Gabe   Arlington, Massachusetts, United States
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OrangeUnit 2 Aug, 2013 @ 5:59pm 
Yes - litterally the game is just up. I'll get some screen shots. :Diplomat: stop yelling at me. I'm still working on this damn accounting paper.
I hope I have not steered you wrong with Tomb Raider (i haven't). Also - it's one of the rare examples of a great female vg lead.
slimbuttons 2 Aug, 2013 @ 5:57pm 
oh btw, i appreciated your input andi changed my mind: i'm going with tomb raider 1st actually. b/c of your comments. you said it was also fun to play but had a slightly better story, and i'm up to drive through a story (that is fun to play). plus i read this interview with one of the dishonored designers in which he talked about how invested he was in emergent action rather than embedded story -- playing the systems of the world rather than playing a narrative line -- and i like and admire that but right now am looking for an embedded narrative to hitch myself to. badaboom!
slimbuttons 2 Aug, 2013 @ 5:55pm 
okay let's do it. what does that mean? if you mean literally just the game is up and you're not in front of it/playing it, i get it. otherwise elaborate, i'm interested per prior discussion.

also do you not have screen shots? your not having screen shots is impairing my ability to comment on your screen shots. get some screen shots.
OrangeUnit 2 Aug, 2013 @ 4:26pm 
Steam hours are garbage ... if only they counted when the game was "in focus"
slimbuttons 2 Aug, 2013 @ 1:51am 
61.0 hours in the last 2 weeks = a lot of good thinking. i have mixed feelings about having my hours publicized like that, on both sides of the scale. BAM. COMMENTED.