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madgamer2 28 Aug, 2023 @ 8:07pm 
Its 10 PM here in Iowa and I spent the whole day playing SOI and even after 1500+ hrs You would think I could get the drift of what the game is about but I still have to depend on the auto build to get anywhere. L-O-L:cozyroe2: but I have fun and it helps me recover from some serious brain damage plus I am 82.
It must be hard for you what with what is going on in Russia. Your welcome to watch me play(?) SOI if you want a laugh. Take care and thanks for all the help you have offered.:cozyroe2:
madgamer2 23 Jul, 2020 @ 4:59pm 
could you read a post I placed in the disscusion page called "A game breaking bug????" I have noidea what the cause is but it is a potential game breaker.
XYZEXPIRED 21 Jul, 2020 @ 10:27pm 
I live in the city but there are only one big ISP that have high speed, the other is DSL and you may as well kiss your speed goodbye.The only problems is they do charge high price for everything, where as unlimited meaning paying high premium compare to lower 48. The only one I see offer competitive price is outside the city and they charge decently, they let you pick the speed and the bandwidth unlike my ISP which offer specific plan only. If only those greedy bastard would listen to the customer.
madgamer2 21 Jul, 2020 @ 4:46pm 
I am really frustrated because here in the states every city can take bids on what the different internet providers are willing to pay. I live in a mobile home court so I have a choice of a large provider that has all the good stuff but also I high price and the service sucks. My provider is a small coop run company but it has a fast internet but because I live in a trailer court it could only have high speed net if there were enough people who wanted it.
madgamer2 20 Jun, 2020 @ 6:45am 
I will put up a couple of shots latter today. Its just if I ask the computer it wants to send our 85K of troops. I think that is because if I just try to attack one place it lets him concentrate.
XYZEXPIRED 19 Jun, 2020 @ 8:30pm 
I didn't really finish RTK 11 as I wasn't a fan of the maps but I love the maps of RTK 14 but they are still limited and not big.
I finish RTK 12 eventhough people said it suck, I finish it because I was able to play it for free .
RTK 13, good for RPG, bad for battle, I finish it because I steam roll them as an governor, not much as a ruler.
RTK 14, lots of fun, limited on a lots of stuff like building and development but you can win as a small guy is fun. Backdoor are possible, unlike RTK 13. The road to Zhongyuan (plain land) are open on many way.
If you stuck on NA: Sol, take a screenshot or send the save as I can't really see your play to give you strategy :).