Just an aging vet gamer from Canada who's fingers, wont allow him to play mmo's/fps or any game requiring the macro/claw hand on a keyboard anymore for more then a few minutes, if that, before the pain kicks in, but can still give any young whippersnapper a run for their money on indy game leaderboards using a controller.

Also, during my WoW/MMO days, i went by the name - Kanim (dwarf paladin argent dawn), Kanim (orc shaman maelstrom and was apart of the pvp A team back in vanilla WoW before the days of cross realm bgs) and lastly was for a time, the heal class lead for kharris, leader of aspect of unity/disunity on proudmoore and on other mmo's (who was also the creator of the mod hypatia for the mmo rift), who i liked to call "kharkhar". If you know who referred to kharris as "kharkhar", then you know who i am/what name i went by back then.

If you are an old guildy (or perhaps even an old nemesis from the opposing side back in vanilla WoW) and wish to add me to your f-list, change your name to your old WoW name/something only i would know before you send the friend request so i know who you are, other wise, chances are i wont add you, since im not one to accept random friend requests from those i dont know/have not gamed in the past with.
Currently In-Game
Horizon's Gate
Favorite Guide
Created by - Zols
1 ratings
A rough guide that should enable you to rebind the buttons on any controller you use using steams built in controller reconfigurator for almost any game on steam.
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24 hrs on record
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8.8 hrs on record
last played on 5 Mar
6.6 hrs on record
last played on 28 Feb