Tony Miskolci   Denver, Colorado, United States
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I felt hollow playing this game. Everything I heard that got me excited to be part of the Dragon Age Universe again just kept getting bogged down by how I felt like I was watching someone else answer the prompts my character was given.

Rook didn't feel like who I wanted her to be. Rook felt like I was trapped behind what is seen as the stereotypical "Hero of the Story." Milk Toast, no matter who I was originally.

Tevinter? My culture didn't color who I was -- instead I fight the power that's evil because "it's the right thing to do." No nuance in this story; no conflict with myself or with those of my culture. Even my choices felt fake when no matter what I chose people rallied behind me because "we can do it guys!"

I hate this story. I love the overarching plotlines and its foreshadowing. I hate Veilguard because I'm not able to play who I want to be in this Action Adventure game. It's not roleplay -- it's a pregen OC with different skin colors and genders that's basically the same thing no matter what I want to do with it.
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60 hrs on record
last played on 26 Nov
247 hrs on record
last played on 26 Nov
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last played on 24 Nov