Void Smasher
Wasteland wiki editor [wasteland.fandom.com]
Void Smasher 10 Feb @ 3:18am 
However, it might needed to expaling what means "works". The mod doesn't allow you to instantly promote rookies. A rookie soldier must complete at least one mission to get a promotion, and the mod just gives you the option to manually select a class on that promotion. Do not click on the “Level Up” button on the screen where your soldiers are standing after completing the mission or the same button in the armory. The button you need is at the top of the menu on the soldier screen in the armory. This button only appears for rookies who are about to level up. So if you're playing LWOTS, you may only need this mod at the beginning of the game, as later you can train rookies for certain classes at Guerrilla Tactics School, and rookies are practically useless on missons.
Void Smasher 10 Feb @ 3:18am 
Hey, their responses are on the third page of comments (currently). Nocturno said:

I've found that adding the line RequiresXPACK=true at the end of the CommandersChoice.XComMod file seems to work for me too. In my case, that file is in the following path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\688405905

And that's pretty much what I did. I first tested it using the launcher built into the game, and now using AML. Works for both ways to launch the game.
Execute Order 66 9 Feb @ 12:40pm 
Hey, i come from XCom2, Commanders choice comment section. You wrote that someone posted how to fix the probem. Where could i see that post? Because it doesnt work with me. I also tried the RequiresXPACK=true on the end of the file but it doesnt change anything. Thanks for your help.
Void Smasher 24 May, 2023 @ 2:35pm 
Hi, unfortunately, I know a little about this. Most of the known information is on the wiki. Tagaziel was the one who found the dat about FADERs. You can ask him right on the wiki on his Talk page. Here is the link to his Talk page https://wasteland.fandom.com/wiki/User_talk:Tagaziel
TixotDeWitt 23 May, 2023 @ 7:52am 
Hi, I come from the Wasteland Wiki. Can I ask a couple of questions about the information about the FADERs organisation that has been cut out?