense of well made mechanics which these are. Each faction carries their own means of advancing, infamy, power gathering or whatever, it provides a lot of different play styles.

In short, this game can provide new things to the Total War veterans as well as the newcomers, a game I definitely would advise people to pick up and play. A strategy game that has earned some respect from myself. :)
Publicado a 2 de Julho de 2019.
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0.6 hrs em registo
To start with I'd like to say I received this game for free from the developers of the game and here's my take on what I thought of it upon running through it so far.

The game itself is relatively simple to look at but it elevates itself with the amount of different mechanics they put into play and they do so quickly. This to me was a good quality given it provided change and upgraded challenge at a nice scale but also keeping things interesting. I've only played through the easy mode so far but it's caught my attention and I found myself wanting to play more the further on I went. And this is from someone who normally doesn't play the puzzle genre!

And in that, this game has impressed me and there is a review/gameplay video on my Youtube channel as a result as it's worth a feature due to its ability to grasp even someone like me who doesn't normally play these types of games. I'm looking forward to seeing where the developers take this and the new challenges that'll come along.

So in closing I'd say the guys have made a nice little game here that can capture your attention and keep it there, good for the puzzle peeps out there definitely. Recommend it to anyone!

Publicado a 5 de Agosto de 2018.
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338.5 hrs em registo (32.1 horas no momento da análise)
After a few hours of playing this game and exploring the game mechanics, I found myself lost and before I knew it, those few hours had just flown by. The attention to detail in this game is rich and full of promise with throwing me back to memories of Sins of a Solar Empire with the empire construction and ship movement from system to system. Then we have the battles which give similar good times and are quite indepth if you need to defend multiple systems at a time, not lacking in tactical moves you could pull on an unsuspecting adversary.

Pros for me:

- Empire building is very well put together and I like the way a player can see just about anything they could want and change the little details for improvements
- Combat is excellent and gave me a challenge to hold off pirates, rouge aliens and other empires. Not clunky or full of complexity and simple to master once you have the basics down of how the game runs.
- The diplomacy and number of alien races you can have in one game is mind boggling but I like the idea of studying younger races than your own and uplifting them to the stars or genetically altering them to your needs.
- The size of the maps and games is immense with getting onto a 1000 star systems which I do like but multiplayer games I can see taking a long time to complete. Just how I like it. :)
- Last but not least is the ship building mechanic, this is very good and I like having the freedom to create more of what I would use in combat and exploration. Can create some nice weapon combos after you've reached a while and also a world class explorer.

Will continue to play but so far it has my vote!
Publicado a 10 de Maio de 2016.
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99.2 hrs em registo (23.8 horas no momento da análise)
First game on XCOM 2 and already had a series of 90% chance shots miss the targets. It's a nice welcome back to a brilliant series. :)
Publicado a 6 de Fevereiro de 2016.
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