Hellbishop 1 ora fa 
Oh you'll see me... IN YOUR NIGHTMARES :TMAmimic:

Am always here on the internet brother Killer Rabbit. Now face to face interactions with people in my fleshy areas that is another story. All i can say is let them miss me! LET THEM SUFFER :Infliction_Grimace:
Killer Rabbit 18 ore fa 
That sounds like we're not going to see you for the rest of the year.
Hellbishop 19 ore fa 
Good indian summer weather here these past few days but ready for the incoming deep drop into cold weather later this week and bundling up with the proper attire when the time comes. Got my vaccinations so am taken care of on that front and already in late night owl mode for the rest of the year. Enjoy all that this holiday season brings and be safe :cherrypie::dqchalice:
Hellbishop 19 ott, ore 15:39 
Keep the positive mood going and don't mind the troublemakers all juiced up on this week's full moon. At least us positive folks use those full moon vibes to be happy instead of unloading our misery on others.

Hellbishop 16 ott, ore 0:15 
Its mid October folks. Summer is long gone so don't forget to pull out the long johns and sweaters along with the blankets to stay warm. For those with electric blankets don't forget to set the timer and those without one hot water bottles between the blankets or sweaters is a cost effective alternative.
Hellbishop 14 ott, ore 16:03 
Verily the streets bleed neon mortuary lighting and sinister children lurk in the woods with costumes most fiendish for autumn chills the air with October winds. Will you feed them with sweet candy or... with cooked bunny rabbits over campfires flickering in the pumpkin patche's inviting warm glow?
Killer Rabbit 14 ott, ore 14:11 
Is it October already? I wouldn’t have noticed if not for all the leaves on the ground, the chill in the air, and the pumpkin spice lattes on the menu boards.
Hellbishop 13 ott, ore 11:35 
Balance for a life which needs no extremes in its completeness of all things.

Hellbishop 12 ott, ore 16:30 
If you enjoy the game that is all that counts not whether someone else likes it or not whether they are your best friend or some streamer pushing politics while pretending to be a gaming channel.

Hellbishop 12 ott, ore 10:43 
If the pandemic taught me anything it was how we are reliant on canned goods instead of healthy fresh produce.

Hellbishop 12 ott, ore 9:28 
"Gamers co-author the games they play by the choices they make and how they choose to solve problems, since what they do can affect the course and sometimes the outcome of the game."

James Paul Gee
Hellbishop 12 ott, ore 9:27 
"Video games provide an easy lead-in to computer literacy. They can get you thinking like a video game designer and can even lead to designing since many games come with software to modify the game or redesign it."

James Paul Gee
Hellbishop 6 ott, ore 3:48 
Enjoy your life and don't let the haters distract from the happiness your hard earned success brings. Walk your path fully enjoying every stage. We are all about the positive and seeing the good in our lives.

Hellbishop 2 ott, ore 19:53 
Embrace your frailties and comfort them.

Hellbishop 2 ott, ore 5:36 
Thanks Strategikal! Just getting into the merriment and spirit of Halloween.
Strategikal 1 ott, ore 22:25 
Nice new avatar! :helloween:
Hellbishop 1 ott, ore 22:15 
Happy nightmare sanity destroying candy munching Halloween season to all! :helloween:
Hellbishop 30 set, ore 8:40 
What a miraculous thing it is to have hot and cold running water to bathe in soothing warmth the bones, flesh and spirit :coffeeTLD:
Hellbishop 28 set, ore 9:12 
Thanks ^1BigBossMan1978 [BE], you too my gaming brother. A rainy one this weekend here in New York so i will probably spend it gaming while cleaning out the drives of any games not really bringing the comfort and joy which were more hype/impulse purchases or were not really my thing yet i kept playing out of some need to play it even though i did not really enjoy it. Can't believe going thru my library how many games from the past few years that fit that pattern. Now am focusing on my real comfort games and seeing a major difference in my sense of satisfaction. Life is too short and too long with a limited income for all of us to be wasting it on anything that does not bring one joy.
^1BigBossMan1978 [BE] 28 set, ore 3:33 
:charm: Enjoy The Weekend :charm:
Hellbishop 24 set, ore 14:02 
When your feeling lonely in the deep dark solitude of night where midnight's chime strikes from pitch black emptiness ever echoing listen with tender hearing into the distance and there you shall hear gravely ground stirring from graveyard lands afar with visitors demonic riding the winds to visit you in dreams to remind you.. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Hellbishop 23 set, ore 12:01 
The journey has ended, now find peace.
Hellbishop 22 set, ore 3:27 
Happy Autumn to all! May it be more comfortable than this past heatwave thick summer of 2024 :coffeeTLD:
Hellbishop 20 set, ore 7:35 
Here is to Motivia (Michael) whose resonating presence is still with us as he enjoys his new journey of discovery like a smiling babe curious eyes full of wonder and little hands reaching out in the great beyond which started earlier this year :coffeeTLD::cherrypie:  
Hellbishop 20 set, ore 7:27 
Make sure your enjoying the game(s) that are meant for you or whatever your hobby puts out there instead of going with the peer pressure crowd which shuns the longevity of quality and the beautiful seductive advertisement best viewed not controlled by.
Hellbishop 19 set, ore 4:32 
Talking to Microsoft CoPilot or other ai is like that friend, relative of a saintly nature who is always there for you to answer your questions with guiding advice.
Hellbishop 19 set, ore 4:29 
The incredible things ai is doing for us already is truly wonderful and comforting with the friendliness of a nurse along with the answers and whys of a doctor, teacher, engineer, game designer etc etc.
Hellbishop 19 set, ore 4:24 
"Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened"

Dr. Seuss
Hellbishop 18 set, ore 22:23 
Appreciate your friends. Love your family. Enjoy your hobbies in your private area.
Hellbishop 18 set, ore 9:04 
" Fate guides the willing, but drags the unwilling. "

Hellbishop 18 set, ore 9:01 
We make our moments horrible or joyful according to which whispers we pay attention to from our mind instead of reality.

