Tampa, Florida, United States
It is not enough that I should succeed - others must fail
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Sniper Guild
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USA_FROGS 4 JUL 2020 a las 7:01 p. m. 
↓ Please click on the profile below this comment to see an angry player that I was slam dunking repeatedly ↓
3Pink1Brown 4 JUL 2020 a las 6:49 p. m. 
thats all??? one gay snide remark right before leaving after getting raped???? sucks that youre seething on the 4th of july but i guess thats what being ugly gets u ... cant relate! sad!!
Imperator 4 JUN 2020 a las 12:22 p. m. 
svs mge me money match anytime
USA_FROGS 4 JUN 2020 a las 6:50 a. m. 
↓ Please click on the profile below this comment to see an angry player who I outsniped like 10 times in a row in a pub ↓
arb1ter 3 JUN 2020 a las 8:00 p. m. 
You're good but you might get even better if you don't let your ego take over you when you lose more fights than you win them.
meow 16 DIC 2018 a las 7:16 p. m. 
the legend himself