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Tercatat 3.7 jam
This has to be a no for me, sadly. The idea is cute, but it has terrible anti-motion sickness and was dead on arrival. I used to be a professional FPS shooter, I'm used to twitch FPS/TPS, but in this game even max FoV is not enough, I got knocked out during my 3rd game, 2 of which were alone against bots.

The UI is kind of silly and seems to be designed for mobile rather than PC, there's no aesthetic cohesion to be found anywhere, some of the maps are cool but it seems like they weren't exactly sure where to go with this, and it shows. Technically it's ok, I guess, but the novelty wears off, the motion sickness stays.
Diposting pada 19 Oktober 2019. Terakhir diedit pada 19 Oktober 2019.
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Tercatat 29.9 jam

Ne ho parlato di più nel mio video, ma tagliando corto è un fantastico Igavania. Dallo stile grafico, al combattimento, al sistema di crafting e cucina, alla soundtrack, se siete fan di Castlevania: Symphony of the Night fatevi un favore e compratelo, è un gioco stupendo.
Diposting pada 30 Juni 2019.
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Tercatat 16.4 jam (Telah dimainkan 16.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
“The best programmer videogame nobody asked for…”
— A wise programmer man
Diposting pada 24 Desember 2018.
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Tercatat 699.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 284.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
While MH:W has been outshined at release date due to other great games (Yakuza 0 and Two Point Hospital specifically), through events and content feed I've kept coming back playing progressively more time. By this point I've played hundreds of hours, and although it feels a bit stale at times (in no small part due to the obnoxious RNG levels), I've had a lot of fun additional with the help of mods.

Although MH:W is at its debut on PC, it feels like it should have always been here. The game runs great, the aestethics are amazing, the soundtrack is phenomenal, the modders are a godsend. World is by far the best Monster Hunter I've ever played, and I highly suggest you give it a try.
Diposting pada 21 November 2018.
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Tercatat 82.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 13.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
This one's simple: do you like Theme Hospital? Buy this game.
Diposting pada 30 Agustus 2018.
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Tercatat 8.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 8.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I can't stress enough how much I love this game…

It has about ~6 hours of content, 3 game modes, and a lot of interesting puzzles. The game plays out in batches of 60 seconds per run (40 in NG+ Second Run mode), where you need to achieve as much as you can before dying when out of time. The first New Game + mode increases the difficulty by locking the player to 1 heart only and reducing the counter by 20 seconds (and adjusting some parts of the map to make it feasible in 40 seconds, while severely increasing the difficulty in others), while the second New Game + mode adds a very relaxed mode with no timer.

I love the artstyle, I love the soundtrack, I love the gameplay à la Half Minute Hero, and I absolutely love this game whole. If you really want to push yourself you can go on and try speedrunning the entire game in 3:30 minutes as well. Fun for everyone :)
Diposting pada 19 April 2018. Terakhir diedit pada 19 April 2018.
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Tercatat 7.0 jam
È semplicemente divertentissimo… oltre al gioco in se, il fatto che lo sviluppatore abbia inserito easter eggs dopo che i giocatori pensavano di aver trovato indizi che non esistevano, rende tutto ancora più esilarante.

Vi consiglio anche il video :°D

Diposting pada 9 Februari 2018.
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Tercatat 63.7 jam
I'm mixed about this game. It certainly is a pretty good game in the Saints Row franchise, the classic humor we came to expect from Volition's game is all there intact, but the game has a few issues:

