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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 15.2 hrs on record (14.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 20 Jan, 2019 @ 10:02pm

Early Access Review
A proposta do jogo é boa. Porem na data de hoje esta inviavel de jogar. Neste ultimo dia que passei jogando esse jogo, tive que reiniciar o jogo umas 5 vezes por causa de bug, nessas ultimas 24 horas de jogo. Perdendo muitas horas de jogo que não ficou salvo. Sem falar nas vezes que o jogo sozinho por bug, fazia os dias ficar passando sem parar, pulando do dia 2 para o dia 1000, dando erro nas missões devido a extrapolação do tempo, e acabando o jogo do nada.
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Developer response:
Nexonium  [developer] Posted: 13 Feb, 2019 @ 8:50am
Hello, and thank you for the review!

Sorry to hear that you encountered errors and issues during your play time with The Wild Eight. We apologize if this problem had a negative impact on your gameplay experience. We are currently working on solving bugs and issues most often ecnountered by players during gameplay. Also, the issue that you mentioned in this review was already fixed in the latest update. We hope you enjoy the game, and implore you to understand that Early Access games may include some errors and issues, since the game is still in development.
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