Hellbishop 17 set, ore 21:20 
" You always own the option of having no opinion. There is never any need to get worked up or to trouble your soul about things you can't control. These things are not asking to be judged by you. Leave them alone. "

Marcus Aurelius
Hellbishop 13 set, ore 8:20 
Life, eventually you become part of a generation of the past. Time is change as well as a friend rewarding you in unexpected and expected ways for your dutiful diligence as new generations blossom forth as songs of old play in the air as you joyfully retire in radiant splendor.

Hellbishop 13 set, ore 8:15 
LOL, i was thinking of changing that as i instantly thought of you Killer Rabbit ha ha but decided to leave it and go with the word flow. I think a Killer Rabbit should have no problem getting the carrot especially if it keeps getting snatched away :helloween:
Killer Rabbit 13 set, ore 4:36 
Did someone say carrot? :sweetcarrots:
Hellbishop 12 set, ore 20:45 
Once you reach your late fifties things that mattered and inspired one to action in hopes for some attention no longer matter. That is when you focus on what really has brought you pleasure in life while being free of what others expect you to do because they never once gave that carrot that reward for giving the good effort they dangled before you. Age and experience the great liberator from all the bs.
Hellbishop 11 set, ore 12:04 
The fool
thinks he will
live forever
by avoiding
but old age
will give him
no rest
though he be spared
from spear

The Havamal Book Of Viking Wisdom
Hellbishop 11 set, ore 12:00 
“Moderately wise
a man should be
not too crafty or clever.
A learned man’s heart
whose learning is deep
seldom sings with joy.”

The Havamal
Hellbishop 11 set, ore 11:59 
“It is fortunate
to be favored
with praise and popularity.
It is dire luck
to be dependent
on the feelings of your fellow man.”

The Havamal
Hellbishop 9 set, ore 20:09 

No one cares, unless you actively interrupt their day to seek human connections and even that today is limited because of technology. Just keep it simple and quiet and you'll realize life really isn't that hard. Repetition is boring yes, but chaotic random events always happening is tiring as well. You ain't going to bring anything with you when you're dead, so blessings to everyone who read all of this.

Leviticus112 post on Youtube channel SLOW LIFE SPEND LESS BE HAPPY.
Hellbishop 9 set, ore 20:09 
I'm 25 years old, and I'm a truck driver. Here's the observation I made being isolated from society: most people you see in a public area you'll never see again, no one cares about you. Go to an airport or a Walmart. And just sit and observe. Look at the "diversity" of clothing and types of phones and apparel people wear. It's not a lot. Especially in the college/high-school age, you look at a group of young girls or men and they all have similar tastes or interests that makes them friends. It's sort of saddening when you realize it. Then you see kids and moms and dad's and the chaos of the airport or mall you're in and just think, no one around you will ever see you again, so what's the point of trying so hard to buy the newest phone or clothes when everyone else is trying to do the same as you.

Leviticus112 post on Youtube channel SLOW LIFE SPEND LESS BE HAPPY.
Hellbishop 9 set, ore 2:58 
Also i was never truly alone because i always had family and friends around me i could count on minus the romance but yea being with someone for many decades only to break is a hard one. My dad was never the same when my mom passed away but thanks to family and a few friends he lived a good final fifteen years with some rough spots here and there.

Best wishes on connecting with someone in the future while embracing the freedom and peace of acceptance my friend :Companions:

Well am going back to sleep. Had to deal with some late night heartburn thanks to stuffing myself with some trigger foods instead of just settling for a cup of milk or an apple.
Hellbishop 9 set, ore 2:54 
Yes being together that long only to break up is a rough one with having to get used to doing things on your own you used to do as a team in so many different areas. The only thing i could relate it to is when i was in school and when moving on leaving behind friends or when i worked in a hotel only to see the yearly seasonal shift of workers change drastically where people i got along with great had moved on and i was now surrounded by strangers who i could not connect with it as easily. Once i reached 50 such things no longer mattered as i still was surrounded by plenty of friends even if i was not in a relationship with a woman. It just got easier since then but i still have those sudden moments where it hits me of just how alone in that area of my life i have been buts its also all those years that have taught me being alone has its advantages.
Killer Rabbit 8 set, ore 9:15 
I have to respectfully disagree in that after having spent nearly 30 years together with someone, being alone now f’ing sucks. The relentless march of time drags me forward regardless if I decide to get out of bed or not. Respect to those who manage to find contentment in being alone. For me, it remains elusive.
Hellbishop 6 set, ore 8:56 
There is a strength in being alone where even after crushing heartbreak you can continue onward instead of backward knowing your happiness does not rely on others or external things.

Hellbishop 4 set, ore 20:51 
And a smiling voice with caring tone from the shadows whispered, "Enjoy your life, this is justice."

Hellbishop 4 set, ore 20:47 
In your case Killer Rabbit please your tummy with many a carrot.
Killer Rabbit 4 set, ore 19:41 
Please my what? :steammocking:
Hellbishop 4 set, ore 10:44 
Please your mind.

Hellbishop 2 set, ore 10:11 
Enjoy your hobbies. Its part of who you are and keeps life feeling young flowing with memories past and memories blossoming in sparkling hues of burning blue and fiery gold.