  • The busywork and grind outlives the content. Again. While it's not as bad as Gat Out of Hell, there are a few things that bothered the hell out of me (namely Connected Contracts achievement being one). If you're the completionist/collectionist sort like myself, make sure to start completing connected contracts as soon as possible, and hunt down every single last shard you can. Unlike previous games there's no minimap, collectibles don't appear on the global map unless you have an Agency upgrade, and only then they appeared on the global map only if you're in a 150 meters radius, which means TAB + Click + Click, see if there's anything, escape, escape, move, repeat.
  • The gunplay is rather anemic. It's sad to say, but they really went the old school "easy" hard mode… the enemies don't get tougher, they just gain an insane amount of HP. At max level enemies can have as much as 20k shields, 35k armor and 30k health… while you shoot bullets dealing 350 damage each. It takes forever and then some. Considering the difficulty is directly tied to the money but more importantly to the XP received, if you want to level up all the different characters prepare to suffer. Ah, in all of this I forgot to say that enemies actually hit your face for 6.000+ damage per shot instead. *Le sigh*
  • There are many playable characters, but not enough XP to go around. I've played on the hardest difficulty possible getting the most XP that I could, doing all activities I could reach, and by the end of the game I didn't even complete leveling up all the characters. I really wanted to level up all of them and then get back with a few team combinations which I thought I'd like, but by the time I did that the game was over, and I already replayed several missions. Pity.

That being said, I still think this game is awesome. Yes, there can be a few grindy parts if you're the obsessive type, but even then I had a lot of fun for almost the entire time I played this game. If we take away the last 2-3 days I played just to clean up the connected contracts achievement, I've had MASSIVE amounts of fun:

  • The characters are awesome! Each with their unique abilities and personalities, banters, storylines and motives, I really loved all the various interactions over the COMMs or while in the same party. It's really a lively and fun place.
  • The story is quite on the insane side. It's a common by now, with all that's happened in the Saints Row universe, but I never felt the story coming short. There are quite a few interesting levels and designs I fell in love with.
  • It's just plain fun.

Some people lament that the dungeons you go through (Legion Lairs) share the same aesthetics all throughout the game. That's certainly true, most of the lairs are randomly generated and all share the very same building blocks, but I personally didn't find it boring or frustrating in any way, just the same way I don't think Dragon Age II was a bad game because of reused assets.

So, to sum it up:

  1. The game is great
  2. Ignore the achievements
  3. ?
  4. Profit.
Diposting pada 4 Februari 2018. Terakhir diedit pada 4 Februari 2018.
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Tercatat 9.2 jam
This is more of a meh than a thumb up, but this will have to do.

The story is decent, the game is more or less well executed. There are several annoyances and bugs that can piss you off severely, but nothing game breaking. Although it sports 4-5 endings, there's not much in terms of replayability, and the only replayability you'll find is you going back trying to unlock different stuff, although very little changes in terms of narrative.

On the technical side, the PC port kind of sucks in several aspects: tabbing doesn't move you through different textboxes, backspacing erases entire words, the sound is MIND NUMBINGLY HIGH and there is no volume slider anywhere to be found (I literally played at 1/100 volume with my headphones, and it almost did my head in), occasional bugs with event music not stopping (yay, the screeches and white noises!) or completely freezing (yay, the kill & restarts!).

With that being said the first playthrough is quite enjoyable, and the game is rather cheap, so I couldn't not recommend it. Although I'd still bash the damned phone screen on every voice dialogue or unskippable video (me having to trial and error 7-8 entire playthroughs didn't help, probably). Hopefully it will get fixed in the future or in eventual future iterations of the game.
Diposting pada 10 Januari 2018. Terakhir diedit pada 10 Januari 2018.
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Tercatat 10.7 jam
While the game takes about 10 hours to 100% at a leisure pace, I still managed to find more entertainment than I anticipated. Bought the game on a whim, based solelt on the game aesthetics and on a bit of gameplay I watched somewhere, it hooked me immediately when I started playing.

The unusual game mechanic take a little bit to get used to, but after a few minutes of gameplay you'll get comfortable enough. The fact you're both having infinite time to think about the problems while at the same time you're constantly running out of it, is also brilliant in its execution.

Great gameplay, great writing (with a couple mistakes here and there in the Brochure), and good fun all around. The multiple endings were absolutely most unexpected, and I love this game for it, on top of the love I already had while playing it.
Diposting pada 8 Januari 2018.
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