Tony   Oregon, United States
Creative eccentric jack of trades. Pro software dev, mostly in the web world.
Those capable of genius, doubt it. Those without doubt, are without thought.
已遊玩 459 小時
I don't have enough words to describe all the ways in which this game is awesome. Not dude-bro "awesome," but awesome in the real meaning of the word. This is not only a tremendously fun and engaging game, but it's also a wonderful example of environmental storytelling. With mountains of examples of the "rule of fun," in a huge world to be explored, it's hard to ever feel bored.

There is a bit of grind, collecting resources to tier-up your gear. However, that grind is also the main motivating mechanic. Go on an epic adventure across the sea and into the mountains, fighting werewolves and dragons on your way to gather the silver you need for Thor's hammer. That's not hyperbole, but one of many adventures you'll create for yourself on your way to conquer the world.

Really, there's just something about this game that hits the sweet spot between open-world, survival, crafting, action, adventure... and it manages that balance by inviting the player to push themselves toward the next goal they've set for themselves.

Valheim has quickly become my all-time favorite game.
已遊玩 316 小時
F'kn BEAUTIFUL game. Everything I ever hoped for back when I was playing tabletop shadowrun. This game has ALL THE THINGS! Absolutely best game in the last 10 years.

Bugs on release? Yes, but I've only encountered minor graphics bugs. Nothing irritating or game-breaking, just immersion breaking. Clipping. Plants render on top of everything when they're loading. Sometimes stuff doesn't render at all. Sometimes model movement is weird. Those are all the worst bugs I've seen. The missions and stories have all worked so far, without a hitch.

A few graphics bugs are a small price to pay for the MOST FUN AND AWESOME GAME I'VE played in a decade. People have gotten too used to whining, and getting offended by everything, and getting praise and validation for it. Don't listen the whiners. If you can look past the visual glitches, you'll love this game end to end.
Star Citizen
Star Store Citizen
Space Sim: Dogfighting, Trading, Upgrading, Multi-Crew Ships, Piracy, and more
FPS: Ship Boarding, zeroG combat, weaponized jeeps, tanks, attack from a moving ship, and more.
Open World: Build a corp, start a pirate band out of an asteroid base, run a stealth specOps merc crew, go anywhere and do anything.
Realistic: Everything, from models to flight mechanics and damage, to recoil, are as true to life as possible.

- Experiment in whale milking? certainly.
- YEARS late? Yep, but with good reason. (many good reasons)
- Will never release? A year ago, I'd have said, "probably true." Now, release is certain.
- Just don't believe it will... (be good, live up to hype, be fun, not fail)? Now it's 2020 2023 (!? wtf man), take another look, you'll change your mind fast. 2025 , and still a couple years out. I'm loosing confidence.

Seriously... maybe it won't ever be released... unless they can start finishing things instead of constantly moving onto adding new features instead of finishing the features already added.

My Profile: WyrdNexus [robertsspaceindustries.com]