No information given.
some notes
WinOS 10 release - the date when WinOS died for me. RIP WinOS

15.03.2019 -the date when game launchers died for me. RIP Steam, Epic, Origin and other crap


DungeonSiege is the epic RPG :happyheart:
Diablo 2 is a solid follow-up

----------- FIXES -----------

edit steam proton regedit

env WINEPREFIX=/home/yurii/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/39190/pfx "/home/yurii/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 7.0/dist/bin/wine" regedit

required to enable LoA expansion

set custom resolution here
/home/yurii/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/compatdata/39190/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/Dungeon Siege LOA/DungeonSiege.ini

With many custom mods Steam will rebuild shaders and try to update the game.
To prevent it from updating set READ-ONLY flag for this file Steam\steamapps\appmanifest_489830.acf
p.s. it looks like this does not work

---Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition
- Game crashed Thread "EoCApp" (694515712) Signal:11
- - save source https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=125302 as 'divos-hack.c'
- - compile : gcc -s -O2 -shared -fPIC -o divos-hack.{so,c} -ldl
- - copy 'divos-hack.so' to game folder ...steamapps/common/Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition/
- - set launch option : allow_glsl_extension_directive_midshader=true LD_PRELOAD="divos-hack.so:$LD_PRELOAD" %command%

--- Fallout 4 (NukaWorld):
- kiddieKingdom bug when elevator is not functioning to get to last stage with Oswald
- - type in console: coc KiddieKingdomExt09
- force NPC to get out from power armor
- - type in console: CallFunction "Actor.SwitchToPowerArmor" None
- force npc to enter power armor
- - type in console: CallFunction "Actor.SwitchToPowerArmor" <powerarmorframeid>

--- SimCity 4
- requires Proton 7.0.x
- game crashes
- - create shortcut with parameters
PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 -CPUPriority:high -CPUcount:2 -intro:off -CustomResolution:enabled -r1600x900x32 -w
- - maybe also help this launch option
-intro:off -CustomResolution:enabled -r1280x720x32 -f
- NAM was updated : http://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/26793-network-addon-mod-for-windows-installer/

--- Mount & Blade
- cattle follow fix
- - change in menus.txt file last '11' to '4' or '10'
nano ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/MountBlade Warband/Modules/Native/menus.txt
Drive_the_cattle_onward. 4 501 3 144115188075856273 7 1 1640 2 144115188075856273 11

--- Disciples II Galleans Return: lags
- skip DirectPlay feature!
- - run ConfigEditor.exe and select windowed

- no sound
- - fix as written here https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/177

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Yurii 24 Jan @ 3:27pm 
@Minaros-win In general I remove comments on my profile, but to get message from you was like Gabe had written himself to me. Thanks :lunar2019piginablanket:
Minaros-win 18 Jan @ 8:34pm 
Dungeon Siege lover :armellocrown: