Frequent victim of VACcusation
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Maru 7 hours ago 
Maru 8 hours ago 
zwa-E 8 hours ago 
Sounds cool, I'd play that! #ad
Maru 8 hours ago 
that's where you are wrong! raid: shadow legends offers 300 heroes with completely unique abilities, changing your playstyle with every team composition! download raid:shadow legends today
zwa-E 8 hours ago 
A message not heard is not a message unspoken. Unsurprising as a beginning of unprovoked superficial ad-hominem hostilities often ends up continuing throughout, as it does here. You're free to have and voice demeaning opinions, my "ego" doesn't need to "polish" (preserve?) itself and delete them. Like I have stated to others before, writing a couple minutes to put down context as well as two-sided reflections is normal courtesy and respect (luckily not "a lot of effort").

All in all, to me your words seem more descriptive of and applicable to yourself (except that you're saying a lot rather than nothing). Thus, I copy my message to your recent predecessors: "I'm seemingly the only one conversing normally, giving people their chance no matter how they present themselves initially. As you only show repetition, that chance is spent and my effort ends with a final repetition of my own: I hope you grow and start(?) or keep enjoying life."
:::Do₿ermann::: 9 hours ago 