6 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 11.9 hrs on record
Posted: 24 Jan @ 2:02pm

Makes some nice QOL improvements but strips pretty much ALL difficulty from the game. The original is well known for being brutally difficult and it should have stayed that way. I quite literally did not die or fail to reach a deadline a single time throughout my playthrough. I could maybe understand if they removed SOME of the difficulty, but instead the game has devolved into baby mode. The new voicelines suck, the devs made some questionable censorship decisions, and the atmosphere is ruined with the new lighting.

Unless you want to a play a mind-numbingly easy game, please don't buy this. The original is still available for a cheaper price on steam.

This is the reason I torrent most new singleplayer games now.
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