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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 4.1 hrs on record
Posted: 21 Apr, 2024 @ 6:48am

Playing with a controller. I enjoyed WRC9 very much. It felt fair I had a fun time. I figured I'll try Generations as I wanted some Legacy fun. Well, the only thing I regret about this is that I didn't buy it through steam so I can't refund it. Luckily I got it on a discount but this is not even worth that.
Even if you get used to the controls (where the braking distance is 2-3x that of the one in wrc9) the game is just unrealistic and unfair. Be prepared to go bankrupt if you are new to this game in your career, as even if you don't make a mistake. The CPU just aces every stage even on medium. So if you want to win you have to run without a mistake and pedal to the metalbaby, even the slightest slowness will drop you to the last place.
But you will make a mistake. Bc the stage has invisible bumpers and black ice. No matter the speed there are spots where you WILL slide out of control and spots that WILL flip your car in the most unrealistic of ways. (Think Skyrim)
Physic took a step back in this. Controllability took a step back. And I can't believe it but the graphics also took a step back. Oh and the Career tutorial also became a joke compared to WRC9.

Avoid this one.
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